Rough skin on the heels: causes and care

Rough skin on the heels: causes and care
Rough skin on the heels: causes and care

Read about the causes of hardened heels and how to properly care for them throughout your life. Folk recipes for making foot baths and masks. For some reason, we take care of the skin on the face, neck and hands all year round, but forget about the heels. And only with the arrival of spring, or rather summer, when it's time to put on sandals, we begin to notice problems with the skin on the heels. And then we begin to rush and think to do this, to put it in order as soon as possible. But everything does not happen quickly, you need to do a lot of different procedures and patience in order to achieve an amazing result. And it is best to know in advance that you need to take care of your heels all year round, as well as your face with hands.

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Causes of hardened skin on the heels

External factors

In fact, I think the external reason is already known to everyone. The thing is that most of the year (autumn - winter - spring) you walk in uncomfortable shoes (this does not mean cheap), just the constant presence of the skin of the feet in a confined space suppresses the appearance of skin coarsening, it sweats, then dries up, gets tired and she also needs rest and regular care. In this regard, calluses, corns and microcracks appear, which in turn aggravates the position of the skin of the heels, and indeed of the entire foot. Simply put, a careless attitude towards them leads to sad consequences, which in the future will not allow to make the skin smooth and soft without damage in a very short period of time. It should be given up to 2 months to put yourself in order, depending on the neglect of the legs.

Internal factors

The internal reasons for the coarsening of the tissue of the heels and other "unhealthy" manifestations can serve as a disturbed internal microflora in the human body. It can also be associated with various kinds of diseases (inflamed thyroid gland, lack of vitamins and minerals, diabetes mellitus, etc.). If you feel unwell, weakness, mental disorders, a general frequent rash on the skin with acne, then in this case, you should first consult a doctor, fully investigate and treat existing diseases, and only then proceed to cosmetological methods of treating coarse heels. Otherwise, you will not see success as your ears.

How to treat rough heels at home

If there are no health problems, and you are sure that you need to treat the hardened cover on the heels with cosmetics, then be patient, because you want to have velvet skin on your feet.

Below are the methods of cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the feet, as well as a set of measures for continuous care. All procedures should be done systematically and regularly without long cosmetic interruptions.

Foot baths

Foot baths, rough skin
Foot baths, rough skin

To prepare the bath, dissolve 1 tbsp in a basin in relatively hot water. soda. Lower your legs there and hold for 15-20 minutes. During the procedure, the feet and heels of the feet should be massaged with your hands. This foot bath can be done daily or every two days and only in the evening before bed. The treatment will help soften rough tissue and hardened cells in the heels.

Two times a week, you need to do not only a steaming bath with soda, but also a soothing and antifungal mixture of medicinal herbs. To do this, put two tablespoons of St. John's wort and medicinal chamomile in a bowl of hot water. As soon as the herbs are infused and the water cools down a little, put your feet there and also keep it for no more than 20 minutes.

How to clean hardened heels

Everything is very simple here. After you have steamed your feet in a hot bath according to the recipe above, you should proceed to exfoliate rough skin and dead cells using ordinary pumice stone or special cosmetic scrubs for the feet. As a rule, it makes no sense to spend a lot of money on "fabulous" scrubs, because pumice has been used for more than one century and it gives the required amazing result in exfoliating dead tissue.

Coarse heels should be cleaned for 4-5 minutes, after which they should be well rinsed with steamed broth or lukewarm water.

Nutrition and hydration

Nourishment and hydration for feet, rough skin
Nourishment and hydration for feet, rough skin

10 days after completing the above procedures, you should start moisturizing the skin of the legs. Since after several procedures with a scrub, the old skin will disappear, and a young pink cover will appear in its place, which will need to be nourished and moisturized in order to prevent drying out and coarseness again.

From folk remedies for heels, olive oil is perfect (you can not use the first pressing). It must be slightly warmed up and after a regular bath, rub into the feet for 3-4 minutes. You can also always use a custom-made foot cream or other facial moisturizer. For best results, alternate between what is available.

The following recipe for moisturizing can be made no more than 8 times within a month, this will be enough. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp. olive oil. Massage the mixture onto your feet and leave overnight.

Regular care of the skin of the heels

After you achieve the ideal condition of the feet (this will take from 1 to 2 months), now you should engage in regular care of them so as not to start the appearance of rough skin again. All further procedures will include additional nutrition and hydration of the skin.

Before bed, practice applying moisturizer and nutrients once or twice a week to your feet. Serve as nutritious purchased foot masks, and prepared by yourself at home.

Option for a nourishing foot mask. Mix: 2 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp. olive oil and two egg yolks. Apply the resulting mask to the legs (feet) and then rewind well with an ordinary medical bandage. So hold for 30 minutes, then wash off your feet in lukewarm water.

Let the hardened skin on the heels no longer bother you!