Learn how to dress properly in spring so you don't catch a cold while jogging outside or doing other physical activity. If a person manages to gain vigor from jogging, then he does not stop practicing this sport in the cold season. The only exception here can be only severe frosts, and in such a situation, the next lesson should be postponed. Jogging in the fall-winter period can be just as enjoyable and is often more beneficial than summer training.
The only drawbacks of winter jogging can be considered the difficulty of movement and the increased risk of injury. If the athlete is properly equipped, then he will not experience the cold and will not get sick. If we talk about clothes for running in the spring, then special attention should be paid to this issue only at the beginning of this season. Late spring, like early autumn, do not have any special requirements for a runner's outfit. However, novice athletes are still often afraid of the possibility of getting sick and switch to treadmills.
We assure you that such a decision is taken in vain and in the spring you have an excellent opportunity to improve your running technique and get a lot of pleasure and benefit from doing sports in the fresh air. If you are afraid of running in the spring, then try to do your workout outdoors at a time when the sun is shining outside the window. Go out to the nearest park and go for a run. We guarantee that you will want to repeat it.
How to run correctly in the spring?

In early spring, there is still a lot of mud on the street, because the snow has just melted, and the earth has not had time to dry out. However, it is still possible to find a place to run, for this you only need a desire. Parks often have paved paths that are great for training. As a last resort, you can also run along the main street. However, it is better to do this either early in the morning or in the evening, when the flow of cars is weakening.
We recommend that you look for a route in advance so as not to be distracted from the training process. The running technique in spring does not differ from the summer one, although one nuance still has a place to be. We do not recommend running with only the forefoot. This is due to the fact that the road may still be slippery and the risk of losing balance is quite high. If you use rolling from heel to toe, then you will feel more confident even on slippery trails.
Also, do not try to jump over puddles, but rather run around them. It is possible that there is still ice on the puddles in early spring and you may slip or end up in the water without calculating the strength of the jump. When choosing a jogging route, try to find the driest trail.
When you decide to run in early spring, you should be asking yourself if you can train in the dark. Most often, the morning and evening is still not light enough. Therefore, it is necessary to find a place that is sufficiently well lit. If the park closest to your home does not meet this criterion, then train on the sidewalk. In this case, the duration of the lesson should not exceed 60 minutes. Note that people often argue that it is not possible to run in the rain. However, if you purchase special equipment, then you will not get wet. In addition, high-quality running shoes are able to provide excellent grip on the road surface, so the risks of falling are quite small.
I would also like to say a few words about the contraindications for jogging in the spring. It is quite obvious that if you have a cold, then you should not exercise. It is also not recommended to run in early spring and people suffering from various diseases of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. Experienced runners are not deterred by this, however, and simply warm up their joints with extra running clothes in the spring.
If you decide to start jogging in the spring, it is very important to monitor your heart rate. In early spring, you will have a lot of clothes on, which can hinder movement somewhat. This will result in a slightly higher heart rate compared to a summer run.
What is the best running clothing for spring?

The choice of clothing for running in the spring, as well as any other season, is very relevant. Let's take a closer look at this issue.
Running shoes

The optimal running shoe is sneakers with shock absorbers. In this case, the shoes should be lightweight and elastic. We do not recommend purchasing sneakers made of natural or artificial leather. This is due to the fact that these materials are very poorly permeable to air. We also advise you to pay attention to the sole, where special inserts should be located. Longer running shoes.
It is also good if there are rigid elements on the heel of the shoe that help protect the foot from stress. Another important requirement for running shoes is softness. Today, leading sportswear manufacturers use special materials that are highly breathable and also protect feet from moisture. The latter is especially true in relation to clothing for running in the spring and especially early. You should be warned that modern running shoes can be divided into two groups - asphalt and trail. If you are teaching in the city, then asphalt shoes are worth choosing. It is specially designed to absorb shock loads on the joints. In expensive models, there are special inserts for cushioning, both in the nose and heel. The trail shoe is designed for trail running in rough terrain. They are equipped with a solid solid sole with spikes located on it. The shoe's upper is also made from durable materials that are often waterproof. All this will allow you to feel as confident as possible while running off-road.
When choosing sneakers, you need to pay attention to their pronation. The most universal is neutral pronation - the feet are parallel during running. If your socks are slightly turned inward, then it is advisable to purchase sneakers with hypopronation. The last group of sneakers is designed to be hyper-pronated when the bollards are turned slightly outward. Note that running shoes for fall and winter are often made from gortex material. It will allow your feet to breathe well and protect them from moisture.

When choosing clothes for late spring, when it is above plus 15 degrees outside, you should first of all pay attention to its ventilation qualities, as well as its ability to remove moisture and heat. T-shirts are great for guys, while girls should get a top. As for the bottom, you can use shorts or short tails.
Clothing should be made of synthetic materials, as these quickly wick moisture away from the body. Natural materials absorb sweat and gradually your weight will increase. This is due to the fact that synthetic materials evaporate moisture much faster than natural ones. On sunny days, do not forget about a hat, and in the rain, you should wear a windbreaker.
In late autumn and early spring, when it is still cold outside, it is necessary to use clothes that can reliably protect from the wind, as well as quickly wick moisture away from the body. To protect yourself from the cold, we recommend using the principle of layering in your equipment.
The bottom layer will be thermal underwear, on which you should put on a fleece jacket in severe frost. Next comes the running suit. When choosing a hat, pay attention to its ability to let air through so as not to sweat a lot. We also recommend using seamless socks to avoid chafing on your feet. Often, beginners to runners make the same mistake - dressing too warmly. Very quickly, you will become uncomfortable, and we recommend choosing your running clothes in the spring as if it is 10 degrees warmer outside than the actual temperature.
Training plan for beginner runners

If you have just decided to start running, then we recommend starting in April. For autumn, the best month to start training is September or early October. At this time, you will be able to master the jogging technique, and besides that, there are a lot of sunny days. If you have never played sports at all, then during the week it is worth doing three or a maximum of four workouts.
This will help you get in shape and avoid overtraining. Do the two sessions short but tempo. Do the two remaining workouts over a longer segment, but your running speed should be slower. If you still find it difficult to maintain such a training regime, then prolonged exercises can be replaced by brisk walking, while keeping the heart rate in the range from 50 to 60 beats per minute.
If you start jogging, then all your workouts should last at least 40 minutes. Be sure to start jogging by walking for 10 or 20 minutes, then go jogging. You should also end the lesson by walking.
Train in this mode until November, when there is still no snow outside. After that, you should start training five or six times a week. Set aside two days for a longer run. It is advisable to do this during the day when you feel as comfortable as possible. On the remaining days, use the training scheme described above, alternating between short and interval sessions, the duration of which will be, respectively, 30 and 20 minutes. In winter, if the temperature drops below six to eight degrees, warm up and cool down should be done at home. If the frost is stronger than minus 15, then it is better to skip the lesson so as not to get sick.
For more information on the basic principles of choosing running clothes, see this video: