The role of water in bodybuilding

The role of water in bodybuilding
The role of water in bodybuilding

Water is vital for the body, this fact is known to everyone. Find out what role water plays in bodybuilding. How to use it correctly and in what quantities. Nowadays, environmental problems face humanity no matter how serious. What can we say if industrial toxins are found in the Arctic ice? Of course, the same problems are with water. Toxic substances penetrate into the soil, where they mix with groundwater. Of course, there are water treatment plants and people use somewhat purified water, but it is far from spring water. Today, as it is not difficult to guess, the conversation will be about the role of water in bodybuilding.

The value of water

Man and woman drinking water
Man and woman drinking water

Worst of all, toxic substances are often odorless and tasteless. Drinking such water, it can be assumed that it is pure, but toxins enter the body and poison it. For bodybuilders to achieve a positive result in training, it is necessary to pay attention to all factors contributing to an increase in performance. Of course, water with toxic substances will in no way contribute to this.

There are steps you can take to reduce the effects of toxins on your body, such as boiling the water or just letting it sit for a few days. But there is also a more effective way - using a charcoal filter. Although this is quite cumbersome, it allows you to obtain highly purified water. Perhaps someone will think that such measures are exaggerated, but the role of water in bodybuilding should not be underestimated. Every athlete who wants to achieve results in sports pays special attention to his nutrition. Surely none of you will eat undercooked foods, or those that are in an unsanitary state. The same applies to water.

Everyone knows that the body is 80% water and muscle tissue is no exception. Water is involved in almost all biochemical processes in the body. Thanks to her, the required body temperature and blood pressure are maintained. To understand the importance of water for humans, we can say that with the loss of only three percent of the liquid, you will no longer be able to run. If these losses amount to about five percent, then training will become unavailable for you, and with a loss of ten percent, a lethal outcome is already possible.

As you can see, all these numbers may seem insignificant, but the danger to a person with severe dehydration is obvious. As mentioned above, water is involved in a very large number of processes that play a very important role in the growth of muscle tissue. It is thanks to water that glycogen accumulates in the muscles, which is the main source of energy for a bodybuilder. This substance is 75% water, and with an insufficient level of glycogen, one should not hope for positive training results.

It should also be noted another very important role of water in bodybuilding - the effect on the psyche of an athlete. Despite the fact that this is rather an indirect factor, it is of great importance for achieving the result. Suffice it to recall that if a person is worried, then after drinking a glass of water, his condition improves markedly. Surely everyone is waiting for practical advice, and one of the most popular questions is the need to use mineral waters. In the course of numerous studies, it was found that the salts contained in them are absorbed much more slowly than those found in plain water. In addition, very often mineral water has a positive effect on the body only for a short period of time, after being extracted from the source.

Then most of the nutrients are destroyed. As a result, water that has been bottled may no longer have its medicinal properties. For example, in the United States, advertising of mineral water as a health elixir is prohibited for this reason. It is worth noting that many "water" companies, not only American, but also European, are beginning to pay more attention not to mineral water, but to ordinary purification.

Many have probably seen water in large bottles in supermarkets, which can be used not only for drinking, but also for cooking. It is this water that should be consumed by bodybuilders, and especially for training sessions. During training, you should drink water every 20 minutes on average, even if you don't feel thirsty. You also need to drink before the start of the training, about one and a half or two hours.

Basic rules for drinking water

Athlete drinks water in training
Athlete drinks water in training

The most important thing for a bodybuilder is to stop drinking regular tap water. It is necessary to use only purified water, which should always be with you. Do not be afraid of ridicule about this from the outside. On the questions of the curious, you can answer that this is the doctor's prescription. Almost always, after such an answer, no more questions arise.

Also remember to drink 100 to 150 grams every twenty minutes during your workout session. You should not exceed this dosage, but you should also not use less than 90 grams of water. Before starting the training, about two hours before it starts, you should drink at least 0.5 liters of water.

You should never limit yourself in water. If you are thirsty, then do it. It is possible that you will not always be able to use filtered water, but you should try to increase its percentage in the total volume of fluid consumed. It is advisable to drink chilled water, as it is better absorbed by the body. Also, you should not artificially increase the amount of water consumed. Only during training should fluid intake be mandatory, and the rest of the time, always be guided by your feeling of thirst. An excess of fluid in the body is as dangerous as a lack. The body will tell itself when it needs to replenish its water supply.

You will learn more about the importance of water in bodybuilding in this video:
