Beautification of a summer cottage with your own hands is an easy task. Create garden paths in the shape of leaves, beautiful beds, comfortable greenhouses, and form neat trellis trees and bushes.
The improvement of the suburban area will make the territory of the hacienda well-groomed. Plants will look neat, and elements of street decor will be an additional decoration of the territory.
Vertical plants - beautiful supports for the improvement of the suburban area
It is no secret that tall varieties of raspberries soar to a height of 2 or even more meters. To prevent the whips from falling, it was convenient to pick berries, take care of plants, vertical supports are made for raspberries and blackberries. You can create ones that will decorate the garden and become your pride.

To create such a support, take:
- bars;
- boards;
- durable wire mesh;
- self-tapping screws;
- shovel.
Mark where the raspberry support will be. Dig small indentations, drive in pointed bars here.
To prevent the tree from rotting in the ground for a long time, first cover it with an antiseptic, you can additionally grease the pointed ends with tar or burn them for a short time in a fire.
Use metal scissors to cut the mesh to the desired length and width.
Knock the stakes together using wide planks, place the net on top and secure it. Now, as the raspberries grow, you just need to direct their shoots vertically, so that each is in certain cells. If you give it a horizontal position in winter, then you will need to remove the shoots from the supports, pull them to the soil and fix them.
Here's how to make a different type of raspberry trellis.

With such objects, the improvement of the suburban area will be ideal. Decorate the processed timber on top with wooden elements, make holes in the timber at the same distance with a drill, stretch the wire, as shown in the photo.

When the raspberries grow, you will need to tie them to a wire. You can make similar devices along the fence to tie up vertically growing objects. Such a device does not take up much space. If you wish, give preference to trellis trees. Then they will need to be planted near the support and correctly formed.

This design will also save space and make the landscaping amazing. Trellis trees just need to be pruned to make them look like this.
You can create a unique garden design by taking this idea into service.

Then, in a relatively small area, you will have several fruit trees growing at once. And such a solid wall will cover them from the cold winds. And this will not affect the yield at all, in the next photo you see how perfectly pears, located on a trellis, bear fruit.
They leave some branches that can be placed on the same plane.

Vertical landscaping will transform your garden into Paradise.

The main thing is to plant a tree near a wall or a solid fence, form it correctly and take care of it.
You can make a decorative fence from fruit-bearing trees if you form them as follows.

See how shrubs and trees need to be shaped annually if you want to achieve the following shapes. Pruning, tying the remaining branches in a certain order, will make it possible to make a diagonal garden, create an ensemble of bushes or trees, and also get standard plants with horizontal, vertical and inclined branches.

But there are also more bizarre forms that will make it possible to make the improvement of the summer cottage unique.

As you can see, you can create trees to resemble fancy patterns, or one of them would have a heart pattern.
If you know how to make a trellis and you have the materials listed below, then make a pergola for trees or bushes, which at the same time will become an arch.

To make a pergola of this kind, you need to take:
- self-tapping screws;
- screwdriver;
- planks;
- bars.
First you need to create a base. To do this, prepare four bars, dig them in in pairs, cement the area between the ground and this wooden base. Now connect the first pair and the second with two bars. Then it should be attached to one and the second rail element horizontally and vertically. Place four planks on the edge and secure the top with them. Attach three bars across from above. The tree will grow well on such a trellis, and you will give it the desired shape.
You can make a pergola of this type from reliable boards. You fix them vertically. Attach the same boards on top to secure the vertical ones. For this pergola to have the shape of an arch, you will also need semicircular wooden elements. You can cut them out of plywood. Attach the metal mesh on the right and left, as well as at the top.

Beautiful beds for the improvement of the suburban area
Such improvement of the land plot will allow keeping the vegetable garden in order. After all, next to this pergola there is a garden area. The beds are beautifully bordered by two rows of planks placed on the edge. Some beds already have an irrigation system. For this, metal or propylene pipes are mounted, in which holes are made. The valve is also fixed here. When you need to open the water, it is simply unscrewed. Plant climbing plants, such as cucumbers, near the pergola. When they begin to curl, then they will already have support for this.

This design will also help the arrangement of the land.
As you can see, there is a door in the center. Entering here, you can find yourself in the beds. They are neat, as they are fenced with boards. Place the bars vertically around the perimeter, knock them down with boards from above, attach them to the sides of the beds. Fasten the corners by nailing slanted boards here. Enclose this perimeter with a net along which vertical plants will curl.
You can make the original arrangement of the suburban area.

To have beautiful and even beds, use an unnecessary bath, tubs and even a metal bed. Beds with wooden sides will be at the edges, and place unusual ones in the center. In one of the corners, place a metal bed with painted metal parts. Plants will curl along its backs, and a grid located around the perimeter will also be excellent supports for them. So that grass does not grow in the aisles and this part of the territory has a well-equipped look, pour gravel here on the ground or lay a special rubber coating.
If there are no such materials, then you can make a path from large flat stones. If there are none, then you need to pour the cement mortar into the mold, and when will it dry? put these stones in place.
Beautiful beds will allow you to receive vitamin products not only in the warm season, but also in the cold one.

Such arrangement of the summer cottage in winter will allow you to have a green island of summer at this time of the year. You can make such a structure from old frames or windows.
- Take them, hinges, boards and bars. Place four planks so that you get a box without a bottom. Fasten them in the corners using vertically spaced bars. Lay cardboard down to prevent weeds from growing. On top, attach frames with glass or old windows to the hinges.
- To be able to grow vegetables in winter, put biofuels down before planting them. It can be manure mixed with light soil, or compost.
- To make things easier, during the summer you can put food, kitchen waste, grass cuttings in these boxes.
- When it's time to plant, top up with fertile soil and plant the seeds of green crops. Water them and cover them with frames. When you need to open them, fix them securely with vertical sticks.
The following diagram shows how you can carry out the improvement of the site, make such a device. Here the box is inclined so that moisture can drain off, it was convenient to raise the frame and the plants received more sun.

The roof can be triangular. Old glazed frames can also be used as it, as well as polycarbonate. But you need to consider how you will open this device for ventilation.

If you need to use such a device in the warm season, cellophane will do. Such a film is attached from all sides, and in front it hangs freely, but is fixed at the bottom. During the day, you can open it from this side, and if it is cool at night, then close it in the evenings.

You will have an original improvement of the land plot if you start using unnecessary newspapers.

Spread them around the plants so that weeds will not grow under them. In the heat, you can water under the bushes and moisture will remain in these places for a long time.
The use of cement for the improvement of the suburban area
If you want to decorate the site with perfectly round stones, but you do not have such, then mix the cement mortar by adding sand and water to it. Now you can fill a round container with the resulting mass to get a ball of the desired shape. When it hardens, just paint it white.

You can use an inflatable rubber ball as a mold. Pour the mass in here, let it dry, and then just burst the balloon and extract the contents.
And if you want you to get shapes with holes into which you can then pour earth and plant flowers, then you need to pour sand inside the rubber balls so that they acquire a round shape. Now coat them on top with cement mortar or gypsum, and do not do this in the center, creating high sides here. When the mass is dry, pour out the sand, remove the balls and paint the blanks.

If you want not only to equip the territory, but also to decorate the summer cottage for Halloween, then the following idea will come in handy.

How to make smiling stones - master class and step by step photo
To create these, you need:
- cement mortar or alabaster;
- jaw template;
- acrylic paints;
- brushes;
- zippers with large metal teeth;
- wooden spatula;
- hot glue gun;
- Scotch;
- foil.
If you don't have silicone containers, you can make them yourself. To do this, mold plasticine jaw templates.
If you want to get more durable, then bake it out of plastic or let it harden in the air. How to use it is written in the instructions for this material.
Mix cement with sand in a ratio of 3 to one, add water, stir again and pour into the mold. If you are using alabaster then dilute with a little water. When it acquires the consistency of sour cream, pour it into the prepared template.

Wait until the materials are completely dry and hardened, then remove the blanks from the mold. Now you will need to paint the gums with pink acrylic paint, for the teeth choose white.

Match the paired jaws, glue the two halves together at the edges using a hot glue gun.

For added security, also tape the back with tape.

Place this blank between the open zipper, cut off the excess from the zipper.

Now line these jaws with metal foil to form a ball.

Prepare a mortar of cement or alabaster, coat the outside with foil to make it look like a stone. Then use a wide wooden spatula to remove any irregularities and roughness so that its edges are smoother.

Let these elements dry completely, then cover in some places with dark paint to make these objects look more like stones.

Reach the will of fantasy. You can place these smiling stones in the most unexpected places in the garden, as well as among other stones. Those who see such a picture will surely be amazed, and then laugh heartily.

Glowing stones for the improvement of the suburban area
You can create a track that will flicker beautifully in the dark. To do this, take pebbles or cobblestones. This natural material should be painted with light-accumulating paint TAT33. If you do not have stones, then they can also be made from cement and sand according to the previous recipes. And when this concrete is dry, paint it with glowing paint.
You will place these pebbles along the path. Then it will be possible to walk on it even in the dark.
This paint is very interesting. It stays strong on products even in a humid environment. For this reason, it is even used to decorate the bottom of decorative ponds. If you have one on your site, you can also paint its concrete bottom or individual pebbles with this compound. This paint is ecological and safe for animals and people.
Therefore, you can decorate some solid pieces even in a pond where fish are swimming. In the dark, this part of the hacienda will look amazing. And such a landscaping of the dacha will surely please everyone who sees it.
How to make a path for the improvement of a summer cottage
The arrangement of a summer residence is also the organization of comfortable garden paths. You can then frame them with glowing stones on both sides. The paths themselves are easy to do with your own hands. If you want to make it seem as if you are walking on beautiful sheets, then take this template.

Such natural material can be found right on your site. A variety of sheets will do:
- Add three or four parts sand to one part of the cement, mix these bulk materials, then dilute with water and mix again.
- On a suitable flat surface, such as a sheet of plywood, place the piece of your choice with the veins facing up.
- Now apply a cement mortar to it, which should resemble the consistency of cottage cheese. Then it will not spread. Pay special attention to the edges so that they follow the contours of the sheet.
- Make several of these tiles, and when the solution is dry, remove the sheets. Now cut grooves in the soil that will resemble the shape of this natural material. Before that, it is simply enough to remove the sod. Spread out the items to create a beautiful garden path.
So that over time the elements of the path remain on the surface, and not go deep into the soil, before laying them, pour a layer of sand and small stones on the ground.

A variety of patterns can be used to design garden paths. If you have several foil plates, take them. You also have to fill these containers with a sand-cement mixture. When it is completely dry, you will take out the track elements. When you turn them over, you will get the drawing that was on the bottom of the plate.

If you want to decorate these elements of the path at your discretion, then you can take various plants. Place them on plywood sheets in groups. Make hoops like this out of veneer or other material. When everything is ready, pour a sand-cement mortar into them. When it's dry, you have a wonderful garden path.

To make the arrangement of the dacha amazing, take the ideas presented above into service. A self-prepared concrete mixture will allow you to decorate the hacienda in a wonderful way.

Lay out these decorative elements along the fence or elsewhere. Then your hacienda will be extraordinarily beautiful. See how wonderful these cement leaves look on and next to the fence.

You can take this idea into service and in addition make such adorable things, consisting of a table and chairs.

The table consists of a seat and a back. When these blanks are completely dry, firmly attach them to the sticks that will become the legs of this product.

Fix the table top in the same way using strong sticks. See how similar countertops and seating are made.

Lay cellophane wrap directly on the ground, place cement in the form of a sheet. When it's dry, you can use it as you intended.
For birds to drink in hot weather, make a leaf-shaped drinker for them. When this blank is dry, paint it with a non-harmful compound and place it in a place accessible to birds.

This is how the improvement of a summer cottage can be, and the hacienda will be cozy, beautiful, comfortable for living. Admire the ideas that summer residents have already implemented on this topic. Perhaps you want to take them into service. It is interesting to watch the transformation of the suburban area.

Helpful ideas for the next video are sure to inspire creativity as well.