Facial hair removal: folk methods

Facial hair removal: folk methods
Facial hair removal: folk methods

Every woman wants to have a delicate and charming face, without a single pimple, oily sheen, and even more so the extra hair that often appears on the chin, upper lip and cheeks. Here we have selected all the best recipes, the most effective and easy to use. Try it yourself, you won't regret it!

  • Natalia June 29, 2016 18:59


    What rivanol? 21st century on the street. The method of laser hair removal is the most reliable, painless and in recent years has established itself as the most effective. Personally, I am a client of the laser hair removal salon "Lumenis" and I claim that the result is worth it. Financially, this is quite affordable, given the current prices for the same shaving gels. In any case, the effect is guaranteed for many years. Trust me, nothing better exists.

    1. Lena 5 October 2016 03:17


      How did you get yourself to advertise … that no one comes to you, Lumenis?
  • Dayana January 25, 2017 16:33


    How much does rivanol cost?
  • Susana December 1, 2017 15:39


    I heard that electric current is more effective than laser
  • Elena 28 February 2021 17:02


    )) this is to Natalia.. apparently they really advertise the salon … if the hormone-dependent zone, no laser epioiation does not help.. 20 times did.. legs, I agree.. there is an effect
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