How to get out of stagnation in life

How to get out of stagnation in life
How to get out of stagnation in life

Stagnation in life and work, why does it appear. How to recognize stagnation in time. The most effective ways to bring joy and success back into your life. Stagnation in life is a state that each of us has experienced at least once, when today is similar to yesterday, and tomorrow will be similar to today, when apathy and powerlessness to change anything take over both the mind and the body, and life becomes insipid and uninteresting. And if you do not take action in time, this condition can stay with you for a long time.

Reasons for the onset of stagnation in life

Routine as a cause of stagnation
Routine as a cause of stagnation

The origins of "downtime" in life can be a variety of reasons. For some, stagnation in life and work may arise in the midst of complete well-being, for others it may be the result of daily routine, for others it may begin due to constant obstacles and troubles. Of course, these are not all factors that can lead to stagnation in life processes. Let's consider the main ones.

The most common causes of stagnation in life are:

  • Driving in the wrong direction … A period of powerlessness and indifference can come due to the fact that the goal is chosen incorrectly. That is, it is chosen according to social standards, popular standards or the wishes of others, but does not coincide with inner aspirations and beliefs. Thus, all efforts are spent on what we really do not need. Accordingly, the result will not be pleasing. This can also include a job you don't like, or a life partner you don't love, but live with.
  • Template alignment … Everyone has their own concept of success, and not always the correct one. We ourselves draw ourselves an image of a successful person, we create a scheme for achieving this status. And we ourselves determine the obstacles and difficulties, because of which we cannot achieve this success. Life turns into a famous saying - "like a fish on ice."
  • Comparing yourself to others … Comparing yourself to other, more successful and successful people can also lead to disappointment in life. But only if this comparison is superficial. When you want to become the same, but immediately and effortlessly. Forgetting that every person who is successful in something has gone a difficult path to become such.
  • Waiting for a miracle … A focus on instant results can also provoke stagnation in life. Here, the development of stagnant events can occur in two ways. Option number 1: a person understands what, how and when to do in order to achieve a quick result, however, the scale of the necessary efforts (material costs, patience, time, etc.) grows in front of him a huge mountain, because of this he does not even decides to start doing something. Option number 2: a person can begin to move towards his goal, without even assessing the necessary costs (mental, physical, material), but the very first failures or obstacles lead him to despair and disappointment. Thus, the first hands do not rise, while the second does not. But both fall into sadness.
  • Fear of failure … The fear that all the efforts made to achieve the goal will be in vain can cause many complexes and failures in life. But this is a series of possibilities. Fear of failure blocks any attempts to use these opportunities in order to improve this life. As a result, such passivity makes our existence insipid and uninteresting.
  • Fear of success … This is a mirror image of the fear of failure, much more dangerous and destructive. He literally exhausts with doubts: whether this success will bring happiness, whether it will be durable, whether it will change the attitude of relatives and friends, how painful it will be to fall from the heights. Such thoughts can lead even the most optimistic and motivated person to apathy.
  • Shifting responsibility … A considerable portion of humanity prefers to take a passive position in relation to events taking place in life, entrusting this responsible role to someone else, who can then be blamed. These can be parents, friends, government, weather, neighbors, circumstances, etc. The danger of such a situation is that the choice to shift the responsibility onto another is also a choice, and there is no one to blame.
  • Impatience … Sometimes you need to wait a bit for the "planets to converge": the right people meet, certain events coincide. That is, it takes time to be in the right place. Therefore, many perceive it as stagnation. However, such a life during stagnation is a temporary pause. You just have to wait it out.
  • Fatigue … The daily race of modern man for the benefits of civilization can eventually bring the "runner" to exhaustion.

Important! Analyzing the causes of stagnation in life, one should not forget about the energetic nature of life processes. All emotions with the "-" sign invariably affect our lives. With the same sign.

The main signs that stagnation has come to life

Irritability as a sign of stagnation
Irritability as a sign of stagnation

This is not to say that the onset of stagnation in life passes unnoticed. The feeling that life is not interesting captures the consciousness little by little, incrementally. And everything can end sadly. Therefore, it is important to determine the onset of such a state in time and try to reverse the process.

The main signs of stagnation in life:

  1. Groundhog Day … Often, complete stagnation in life is accompanied by the feeling that every day is completely repeating the previous one. Nothing changes, everything is smooth. Emotions, relationships, events, movements. Everything resembles a ritual - an action that must take place according to strict rules, without improvisation. A ritual that takes place from day to day.
  2. Feeling hopeless … Unsuccessful attempts to change your life for the better, fatigue from life's ups and downs, disappointment from failures cause a feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness in front of the forces of being.
  3. Obsession … A fulfilling life is diverse in nature. If we limit it to one sphere, stagnation cannot be avoided. The monotony of occupations becomes boring, "drives" into a certain framework, does not allow development in other areas. Most often, workaholics and housewives suffer from this "ailment".
  4. Lack of interest … A sign that life has entered a rut of stagnation may be a radical change of interests. More precisely, the absence of such a thing, which was very recently important. So, sports, hobbies, meetings with friends, family, personal relationships, self-development can recede into the background. A person feels like a robot without emotions and desires. Bright events have no place in his life, they remain only in memories.
  5. Dissatisfaction … If the goal is not yours, then the result will not bring satisfaction. Therefore, if your achievement (new position, money, relationship, plastic surgery, new car or iPhone) brings you less joy than waiting for it, this is a reason to think about the correctness of your priorities.
  6. Irritability … A person beyond the comfortable perception of life becomes very nervous. He is annoyed by literally everything: his own failures, the successes and achievements of others, the decisions of the government, the behavior of neighbors, the weather, etc. They are no less dangerous for the human psyche in a stagnant situation when it is necessary to solve several problems at once.
  7. Disbelief in yourself … Failure to complete assigned tasks, setbacks and obstacles, accumulated fatigue and frustration greatly reduce self-esteem. Apathy, passivity and laziness appear to change anything.
  8. Isolation … Restricting communication with family, friends, colleagues to the level of "within the necessary" also indicates that the person has left the comfort zone. Shame for his failures and dissatisfaction with himself makes him experience everything in himself - not to brag about it. He is so fixated on his condition that he considers himself unworthy for normal communication.
  9. Low mood … Stagnation in life and at work is not the most fun condition that invariably affects the mood. Such a person is difficult to cheer or interest. Sadness, inspired by heavy thoughts about being, firmly holds its position.
  10. Lack of aspirations … A person in a state of stagnation often stops at what he has already achieved. He loses the desire to try, give all his best in order to conquer a new peak.

How to get rid of stagnation in life

After you have decided how and why stagnation in life has arisen in your case, you can proceed to change the situation. We have selected the TOP 5 most effective ways to breathe energy into your life.

Method number 1. Analysis of what is happening in life

To-do list as event analysis
To-do list as event analysis

The best helper for life change is clarity about where you are now and where you ultimately want to go. To do this, you need to find your most problematic area of life, determine the right goal and outline the ways to achieve it.

In this case, you cannot do without deep introspection. In order to identify this stagnant "worm" in yourself and choose ways to deal with it, it is better to use a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). That is, to conduct an audit of your life on paper. You can use the so-called method of "brainstorming": for a minimum period of time, without hesitation, write down on paper all the ways to improve your life that come to your mind. All without exception. And then calmly weed out the "wheat from the chaff" and find the most real one. The selected method can be arranged in the form of a to-do list and placed in a prominent place. Specific points written down on paper will not be forgotten, they will not be clogged with other ideas (as is the case with a mental list) and will stimulate to fulfillment.

Important! Forget the word tomorrow. Anything that can be done today, do it today. Don't put off your happiness and success for later.

Method number 2. Request for help

Help from a psychotherapist for stagnation
Help from a psychotherapist for stagnation

It so happens that the swamp of stagnation is so sucked in that it is rather difficult to get out of it without outside help. If so, don't be afraid to ask for help. Find your "tug" among relatives, friends, colleagues.

At the same time, most likely, you will not need to ask much. An apathetic mood is a noticeable thing, so people who really care about you will themselves offer you their help. Cast aside pride and doubt? it is always easier to deal with problems together.

If there are no such assistants among your environment or they are unable to cope with your stagnant mood, seek professional help. It can be a psychotherapist or a coach who will dot the "e" - why there is stagnation in life, what to do in this case and how to get out of it correctly.

Method number 3. Replacement of the type of activity

Repair as getting rid of stagnation
Repair as getting rid of stagnation

A very effective way based on the "switch" technique. For example, at the first sign of lethargy, you can start cleaning. You choose the scale of activities and the location of the action yourself. This can be a shelf in a closet or an entire closet, a pantry, a desk, the contents of a computer or laptop, business documents, and home papers. You can arrange a thorough spring cleaning. Such putting things in order for a while "turns off" the restless brain and gives it time to also cleanse itself of unnecessary, obsessive thoughts. In addition, it is much more pleasant and joyful to live in cleanliness and order, and to work is easier and more efficient. If you are using a computer, do some of the work manually, writing in a notebook or diary. A tougher option is to radically change your occupation. If stagnation has already penetrated deeply into your life and cleaning alone cannot solve it, change your job, profession, occupation profile.

Method number 4. Time for a change in life

Meeting friends is like a change of scenery
Meeting friends is like a change of scenery

The best way to get out of stagnation in life is to add fresh water to it, to introduce something new. To do this, you can use anything, based on what area of your life needs an "upgrade". For example, you can:

  • Change the setting … A meeting with friends, going to the cinema, a restaurant, going out of town, or better out of the country, will help to break out of the usual routine. You can also do with local changes - rearranging or changing furniture, dislocation of the workplace.
  • Change environment … Find a circle of like-minded people among whom you will be comfortable, especially if you have finally decided on something important - go on a diet, play sports, quit smoking. It is very difficult to limit yourself among people who are not going to do this and do not understand why you are doing this.
  • Change your daily routine … You can also make waves in the swamp of routine by breaking the usual daily routine. Have breakfast with a dish that you usually eat for lunch, do your evening work in the morning, and spend more time in the evening for a walk (sports, family, hobbies), etc.
  • Go beyond the usual … Try to "update" all your life programs: cook according to new recipes, listen to new music, master new routes, new languages, and, if possible, countries, find new hobbies, set new goals, make new acquaintances. Reconsider the relevance of your current activities and relationships.
  • Change image … A truly feminine way to activate life processes, which also works for men. Changing your hair color, hairstyle, dressing style is one of the most effective and eye-pleasing ways to distract yourself from the routine of life.

“Heavy artillery” of this method is a change of job, profession, partner, place of residence.

Method number 5. Give yourself permission to rest

Rest as a way out of stagnation in life
Rest as a way out of stagnation in life

Do not forget that elementary fatigue can be the cause of stagnation in life and work. Or your happy time "H" you just need to wait. Or none of the above helped to move the course of life in the direction of joy and success.

If that's the case, take it easy and allow yourself a time out. You can do nothing, relax, watch movies or TV shows, shop, walk in the air, and do your usual routine. Then you will meet new opportunities calmly and certainly do not miss in the hustle and bustle. In the end, no one canceled the omniscient Internet, in the vastness of which you can find a lot of ways to get out of any difficult life situation. And even chat on an exciting topic on the forums. How to get out of stagnation in life - watch the video:

As you can see, you can find a way out of stagnation in life. The main thing is to really want to let change in your life. And, of course, be ready to put in an effort.
