Research on BCA in bodybuilding

Research on BCA in bodybuilding
Research on BCA in bodybuilding

Find out if it is worth using BCA or is it better to spend money on regular protein products? Here are some practical tips from great champions. Every athlete understands that weight gain is unthinkable without the use of a sufficient amount of protein compounds. There are many sources of this nutrient, and at first glance it may seem that there are no problems. But it should be remembered that various protein compounds differ in their amino acid profile and it is quite possible that a deficiency of some amines will still occur in the body. Now you can read about the study of BCA in bodybuilding.

Is additional amine supplementation necessary?

The athlete drinks pills
The athlete drinks pills

Each protein compound has a specific chain of amines that make up the protein molecule. This indicator is usually called the amino acid profile. Scientists know two dozen amines and eight of them cannot be synthesized by the body. They got the name - irreplaceable. They can only enter the body with food or sports supplements.

All protein compounds contained in food, once in the digestive system, is split into amines. Only then can the body use them to produce the protein compounds it needs. It is important to remember that if at least one amine is not available in sufficient quantity, then the protein molecule cannot be synthesized.

This can be the main reason for the lack of progress even with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, you cannot do without supplements containing amino acids. Another situation is possible, which is very common in bodybuilding. After high-quality training, the athlete's metabolic rate increases sharply and for several hours the body intensively synthesizes protein compounds, building up muscle mass. But it turned out that there were not enough building materials to continue this process.

To solve this problem, the first thought that comes to mind is the use of foods containing proteins. But for their processing and assimilation it will take a couple of hours, and the body needs amines now. The only way out in this situation is the use of a complex of amino acid compounds. They have a high rate of assimilation and will connect to work almost immediately after use.

In addition, due to the additional intake of amines, the athlete can activate the metabolism after sleep. Now we will look at the main amines and the properties they possess.


Isoleucine help
Isoleucine help

An excellent source of energy and with a deficiency of the substance, the destruction of muscle tissue is possible.


Leucine Inquiry
Leucine Inquiry

The substance has the ability to protect protein compounds from decay and activates their production. In addition, amine can be used for energy, and also acts as a regulator of serotonin synthesis, thereby reducing the feeling of fatigue after exercise. You must remember that a deficiency in leucine can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B6.


Valine help
Valine help

Like the first two amino acid compounds, it belongs to the BCAA group. It is used by the body for energy and effectively reduces fatigue after exercise.


Lysine in a jar
Lysine in a jar

If the body has enough vitamin C, thiamine and iron, then lysine will be converted to carnitine. Lysine has the ability to increase the potency of arginine, which is essential for fat burning. With a lysine deficiency, protein production slows down dramatically.


Methionine in a jar
Methionine in a jar

The amino acid compound is able to enhance the anabolic background, actively participates in the metabolic processes of cellular structures, accelerates the production of lysine and prevents fatty liver. If you eat a lot of saturated fat, then methionine will be especially beneficial for you.


Phenylalanine Inquiry
Phenylalanine Inquiry

It is necessary for the synthesis of a catalyst for the hydrolysis of protein compounds (papain), melanin and insulin. It also helps to accelerate the processes of excretion of metabolites of various processes from the body.


Help on threonine
Help on threonine

Its properties are reminiscent of the previous amine and helps to increase the efficiency of the body's defense systems. With a deficiency of the substance, the process of excretion of uric acid from the body is sharply slowed down.


Tryptophan in a jar
Tryptophan in a jar

Essential for the production of niacin and serotonin. In addition, it is a regulator of the pituitary gland.


Arginine in a jar
Arginine in a jar

It is necessary for the normalization of nitrogen balance and takes part in the metabolism of fats.


Help on histidine
Help on histidine

It is necessary for the processes of hematopoiesis, protein metabolism and improves blood clotting.


Tyrosine in a jar
Tyrosine in a jar

Regulator of the work of all systems of the hormonal system (pituitary gland, adrenal glands and thyroid gland).


Alanine in a jar
Alanine in a jar

Participates in catabolic reactions, accelerating the delivery of nitrogen from muscle tissue to the liver.


Description of Asparagin
Description of Asparagin

It is from this amine that aspartic acid is synthesized, which accelerates the process of replenishing glycogen stores and improves the functioning of the immune system.

Complexes of amines

Amino acid complexes
Amino acid complexes

A large number of different supplements containing amines can be found on the sports farm market today. Increasingly, they are complex supplements and are gradually replacing individual amino acid preparations from the market.

Taking this type of sports nutrition, you can accelerate the synthesis of protein compounds in muscle tissues, as well as normalize nitrogen balance. Accepted by athletes primarily during weight gain.

BCAA complexes

BCAA complexes
BCAA complexes

We have already mentioned three amines belonging to this group. The use of these supplements will allow you to maintain muscle mass during the drying period. The body needs a lot of energy to produce new muscle fibers. It should be remembered that glycogen stores are very often depleted after training.

If an ATP deficiency is found in the body, then the processes of destruction of muscle proteins are triggered, which leads to a decrease in the anabolic background. By using BCAAs, you will be able to enhance muscle growth processes and increase the anabolic background.

Mikhail Prygunov will tell more about BCAA in this video:
