Lard with bread, of course, is delicious, but let's not limit ourselves to this, when there are many other recipes for delicious sandwiches. The article is devoted to the description of a simple but delicious sandwich with bacon and cucumber. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

The bacon and cucumber sandwich is a delicious tidbit that is great as an aperitif or as a snack. This is a great snack for vodka in nature, in the country, on a picnic. After all, lard, in company with a cucumber (in the summer with fresh, in the winter - salted gherkin) is a purely masculine ideal snack, which is traditionally served with a strong Russian drink, vodka. In addition, small sandwiches with homemade salted lard are convenient to take with you on the road, to work or give to children at school. This is the perfect snack on a cold, cloudy day. In winter, sandwiches are an excellent snack for cozy get-togethers with friends. They will perfectly satisfy hunger and give strength. Absolutely everyone, both adults and even children, likes such sandwiches.
If desired, the sandwiches can be cut into small portions, which are served as canapes on skewers. Such a luxurious appetizer on the festive table will definitely surprise guests with its spontaneity and versatility. In addition, it is prepared in just 5 minutes. You can take any fat for such a buffet snack, it is suitable with or without layers of meat. Take better bread not just black, but fragrant Borodino. You can supplement the meal with garlic, mustard, herbs, horseradish …
- Caloric content per 100 g - 205 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 5 minutes

- Bread - 1 slice
- Cucumbers - 4-6 rings, thinly sliced
- Greens (any) - 1-2 branches
- Lard - 6-7 slices
Step-by-step preparation of a sandwich with bacon and cucumber, recipe with photo:

1. Cut the bread into pieces of 1-1.5 cm. Bread can be any, the main thing is that it does not crumble. Better take with firm pulp. Brush the bread with a thin layer of mustard if desired.

2. Wash the cucumbers, dry with a paper towel and cut into thin rings of 2-3 mm. Place them on a piece of bread, overlapping each other.

3. Place thinly sliced bacon over the cucumbers.

4. Wash the greens, dry them with a paper towel, cut or tear off the leaves and put them on the bacon. Serve ready-made lard and cucumber sandwiches to the table after cooking.
See also a video recipe on how to make sandwiches with garlic and lard.