Diet for health in sports

Diet for health in sports
Diet for health in sports

Find out why sports + diet bring the results you dream of? And why there is nothing to do in sports without proper nutrition. The problem of proper nutrition is relevant not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people. The emphasis here must be put on the word “correct”. The technologies that are used today in food production have led to serious problems for many people. Most manufacturers strive to reduce the cost of production per unit of output as much as possible in order to obtain the highest possible profit. As a result, we have to consume foods that the body is unable to process.

The main problem with modern nutrition programs

Products categorized by composition
Products categorized by composition

Many people today suffer from poor nutrition. The number of obese patients is constantly increasing, diabetes and atherosclerosis are progressing, etc. The liver, digestive tract and the entire body are exposed to food toxins on a daily basis. All this has a direct bearing on the quality of our food.

Lately, people have invented a huge number of cheap products. This is very beneficial from an economic point of view, because now there are more chances for survival. Earlier in many countries of the world there was a calorie deficit and in the past few years the problem seems to have been resolved.

But in life, nothing is given just like that. We got the opportunity to save money on products, but we lost in quality and very thoroughly. It is with this that the main problems of most people are connected.

As a comparison, a top-class car can be cited, which can deliver high speed, but it needs high-quality fuel to operate. If you decide to save money and instead of A-98 you will refuel with a mixture of A-80 and A-92, then the wonderful car will no longer please you with the same speed, and then it will completely deteriorate.

The human body is a huge biochemical laboratory, which is much more complex than a car. When we eat the wrong food that he needs, he starts to malfunction and eventually breaks down.

What kind of diet will not harm your health?

Girl holding scales
Girl holding scales

In the course of evolution, the entire organism, including the digestive system, adapts to changes in the external environment. But this is a very lengthy process that can take more than one hundred thousand years. To put it simply, our body is still tuned to use the food that our distant ancestors used in the Stone Age. What can now be purchased in the nearest supermarket is alien to the body.

If you go a little deeper into history, then about a million years ago, the foundations of modern people began to form. This was due to the shift from forest gatherers to lowland hunter-predators. Up to this point, the first humans were primates who ate various plants. There was food and animal origin in their diet, but in small quantities. Most often these were small rodents, various insects and eggs. Perhaps for this reason, eggs now have the highest absorption rate, as they have been consumed by humans for a million years. Of course, this time is more than enough for the body to learn to get the maximum of nutrients from this product. Thus, at the dawn of human civilization, our ancestors were vegetarians and used mainly plant foods to support life. After people came to the plain, they were forced to become hunters, and during this period the first Pithecanthropus appeared. It was also the moment when our body began to adapt to new food and is in this state to this day.

Today, it is often heard from adherents of vegetarianism that humans have never been predators. This is not entirely true, since people are omnivorous. This was the only way our ancestors could survive all this time. We can eat not only plant foods, but also animals. The latter is eloquently indicated by the presence of a high concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. In addition, one should remember the Ice Age, when the need to consume high-calorie foods became a prerequisite for survival. These primarily include meat.

Cereals appeared in the diet of our ancestors much later, when the transition from hunting to farming took place. At the same time, people began to use fire for cooking.

This historical digression was necessary to make it easier for you to understand what foods our body is adapted to. Many products that we use today are simply not designed for this. The body works best if it gets those foods that were basic for humans a million years ago, but not modern.

For humans, relatively new food is cereals, milk (many people suffer from lactose intolerance), butter, meat from domestic animals (it contains more fat in comparison with game), sugar, etc. Most people today have a high-calorie diet, low in fiber. but a large amount of fat, as well as various processed foods. The opposite diet is natural for the body. For now, let's take a look at what a proper diet for health in sports should look like.

Carbohydrates in nutrition programs

Foods containing carbohydrates
Foods containing carbohydrates

Basically, carbohydrates should be consumed with vegetables and fruits. You need to consume a lot of plant foods every day. If finances do not allow you to use large quantities of vegetables and fruits, then you can use cereals or potatoes (but it contains a lot of starch, which is not very good). There is only one rule of thumb to remember when it comes to carbohydrate intake - the more fiber a food contains, the better for the body.

It is also necessary to eat foods containing raw carbohydrates or at least cooked.

Protein compounds in diets

Protein-containing foods
Protein-containing foods

Try to eat protein compounds of animal origin, but low in fat. You should already know that the best sources of protein are fish, meat (lean), eggs and milk. In this case, priority should be given to eggs, chicken and fish. It is in this sequence. Only after these products can you pay attention to other types of meat and milk.

Thus, it is possible to summarize and determine what the correct diet for health in sports should look like. First of all, try to consume vegetables, fruits, meat (not fatty), eggs and fish.

Learn more about proper nutrition in this video: