Boiled zucchini

Boiled zucchini
Boiled zucchini

Do you want to improve your health and lose weight in the summer? Then master the dietary recipe - boiled zucchini. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Cooked boiled zucchini
Cooked boiled zucchini

The most budgetary and healthy way to cleanse the body with vegetables is to go on a squash diet. Young zucchini remove toxins from the body, excess fluid and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they are good at helping to remove cellulite without any effort, which will especially delight the female sex. They are prepared in a variety of ways, which allows the vegetable to be considered a universal product. They can be found in a variety of first and second courses, appetizers and salads. But the simplest and most dietary way to cook zucchini is cooking. Therefore, today we will talk about how to properly cook boiled zucchini at home. It's delicious, simple, budget-friendly and hassle-free. A great snack for any occasion. This is the perfect balance of low calorie intake and long-term satiety. Therefore, boiled zucchini will become an indispensable product for those who want to maintain normal weight and struggle with extra pounds.

In addition, it is worth noting that this option for cooking zucchini can be used not only as an appetizer in its own form, but also as a side dish or as an ingredient for a salad. Before serving, you can add spices, sauce or sprinkle with lemon juice. Even such a simple and dietary dish can be served in an original way.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 24 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container - One Zucchini
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Step by step cooking boiled zucchini, recipe with photo:

Zucchini cut into rings
Zucchini cut into rings

1. Wash the squash and dry it with a paper towel. Cut them into pieces of any size you want to see on your plate. Although you can cook the vegetable whole. But then it will cook for a longer time and, when sliced, may disintegrate into shapeless pieces. Choose fruits that are young, because mature ones need to be peeled from coarse peels and large seeds should be removed. Milk mature zucchini has a thin skin and small seeds.

A saucepan of salted water on the stove is boiling
A saucepan of salted water on the stove is boiling

2. Pour water into a saucepan and add a pinch of salt.

Zucchini are boiled
Zucchini are boiled

3. Bring the water to a boil and dip the zucchini pieces into it.

Zucchini are boiled under the lid
Zucchini are boiled under the lid

4. Boil again and reduce heat to low. Place the lid on the pot and cook the courgettes for 5 minutes.

Cooked boiled zucchini
Cooked boiled zucchini

5. Check the readiness with a puncture of a knife or fork, the vegetable should be soft. Serve cooked boiled zucchini to the table or use them for other dishes.

See also a video recipe on how to cook boiled zucchini at home.
