Homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese is very easy to prepare, and most importantly, it is prepared from high-quality and real cottage cheese, which speaks of the naturalness of the product. Let's start our acquaintance with homemade cheese making with delicious and beautiful processed cheese.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Not many people know that processed cheese in the full sense of the word is not cheese at all. It is a by-product of production, but nevertheless it is very popular and competes with "real" cheeses with dignity. He is in demand and loved by many.
Creamy cream cheese made from cottage cheese is a special kind of spread on sandwiches. It is often included in soups with mushrooms and bacon. There is a huge assortment of similar cheeses on the shelves of shops. But isn't it easy to cook it yourself at home? This is a very fun and interesting process. The advantage of a home product over an industrial one is that you can change its taste, and not be content with a purchased one. For example, having made cream cheese, they put dried herbs, fried bacon, spices, ham, sun-dried tomatoes, mushrooms, olives, olives into the mass … But everything, whatever the soul desires.
To prepare processed cheese, you will need high-quality fatty cottage cheese, milk, butter, soda and salt. Well, the rest of the additives are already to your taste. The technological process is simple, and the result is excellent. You can use cheese as a base for pates, salads, sauces, rolls, baked goods and desserts. It can be made chocolatey or fruity. However, the main thing is to master the classical technique of its preparation, and then you can endlessly experiment with it.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 141 kcal.
- Servings - 200-300 g
- Cooking time - 30 minutes

- Cottage cheese - 300 g
- Milk - 150 ml
- Butter - 20 g
- Salt - 1/3 tsp
- Soda - 1 tsp without top
Step by step preparation of processed cheese from cottage cheese:

1. Place the curd in a container and beat with a blender until smooth. I recommend doing this right away in a cooking pot, because further, the mass will be boiled down. And this way you don't have to shift it and dirty a lot of dishes.

2. Pour milk into the curd and beat again with a blender until the mass becomes homogeneous.

3. Add salt and baking soda. Put the saucepan on the fire and cook over a small flame, stirring occasionally. The food will begin to melt, become homogeneous and become liquid. But then the mixture will begin to thicken, and after cooling it will become even denser. The density of the product is regulated by the amount of soda, the more there is, the thicker the product.

4. The whole cooking process will take you no more than 15 minutes. Then put butter in the hot mass and stir well so that it dissolves completely. If you use farmer's cottage cheese too fat, then you may not need butter. Accordingly, on the contrary, more oil may be required for dry cottage cheese.

5. Leave the mixture to cool at room temperature, then send to the refrigerator. As it cools, it will become denser. When the processed cheese has cooled, it is considered ready to eat or further use.
See also a video recipe on how to make processed cheese from cottage cheese at home.