How to prepare a tasty and satisfying dish that was also healthy? So that it combines meat and vegetables, and at the same time it would be prepared very simply. Bake a zucchini and meatball pie!

It is very important that the dish is complete: it combines the vegetables and meat necessary for the body. Zucchini and meatball pie is a dish that is healthy, tasty and satisfying at the same time! With any sauce - sour cream, garlic, sweet and sour - it will be perfectly welcomed by your family. Swap meatballs for fish or mushroom ones and you can serve this pie in Lent too. Take this recipe as a basis, add other vegetables to the dough, and you have a lot of different options for this wonderful dish. Well, now we are preparing a pie with zucchini and meatballs.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 180 kcal.
- Servings - for 4 people
- Cooking time - 40 minutes

- Zucchini - 3 pcs.
- Eggs - 2-4 pcs.
- Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
- Wheat flour - 4-6 tbsp. l.
- Hard cheese - 100 g
- Meatballs - 10-15 pcs.
- Salt, pepper - to taste
- Vegetable oil for lubricating the mold
Zucchini and meatball pie - step by step preparation with photo

Zucchini, in which seeds have not yet formed, wash and rub on a coarse grater. It is not necessary to peel them, especially if the zucchini are young. Salt them and leave for 10 minutes.

Squeeze the zucchini, which by this time have given juice, slightly squeeze so that the pie is juicy, but not watery. We break eggs.

Mix eggs with zucchini, add sour cream, get a homogeneous mass for the pie.

We add a fastening component - wheat flour. To make the pie absolutely correct and healthy, you can use oatmeal, previously ground on a coffee grinder, in a blender bowl or in a kitchen processor, instead of flour. There is another option - just take oat flour, the effect will be the same, but the benefits are greater.

Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and pour the zucchini dough into it.

Put the meatballs on top of the pie in random order and press them a little into the dough. You can cook them yourself from any type of meat that you like, or use ready-made semi-finished products in a dish. We send the form to the oven, which is preheated to a temperature of 200-220 degrees. We bake the zucchini pie for 40–45 minutes.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the cake with a layer of grated cheese and return it to the oven to melt the cheese.

We take out the finished pie with zucchini and meatballs and let it cool. Please note that the pie is so tender that you will not be able to cut it in portions hot, at best, put it on with a spoon. However, when it has cooled down completely, it is not difficult to cut it into pieces, even not the thickest ones.

A fragrant, hearty vegetable pie with zucchini and meatballs is ready. Serve it with sour cream or garlic sauce and feed your family with delicious and healthy food! And now - all to the table!