How to keep your tan

How to keep your tan
How to keep your tan

How to get a beautiful tan and keep it for a long time - this is what today's article is about. It contains the most effective tips, following which, you can be proud of a beautiful tanned body even a few months after your vacation. To keep your tan as long as possible, you only need to follow a few simple guidelines. Before going to the beach, you need to do a gentle peeling, with the help of which all dead skin particles are removed, and the tan lays down a smoother layer. Of course, sooner or later, the sunburn will gradually fade, because skin cells are renewed. But there are a few secrets to prolong the life of the delicate golden hue.

In fact, tanning tanning strife. Its duration directly depends on where and how it was received. For example, it is generally accepted that it is the southern tan that goes off much faster, while the tan acquired at the summer cottage lasts much further. The most interesting thing is that it really is. The only problem is that to get such a "long-lasting" tan, you need to constantly be under the scorching rays of the sun.

It should be borne in mind that our skin is simply not prepared for the very aggressive action of the sun in hot southern countries. Therefore, even if you sunbathe according to all the rules (visit the beach in the morning and in the evening, regularly use sunscreen), delicate skin begins to suffer. Minor burns appear on its surface, which disappear as the cells renew. The sunburn also disappears with them.

How to get a good tan

How to keep your tan
How to keep your tan

To get an even golden skin tone, just follow these tips:

  • Best of all, a tan lays down in the morning, as well as in the late afternoon, when the sun is not so active and does not act too aggressively on the skin. Of course, not everyone can get up early in the morning to go to the beach. Or they do not find time for sunbathing in the evening. But do not despair, even from this situation there is a way out. You can also sunbathe during the daytime, but only in the shade so that the skin is not directly exposed to the sun. As a result, the tan lays down in an even layer and will not disappear quickly, as there will be no burns on the skin.
  • Before going to the beach, it is imperative to use special sunscreens that have a high level of protection (at least 30). After all, everyone knows that as a result of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation, premature aging begins. This will prevent your skin from turning an unhealthy red color, and when you come back from the beach, you will not look like boiled crawfish.
  • After returning from the beach and taking a shower, it is imperative to apply lotion, cream or oil after sunburn to the skin. These products not only fix the golden complexion of the skin, but also pleasantly moisturize the body.

How to keep your tan after vacation

The most important thing is to properly prepare the skin. This includes a visit to the sauna or bath, other water procedures are perfect, during which special exfoliating agents will be used. During such procedures, the skin is perfectly steamed, all dead particles and impurities are removed. A simple bath with the addition of sea salt or vegetable oils is also perfect. Thanks to these simple preparatory procedures, the tan will lie down evenly and last much longer.

Special cosmetics are no less effective. It is imperative that after sunbathing, various moisturizers are applied, which are specially designed to care for dry skin. Exposure to ultraviolet rays triggers an accelerated regeneration process, as a result of which the upper layers of the epidermis will peel off much faster. Regular hydration slows down this process significantly, and the golden complexion of the skin will remain for a long time.


Such products, intended for skin care after sunburn, have a very large number of necessary and really useful functions that contribute to the preservation of the acquired shade. Such preparations effectively moisturize and have a soothing effect even after strong UV exposure. But you only need to use high-quality cosmetics.

After tanning, it is strictly forbidden to use products that have a whitening effect, because all efforts will be in vain and very soon the tan will completely disappear. This rule applies to various face creams and masks, as well as body products, make-up and certain home remedies that contain whitening agents. For example, this includes lemon, cucumber, pumpkin seeds, and a variety of dairy products.

Tanning products

Nutrition also helps to maintain a tan for a long time. There are several simple but strict rules - it is imperative to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain or mineral water (not carbonated!) During the day.

The daily diet should include various vegetable oils and fish (sardine, mackerel, salmon, tuna), since they contain the fat necessary for the human body. In addition, these foods are rich in tyrosine, an amino acid that helps maintain the pigment in skin cells.

Indispensable are vitamins E, C, A. These substances not only retain a delicate golden hue, but are also able to completely eliminate the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. They also provide accelerated absorption of selenium by the body - this is one of the most powerful antioxidants. It is imperative to increase the daily intake of provitamin A, or beta-carotene. This substance has an active stimulating effect on the production of melanin - one of the best natural fixers for golden skin tones. The largest amount is found in carrots, which can be eaten even raw. Also, beta-carotene is found in spinach, watermelon, peaches, mangoes, apricots and delicious melon.

Almost all summer fresh fruits contain vitamin C. The main thing is that all fruits should be eaten only raw, but you can sometimes make fresh natural juices. This valuable vitamin is found in watercress, currants, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

How to keep your tan
How to keep your tan

Vitamin A is no less useful, which is found in large quantities in egg yolk, milk, spinach, apricots, fish (only fatty varieties), beef liver, butter, carrots, cheeses and tomatoes. Together with fats, this vitamin is perfectly absorbed by the body, so it is recommended to take raw carrots, peel, grind and fill with a small amount of any oil. Sour cream is also suitable for dressing.

Fresh vegetables, red and yellow fruits, and lettuce will help keep your tan for a long time. If you wish, you can buy a vitamin A solution and take it as it is. However, in this case, you will need to consult a therapist who will help establish a safe dosage of the vitamin and the duration of its intake.

Vegetable oils (corn and sunflower) should also be included in the diet, since they contain valuable vitamin E. Other sources of vitamin are almonds and fresh vegetables.

How to keep your tan at home

Folk remedies, which are much more useful than modern caring cosmetics, are no less effective. After tanning, the skin needs to be rinsed with coffee, tea or cocoa, which helps maintain a beautiful golden hue for a long time. Among the advantages of rinsing the body with tea is the fact that it not only perfectly moisturizes, but also helps to tighten the enlarged pores.

To maintain a tan on your face, you need to periodically wipe the skin with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile infusion or a series - exactly 8 tbsp is taken per liter of boiling water. l. dry raw materials and infused for several hours in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. This remedy can be used every morning.


For the face, a carrot mask is also ideal - carrots are chopped on a fine grater (you can also use fresh juice), mixed with olive oil and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash yourself with cool water. However, it is strictly forbidden to use this mask for owners of very pale skin, since the face may acquire not a pleasant swarthy, but a painful yellow tint.

The desired fixing effect is also provided by the coffee scrub, which should only be made from fresh drink. This tool helps not only to cleanse the face of impurities, but also helps to maintain a pleasant golden hue. The most important thing is that these techniques are used regularly.

Video on how to keep your tan:

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