How to keep your home tidy?

How to keep your home tidy?
How to keep your home tidy?

A few tips for maintaining order in the house, so that the house always has more free space and is clean and tidy at any time. Every housewife dreams of a clean house. However, such a dream is not always possible to come true, especially if a woman works and comes tired in the evening or if there are small children in the house. Here are some tips on how to keep your home tidy to keep your home cozy and free of space.


1. Every thing should be in its place

How to keep your home tidy?
How to keep your home tidy?

Very often, things begin to accumulate on shelves, cabinets and tables precisely because they were not put in their place on time. This especially happens during a rush, and then the phrase “I will clean it up somehow later” turns into an exclamation “why is this thing out of place ?!”. Therefore, consider keeping as few “homeless” things as possible in your home, which become a source of clutter and clutter up corners.

2. Don't buy unnecessary things

Don't buy unnecessary things
Don't buy unnecessary things

This applies to purchases of useless storage containers, unnecessary knick-knacks that will only gather dust on the shelves, as well as duplicates of some favorite items in the store. Think, why would you buy five identical vases if only one is enough? Before buying something new, think about where you will put the old one. It's not so easy to get rid of the old.

3. Get rid of excess packaging

Get rid of unnecessary packaging
Get rid of unnecessary packaging

Of course, if the preservation of packages from equipment is included in the terms of the guarantee, then they must be kept, as well as the receipt. But, if it is a pity to throw away beautiful packaging from toilet water, toys or a New Year's gift, then this can only clutter up the free part in the closet or on the closet.

4. Get rid of unnecessary things in the wardrobe

Getting rid of unnecessary things in the wardrobe
Getting rid of unnecessary things in the wardrobe

Sometimes women say that there are a lot of things, but there seems to be nothing to wear. You review your entire wardrobe and find that most of the items are not worn at all. Yes, I bought this blouse because I liked it. And in the end I only put on a couple of times. Or many things were fashionable for only one season, but now they occupy an entire shelf. Therefore - give unnecessary things to those in need to a charitable foundation or you can take a couple of boxes of things to the country. Don't hold on to things just because you might need them someday. The main principle of order in the house will be exactly getting rid of things, and not at all shifting them from one place to another.

5. Do the cleaning every day

Do the cleaning every day
Do the cleaning every day

This does not mean that we have to run around the apartment for hours with a mop and rag in our hands. Just do a “quick” cleaning every day, putting all things in their places. Cleaning should be divided by day of the week: for example, today we cleaned the nursery, tomorrow - in the bedroom. In the kitchen, the floors should be washed at least 3 times a week, cleaning in the bathroom and toilet should be at least twice a week. After eating, immediately wash all the dishes, and at the same time the sink and gas stove.

The most important rule for maintaining order in the house is the regularity of cleaning. Better to keep cleanings short, but everyday, rather than long and sparse. But then how pleasant it will be to be in a clean house, where, thanks to the hostess, everything is always clean and fresh!
