Spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato

Spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato
Spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato

Step-by-step recipe for spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato: a list of products and cooking technology. Video recipes.

Spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato
Spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato

Spaghetti with stew in tomato sauce is a folk dish that is very easy and simple to prepare. There are many fans of this kind of pasta, because they are hearty and very tasty, especially in combination with meat. Such a dish can be served on an everyday table or prepared in nature over a fire.

The shelves of modern stores abound with a wide assortment of pasta. However, not all of them are of high quality and benefit the body. In the original, real spaghetti contains only water and flour.

The length of each pasta is in the range of 35-40 cm, and the diameter is no more than 0.9 mm. All other types of long pasta have different names - spaghetini, cappellini, vermicelli, etc. But this is not so important!

It is much more important what kind of raw materials were used in the production. So, the most useful are spaghetti based on flour from durum wheat varieties. Such products retain their shape well during heat treatment, do not stick together and have excellent taste. Of these types, even in the photo, spaghetti with stewed meat look amazing. Further, in descending order of usefulness, there are raw materials from highly vitreous and soft wheat. It is also worth paying attention to the class of flour - the highest or first grade.

Canned stew is used as a meat dressing. The product is completely ready to use, which saves a lot of time. Our recipe for making spaghetti with stew does not limit your choice, so choose a meat product of your choice - turkey, beef, chicken, venison, pork. The main thing is that it is really made from meat, not soy.

In order to get a dish that is unique in taste and aroma every time, we recommend using various flavoring additives. Exotic options include cloves, cardamom, star anise, ginger, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, rosemary, and saffron. Of the local varieties, mustard, garlic, dill, parsnips, celery or parsley root, calamus, thyme, and sage are actively used.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our recipe for spaghetti with stew with a photo and take a note of it for preparing dinner for households or unexpected guests.

See also how to make spaghetti with cheese and egg.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 254 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - 50 minutes


  • Spaghetti - 200 g
  • Stew - 1 can
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • Spices to taste
  • Water - 2 l

Step by step cooking spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato

Onions are fried in a pan
Onions are fried in a pan

1. Before cooking spaghetti with stew, process the onion. We clean the vegetable, chop finely and sauté in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. The result should be a translucent bow with a slight hint of a golden crust.

Onion with tomato paste in a pan
Onion with tomato paste in a pan

2. After that, add tomato paste to the pan and achieve uniform distribution of ingredients.

Stew in sauce in a pan
Stew in sauce in a pan

3. Open the can of stewed meat, pour the contents into the tomato and onion dressing. We divide large pieces into smaller ones. We set a quiet fire and simmer for only 5-10 minutes, so that all the ingredients are saturated with the taste and aroma of each other. If necessary, we add additional flavors.

Spaghetti with stew in tomato sauce in a plate
Spaghetti with stew in tomato sauce in a plate

4. Before making spaghetti with stewed meat, fill a saucepan with high sides with water, put it on the stove over high heat and wait for the boil to start. Add some salt and start cooking the spaghetti. We place them with one edge in the water, while most of them will look out of the container. At this point, add a little vegetable oil and mix it slightly in water. The portion of the pasta that is gradually submerged in the water will soften, so that the fan of the pasta will submerge in the water. This happens quickly enough, so you should not go far from the stove. Next, stir everything once with a wooden spatula and leave to boil for 3-4 minutes, turn it off and let it stand for 2 minutes. We drain the water and do not rinse under any circumstances. We put it on a plate in portions. Top with stewed meat filling, decorate with fresh herbs.

Ready-to-serve spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato sauce
Ready-to-serve spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato sauce

5. Spaghetti with stewed meat in tomato ready! We serve them to the table immediately after cooking, because when warm they have the best taste.

See also video recipes:

1. Pasta-style navy with stew

2. Pasta with stew
