Forgotten weight training in bodybuilding

Forgotten weight training in bodybuilding
Forgotten weight training in bodybuilding

Many different exercises are used in bodybuilding today. At the same time, some were undeservedly forgotten. Learn how to develop powerful mass. Although today many different exercises are used by athletes, there are equally effective and undeservedly forgotten ones. They will help you continue to progress. Today we will talk about forgotten strength exercises for the development of mass in bodybuilding.

Exercises for the back and shoulder girdle

The athlete performs a barbell press behind the head
The athlete performs a barbell press behind the head

Previously, these exercises were very popular, but today they are forgotten and completely in vain.

Bench press, reverse grip

An athlete performs a reverse grip bench press
An athlete performs a reverse grip bench press

It may immediately seem that this is an ordinary bench press, so beloved by all athletes. However, due to the change in grip, everything changes radically. Reverse grip involves piercing the forearm, or, more simply, the palms should be directed towards you.

It should be noted that today this grip cannot be used in powerlifting, as the risk of falling of a sports equipment increases. However, before the ban, it was used by many famous athletes, such as Anthony Clarke. Moreover, using the reverse grip, they set several world records. Although this is rather an exception to the rule, since the exercise is quite difficult and requires a lot of strength. It is best used to eliminate weak points in the development of your muscles. When using the reverse grip, the load is shifted to the upper chest muscles, and the main effort falls on the triceps and delta. This load distribution movement is comparable to a narrow grip bench press.

You must understand that with this option for performing the exercise, you must be backed up. Controlling the barbell in this position is difficult. You also need to move the projectile in a strictly vertical trajectory and, of course, you should reduce the working weight.

Wide Grip Rows

Muscles involved in pulling on straight legs
Muscles involved in pulling on straight legs

You will benefit from this movement for several reasons. First of all, due to the use of a wide grip, the lats of the back are not involved in the work. In other types of deadlifts, they are used only as stabilizers. For this reason, the entire load lies on the extensor muscles of the back.

An equally important advantage of this exercise is the ability to perform it in the presence of a lower back injury. This is due, again, thanks to the active work of the extensors. And a few words should be said about the technique of this wonderful movement.

It is necessary to take the apparatus slightly wider than your usual grip when pressing in a prone position. Make sure that your back stays flat and there is a natural deflection in the lower back. Bring your ribcage forward and bring your shoulder blades together.

Begin the movement by abducting the pelvis. Make sure that the sports equipment is located as close to your feet as possible throughout the entire movement. During the downward movement of the projectile, you must direct your gaze forward. Also at this point, the knee joints should be slightly bent, but the legs should be straightened. You should remember that all traction movements should be carried out primarily with the help of the hip joint.

Jerk grip broach

The athlete performs a snatch grip broach
The athlete performs a snatch grip broach

This exercise is still used today in weightlifting. This sports discipline uses methods that have stood the test of time and are completely trustworthy in training athletes.

This exercise can be called multipurpose. It is primarily aimed at working out the deltas and can be an excellent movement for creating a powerful shoulder girdle. It also uses the rotators of the shoulder and trapezium. Today in bodybuilding, the bench press is often used in a standing position.

Compared to this movement, the broach works the target muscles more efficiently. To perform the exercise, you need to take a projectile with a wide grip and stand upright. A slight forward tilt is allowed. When performing the movement, try to engage the traps, while lifting the shoulders and elbow joints. It is very important to perform the first movement in an explosive style.

The first phase of the movement resembles pulling for the chin, but the elbow joints should be directed upward. Try to keep the projectile as close to the body as possible. After it passes the level of the chest, begin to tuck the hands under the projectile, and then the elbow joints. After that, squeeze the projectile up and fix it.

Exercises to develop back muscles

Back muscles diagram
Back muscles diagram


Performing hyperextension
Performing hyperextension

This is not to say that these exercises were completely forgotten, but they are performed relatively rarely. These movements work perfectly with the back extensors, despite the fact that almost all the work is done with the help of the back of the thigh. There are two types of this exercise: reverse and classic hyperextension.

Although they are aimed at one target muscle group, they are performed in different ways. To perform the exercise, a "goat" is often used, and the legs must rest against the Swedish wall. This exercise is remarkable in that the load on the muscles is constantly affected.

From a technical point of view, hyperextension is a simple exercise. You need to lie on the "goat", and fix your legs in the Swedish wall at the level of the hip joint. The back should be flat with a natural arch in the lower back. Lower and raise your body without letting your back round. Pancakes from the bar can be used as an additional burden.

The difference between reverse hyperextension and classic hyperextension is that you need to work with your legs, raising and lowering them. It should also be noted that hyperextension is the safest strength training exercise. They can be performed even if there is a lower back injury. In this case, the back extensors work with a large amplitude, which increases the efficiency of movement. If you have not done hyperextension before, then it's time to include them in your program and test the effectiveness on your own experience.

Learn more about muscle anatomy and weight training in this video:

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