Rules and methods for epilation of armpits

Rules and methods for epilation of armpits
Rules and methods for epilation of armpits

Modern women can no longer imagine their life without various cosmetic procedures, including epilation. You always want to look good and spend as little time as possible on self-care. That is why there are many ways to remove underarm hair. Underarm epilation is the removal of hair from the armpits using a razor, laser, wax or sugar paste. Each woman chooses the most convenient way for herself. It depends on the family budget and the amount of free time.

Armpit epilation methods

Now, to remove unwanted vegetation under the armpits, they use a razor, laser, photoepilation, sugaring or wax. A girl who is going to remove her hair for the first time will have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Armpit laser hair removal

Armpit laser hair removal
Armpit laser hair removal

This procedure is performed in the salon. For this, different lasers are used, which differ in their power and wavelength. The most popular is the alexandrite ray, as it can be used to remove dark “vegetation” from tanned skin. It is powerful enough to burn even thick hairs. Do not expect that in just one procedure you will completely cut off the vegetation. Usually only a small area is processed in one session. You will have to visit the salon several times, somewhere in 3-5 procedures your skin will become smooth. Each session is carried out at intervals of 4-10 weeks. After the first removal, you will need to wait about a month. During this time, hairs will grow back that were in an inactive phase, that is, they were not visible.

Please note that all people have a different pain threshold, so some women feel acute pain during the procedure. Your doctor will suggest anesthesia. An anesthetic gel or spray is applied to the skin. After removal, burns are possible, but this is rather the fault of the beautician. With the right choice of beam power and exposure time, no redness or spots will form. Indications for the use of laser hair removal: dark hair, ingrown hairs, frequent irritation when using shugaring and razors.

There are such contraindications to the procedure:

  • Diabetes;
  • Vascular mesh and varicose veins;
  • Viral ailments;
  • Fungal skin lesions;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking tetracycline antibiotics;
  • Flu;
  • Period;
  • Warts or papillomas in the armpits.

Please note that you cannot drink tetracycline antibiotics two weeks before the procedure. If the hairs are long, they need to be shortened to 1-2 mm, since you can get burned when burning the hair. In addition, laser hair removal is not carried out on tanned skin, it is fraught with the appearance of light spots, similar to pigmented ones. Before visiting a salon, consult a therapist. Choose only clinics with trusted cosmetologists who can adequately determine the type of skin and select the optimal power.

Underarm waxing

Epilation of the underarm area with wax
Epilation of the underarm area with wax

With the help of wax you will say goodbye to "fur" for 2 weeks. However, this method, if performed incorrectly, is very traumatic. After the procedure, irritation usually occurs, sometimes blood oozes from the bulbs. To avoid such unpleasant phenomena, perform the manipulation correctly.

Usually, after waxing, the armpits turn red, possibly a burning sensation. To minimize pain, apply baby powder to your hair before the procedure. Small particles of talcum powder stick to the skin, so the wax does not stick to it, but only sticks to the hairs. Accordingly, you will not pluck off dead skin particles, but only unwanted vegetation. Initially, you need to decide on the material. The most readily available are wax strips that heat in the palms of your hands. But this method is not quite suitable for the area under the hands. For many women, after regular shaving, the hair under the armpits becomes thick, so it is painful to remove them, respectively, cold wax is not very suitable for this.

It is best to purchase hot wax and a special wax heater for it. Of course, these products are not cheap, but this way you will greatly reduce the level of pain and save money in the future. Instead of a wax heater, you can use an ordinary water bath, however, in this case, control the temperature of the paste with a thermometer. To remove hair with hot wax, it must be heated to the required temperature. When using for the first time, be careful not to overheat the wax, it may cause burns, especially if you do not have a wax melter and cannot accurately record the temperature.

Hot waxing instructions:

  1. Apply a scrub to your skin the day before your procedure.
  2. Before carrying out the manipulation, wipe the skin with an antiseptic.
  3. Apply some powder, it will improve the adhesion of the hair and wax.
  4. Heat the wax to the required temperature.
  5. Apply a thick layer over hair growth.
  6. Wait for the wax to harden.
  7. Tear off the layer against the hair growth.
  8. Apply an oil or hair regrowth retardant.

As you can see, everything is very simple. Mistakes are possible initially, so you have to practice a little with the correct temperature and waxing technique. You can simultaneously get rid of unwanted vegetation from different parts of the body.

Underarm epilation with epilator

Removing armpit hair with an epilator
Removing armpit hair with an epilator

You will need to purchase an epilator to remove underarm vegetation using this method. This is a device that runs on batteries or electricity. Try not to skimp on the purchase of an epilator. Cooling devices significantly reduce pain.

The principle of operation is similar to plucking hairs with many small tweezers. Many girls consider this procedure to be torture, but usually it only hurts the first 2 or 3 times. Then the hair becomes very thin, and it is easier and faster to remove it.

Armpit hair grows in different directions. Before manipulation, you need to conditionally divide the armpit into two parts. Remember, the procedure is carried out with a hair length of 5 mm.

Instructions for epilating with an epilator:

  • Scrub the skin 1-2 days before hair removal.
  • Wash your armpits and dry them.
  • Select the lowest speed, especially if you are using the device for the first time.
  • If cooling is present, place the cooling roller in the freezer for a few minutes.
  • Hold the epilator perpendicular to your body.
  • Remove hair against its growth.
  • Apply a soothing cream or oil.

Sugar hair removal for armpits

Sugar hair removal under the armpits
Sugar hair removal under the armpits

Sweet underarm epilation is the most affordable. This is one of the best ways to epilate your underarms. Sugar paste is sold ready-made, but it is not cheap. Therefore, you can prepare the mixture yourself. The principle of its use is close to the use of hot wax. The viscous mass is simply applied to the hair and breaks off abruptly.

Instructions for making sugar paste:

  1. Place 250 g of sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan.
  2. Pour 80 g of water and 50 g of lemon juice into the sugar.
  3. Stir the mixture all the time.
  4. When the sugar is completely dissolved, continue stirring.
  5. The mixture should be caramel in color and smell good.
  6. To check the readiness of the mass, take a little pasta on a spoon and watch the trickle flowing down. It should stretch and not burst (like honey).
  7. When the mixture is warm, tear off a piece and knead it with your fingers. This piece should change color and turn from amber to white.
  8. Cool the mixture until warm - and you can carry out shugaring.

Pressing down, glue the sugar paste layer to the skin and hair and pull it off abruptly. Do not try to remove as much hair as possible at one time. One piece can be used until soft and tearing.

You can pour the rest of the sugar paste into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Warm up the paste in a water bath before repeating the procedure.

Underarm epilation with a razor

Hair removal under the armpits with a razor
Hair removal under the armpits with a razor

The cheapest and fastest way to say goodbye to "fur". To do this, you need a razor, foam and 3 minutes of free time. Just wet your armpits with water and apply some lather. Run the machine along the hairline, rinse off the remaining foam. You can calm down for 1 day. The effect after the procedure lasts 1-2 days. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow "thorns" will appear, which will cause discomfort and spoil the mood. Accordingly, this is not the best way to epilate in the armpit area. Now on sale there are machines with 2 or 3 blades that cut the hair as deep as possible, and the vegetation grows more slowly. Look out for razors with strips of moisturizing oils to soothe irritated skin.

Disadvantages of shaving:

  • Hair grows back quickly.
  • Irritation is possible.
  • The skin is not completely smooth.
  • If the hair is dark, then dark spots appear.

This method is not suitable if you are a public person or are going on vacation to a warm region.

Depilatory cream at home

Depilatory cream for armpit hair removal
Depilatory cream for armpit hair removal

An alternative to shaving is a depilatory cream. This is a product that contains substances that destroy the hair structure. There are creams for sensitive skin. They can be used to remove unwanted hair under the armpits and intimate areas.

Unlike shaving machines, chemicals do not increase hair thickness and quantity, so they can be used to get rid of facial hair when needed.

If you are using a depilatory cream for the first time, do a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product on the elbow and wait 5 minutes. If irritation does not appear, you can safely use the substance.

How to use depilatory cream:

  1. Apply to cleansed skin.
  2. It is advisable to apply a scrub before the procedure. This prevents ingrown hairs.
  3. Do not use on irritated or damaged skin.
  4. Apply the cream along the hairline and remove the remaining cream in the opposite direction.
  5. Avoid contact with mucous membranes.
  6. Do not use shower gel or soap to rinse off product residue. Rinse your skin several times with warm water.

It is worth noting that the effect after using the product is short-lived. If the hair is black and thick, then after 2-3 days you will see the first signs of their regrowth.

You need to keep the cream for 5-15 minutes, it depends on the composition of the product and its purpose. Usually, creams for sensitive skin need to be kept longer than conventional products. This is due to the low concentration of aggressive substances that make up the cream.

Armpit hair removal care

After almost every hair removal procedure, regardless of the method, it is necessary to take care of the skin. This is especially true after using wax, sugaring or an electric epilator.

How to treat armpits after epilation

Armpit oil with chamomile extract
Armpit oil with chamomile extract

After shaving, the skin is usually smooth, but small cuts may appear when using an old razor. Therefore, after the procedure, treat the skin with an antiseptic. Do not apply an antiperspirant immediately after shaving, as the skin may burn.

After wax, sticky marks remain on the skin; to remove them, use vegetable oil or oil with chamomile extract.

After the epilator, red dots remain on the skin, these are the places from which you removed the bulbs. So that these points disappear in the near future, and infection does not penetrate through them, treat the skin with an antiseptic.

How to get rid of irritation after underarm epilation

Miramistin for irritation after hair removal
Miramistin for irritation after hair removal

After epilating the armpits with wax, sugar paste and an epilator, you may experience irritation. It manifests itself as redness or soreness. Ways to get rid of irritation in the armpit area after epilation:

  • Applying ointments with antiseptics … These include Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Miramistin. The composition of these ointments contains substances that prevent the penetration of infection into the skin through damaged areas.
  • Using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide … Of course, this is not the best option to relieve irritation, since after applying alcohol, the skin will "burn". But on the other hand, this is a 100% guarantee of the absence of infection.
  • Applying a decoction of medicinal herbs to the armpits … Chamomile, mint, or sage are great. For a tablespoon of the herb, you need 500 ml of boiling water.
  • Oil application … You can cook it yourself. To do this, mix 50 ml of vegetable oil with 5 drops of tea tree or chamomile oil. Saturate cotton wool with the mixture and rub it over irritated armpits. Oils for babies are commercially available, they are great for relieving irritation and dry skin.

How to epilate the armpits - watch the video:

Nowadays, it is not necessary to go to a beautician to remove hair under the armpits. Subject to all the rules, you can deal with unwanted vegetation at home. In this case, you will spend a minimum of funds.
