What foods contain vegetable proteins?

What foods contain vegetable proteins?
What foods contain vegetable proteins?

Properties and composition of vegetable protein. The benefits and harms of geobotanical proteins. List and description of foods high in polypeptides. A plant protein is a plant protein or polypeptide that is made up of amino acids (alpha amino acids) linked by a peptide chain. Different combinations of amino acids form molecules with different properties. Proteins are an essential cellular component of a living organism and provide it with energy.

What is Vegetable Protein?

Lysine Formula
Lysine Formula

The discovery of proteins took place back in 1939, and their properties are still being studied. A fifth of the human body by weight is polypeptides.

Man, replenishing the protein reserve, consumes products of plant and animal origin. The resulting proteins in the body are broken down into amino acids that are necessary for life:

  • Valine, Leucine and Isoleucine - normalize blood glucose levels and stimulate the growth of organic tissue.
  • Methionine - has an antioxidant effect, stops age-related changes, strengthens nails and hair, improves skin quality.
  • Lysine - stimulates the synthesis of enzymes, hormones and antibodies.
  • Tyrosine - stabilizes the endocrine system.
  • Threonine - accelerates intestinal metabolism, improves the absorption of nutrients.
  • Tryptophan - prevents the development of depression, strengthens the immune system.

The body receives amino acids not only with food, but also synthesizes on its own.

Not everyone knows how vegetable proteins differ from animals. The result is an unbalanced diet and a pronounced deterioration in health. Proteins of animal origin contain all the amino acids. But the composition of geobotanical polypeptides depends on the type of product. To obtain a complex of amino acids from fruits, plants or cereals, which is necessary for normal human life, you need to correctly combine products of various types. For example, legumes and herbs or cereals and vegetable oils.

The daily intake of plant and animal proteins also differs:

Physiological status Only animal proteins Vegetable proteins only Recommended ratio
Pregnant and lactating 75 g per day Not recommended 18, 75/56, 25 g
Sedentary lifestyle 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight 1/3
Increased physical activity 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight 2, 2 g per 1 kg of weight 1, 5/2, 5
Losing weight with exercise 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight 2, 2 g per 1 kg of weight 1, 5/2, 5
Growing teenagers Up to 2, 2 g per 1 kg of weight Not recommended 1/3

Important! Thanks to geobotanical proteins, the body receives the amino acid methionine, which is not produced by living tissues.

The benefits of vegetable protein

Vegetarian girl at lunch
Vegetarian girl at lunch

Plant peptides enter the body from grains, herbs and fruits. To maintain function at the proper level, you need to choose such combinations of foods that limit portions by weight, without increasing the burden on the digestive system.

Vegetable protein:

  1. Easier to digest. There is practically no cholesterol in it, a small amount of lipids. This reduces the likelihood of allergic reactions and the development of the following diseases - varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, stroke.
  2. It has a high amount of fiber and dietary fiber, therefore it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive organs. Colon cancer occurs 5 times less frequently in people who follow a vegetarian diet than in meat-eaters.
  3. Promotes weight loss, prevents the formation of a fat layer.

Thanks to the intake of proteins from plants, all organic functions are fully supported. The work of the reproductive system is normalized, metabolic processes are provided, new cells are continuously formed, and the balance of the intestinal microflora is maintained. The body's immune status remains stable and the risk of developing diabetes is reduced. There is one more aspect to be paid attention to. A vegetarian diet is sustainable and does not drain the resources of the globe. Getting a good harvest is much easier than restoring livestock. In addition, the methane produced on farms pollutes the atmosphere.

In addition, it is worth considering the moral component. Many people switch to vegetarian diets out of conviction - they don't want to feel like "killers."

Contraindications and harm of vegetable protein

An attack of urolithiasis in a man
An attack of urolithiasis in a man

Geobotanical foods are more difficult to eat than animals, and the unlimited supply of this type of protein can have a negative impact on the body. Intestinal loops are overstretched, flatulence increases. In addition, you will have to spend more time on body shaping.

The value of vegetable protein is high, but it is not recommended to completely switch to it. Such a diet has a negative effect on the body. If the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, iron deficiency anemia, urolithiasis and arthritis may develop, and the state of health may worsen.

Most high protein foods also contain high phytohormones. This can have a negative effect on the female body - due to hormonal disruption, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

There is a theory that men who eat this type of food to replenish the body's supply of nutrients acquire "feminine features." Their mammary glands may enlarge, the fatty layer will begin to be deposited according to the female type - on the thighs. To get all the amino acids you need in full, you need to learn how to properly combine herbal ingredients.

There is also a direct danger to strict vegans. Geobotanical products do not contain vitamin B12, a cobalt-containing biologically active complex consisting of methylcobalamin, cobamamide, cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin. Therefore, the diet should include at least occasionally animal components. You don't have to kill animals to get eggs, whole milk and dairy products. This means that moral convictions will not be affected.

Another disadvantage of plant proteins: breakfast or lunch, which includes all the nutrients the body needs during the day, can cost much more than a sausage sandwich.

List of Vegetable Protein Foods

By combining different types of geobotanical products, it is possible not only to restore the energy resource, but also to correct some health problems. Protein in plant products normalizes metabolic processes. This is helped by additional components.


Soybeans in a basket
Soybeans in a basket

The question of which plant food is a good source of protein can be safely answered - soy. This is a plant from the legume family. The amount of protein in soybeans per 100 g - up to 12 g.

Despite the high protein content, it should be borne in mind that its biological value is lower than that of an animal, since there is a small amount of methionine. And without this sulfur-containing amino acid, glutathione (an antioxidant that protects cells from damage) is not produced. That is, it is difficult to provide the required level of antioxidant activity.

But in soybeans there is a high amount of iron, calcium and phytoestrogen isoflavone, which in structure resembles a hormone produced by the female body - estrogen. Therefore, during the transition to menopause, the number of legumes of this type in the diet is recommended to be increased. Popular products with a high protein content are made from soy - tofu, edemam, tempeh. They are eaten on their own and added to salads. In cheeses, the amount of protein per 100 g reaches 19 g.

However, overuse of soy is dangerous. The high content of isoflavones can provoke cancer of the reproductive organs and autoimmune diseases. Eating a complete protein but unfermented soy product can be harmful.


Boiled lentils on a plate
Boiled lentils on a plate

This product also belongs to legumes, is used for making cereals, salads, soups. The amount of protein in lentils per 100 g is 7.5 g. In addition, this serving 30% replenishes the recommended amount of fiber. Also, the grains contain a high amount of iron, manganese and folic acid.

Dietary fiber increases immunity, supports the vital activity of beneficial bacteria in the large intestine, and reduces the likelihood of developing cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity. And regular consumption of lentils lowers blood sugar levels.

Chickpeas, beans and green peas

Bowl with green peas
Bowl with green peas

Other legumes are also plant sources of protein - 3-6 g / 100 g. In the composition of these geobotanical products, fiber, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, folic acid and other useful compounds. A diet rich in these foods lowers cholesterol and sugar levels, normalizes blood pressure, dissolves cholesterol, and even helps distribute body fat. Of course, subject to increased activity.

It is necessary to dwell separately on green peas: a portion of 200 g can provide 25% of the daily requirement for ascorbic acid, vitamin A, folic acid and manganese. It can be added to various dishes, consumed on its own and preserved for the winter.

Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds in a wooden plate
Hemp seeds in a wooden plate

Cannabis seeds (sativa cannabis) should not be confused with marijuana seeds (cannabis), although they are in the same group. The amount of protein in hemp seeds per 100 g - 35 g. When added to the diet, they not only help restore energy potential, but also replenish the reserve of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium. They contain a high amount of fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6, which improve the condition of the vascular walls, increase tone, are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and prevent age-related changes. By adding hemp seeds to the daily menu, you can prevent the development of inflammatory processes, exacerbation of organic diseases, and smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

Amaranth and quinoa

Amaranth flour and grains
Amaranth flour and grains

These plants are not cereals, but their seeds are ground into flour like cereals. The amount of protein in amaranth (shiritsa) and quinoa (rice quinoa) per 100 g - 19 g. It was noticed that babies who eat bread with this flour improved the functioning of the digestive system and accelerated growth.

They learned about an allergic reaction to gluten and lactose deficiency relatively recently - in the 19th century, but parents faced chronic digestive disorders in children at all times. This pathology was especially common (and still occurs) among the Vietnamese and Indians living in the United States. And tribal healers noticed that if you replaced breast milk with a drink made from soaked quinoa seeds, the condition improved. And the inhabitants of Europe preferred to use a mixture of shrimp and rice quinoa as a gluten-free substitute for animal protein.

Additional constituents of quinoa and amaranth are manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and plenty of fiber.


Spirulina powder and tablets
Spirulina powder and tablets

Blue-green algae contain so many proteins that they can rightfully be called a powerhouse for the body. The amount of protein in spirulina per 100 g is 26 g. In addition, 2 tablespoons of the supplement per day satisfy a fifth of the need for thiamine and iron, and half for copper.

Also in the composition of spirulina potassium, magnesium, riboflavin, manganese, essential fatty acids and phycocyanin. It is the last component that algae owes its unique blue-green color, anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The therapeutic effect of spirulina: increasing immunity, normalizing blood pressure, lowering blood sugar levels and removing "excess" cholesterol from the body.


Whole Grain Oatmeal
Whole Grain Oatmeal

The easiest way to recover from increased physical activity without overloading the digestive organs is to introduce a serving of whole grain oatmeal or rolled oats into the daily menu.

The amount of protein in oats is 5 g per 100 g. A very useful dish for children and pregnant women: it contains phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and a very important ingredient for the formation and stabilization of the nervous system - folic acid. Oatmeal can be added to bread and desserts, pancakes and biscuits. Higher quality oat protein than wheat, rye and even wild rice makes it easier to digest.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds in a wooden bowl
Chia seeds in a wooden bowl

The plant, which grows in South America, was used as an ingredient in medicines and a protein substitute for sick Mayan and Aztec priests. Biologists who remembered this plant at the end of the 20th century called chia seeds "a universal product."

The amount of protein in chia seeds per 100 g - 19 g. Fruits can be added to baked goods, cocktails, baked goods. They have gelling properties and also contain iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium, antioxidants, fatty acids, and fiber.

Nuts and seeds

Various types of nuts
Various types of nuts

If the purpose of adding nuts to the daily menu is to replace animal proteins, you should know which fruits contain the most of them.

Product Protein content per 100 g
Peanut 26, 3
Cashew 25, 2
Pistachios 20, 5
Almond 18, 6
Hazelnut 16, 1
Walnuts 15, 6
Pine nuts 13, 7

You should not acquire fruits after heat treatment - useful substances are destroyed.

Vegetables, fruits and berries

Basket with vegetables and fruits
Basket with vegetables and fruits

These plant foods are lower in protein than grains and nuts, but some can compete with wheat or pumpkin seeds. Although you will not have to eat a few spoons, but a serving of 240 g.

The most "protein" vegetables are broccoli, asparagus, spinach, potatoes and artichokes, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts.

Fruits and berries are significantly inferior in polypeptide content to vegetables, but they must be included in the diet in order to replenish the reserve of nutrients and fiber. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to blackberries, mulberries, bananas and nectarines.


Champignons on a cutting board
Champignons on a cutting board

Mushrooms contain all the nutrients necessary for the development, formation and existence of the human body. Many vegetarians believe that they can completely replace meat in the diet, but this is not true. The largest amount of protein in mushrooms is 4, 2 g per 100 g. And in chicken protein is already 23-25 g per 100 g.

Important! Vegetable proteins are different from animals and cannot completely replace them, but they must be present in the diet. Otherwise, you will have to forget about a healthy digestive system. The Mongols had a special type of execution, when the prisoners were fed only meat and they died in terrible agony. Stagnant processes in the intestines led to intoxication of the body, and the person died. It is very important to maintain a balance between plant and animal proteins, correctly compose the daily menu, and take into account individual reactions.

What foods contain vegetable protein - watch the video:

If there is a sufficient amount of geobotanical proteins in the diet, it is easier for the body to resist negative influences, the risk of infection and malignancy of neoplasms decreases.
