How to get rid of freckles?

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How to get rid of freckles?
How to get rid of freckles?

Find out what are the most effective home remedies for getting rid of freckles quickly. With the first spring warm rays of the sun, many girls are faced with such an unpleasant problem as the appearance of freckles on their face. Of course, these small spots are rather difficult to call a serious cosmetic defect, but most want to get rid of them and use a variety of means for this, which are not always effective, and in some cases are dangerous for the health and beauty of the skin.

Read the review of the mask for pigmentation and freckles - Laminary

Reasons for the appearance of freckles

Freckles in a girl
Freckles in a girl

Various reasons can provoke the formation of freckles on the face, including:

  • hereditary and genetic factor;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • the presence of a predisposition to the formation of sunburn;
  • increased production of melanin in the skin.

Preventing freckles

UV protection cream
UV protection cream

Every girl knows that it is much easier to prevent the appearance of freckles than to try to get rid of them later. To prevent ugly spots from appearing on your face with the onset of spring, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Before going outside, special cosmetics must be applied to the skin to protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. For this purpose, you can use a simple sunscreen, as long as it has a high level of UV filters.
  2. For a face with freckles, it is recommended to do a special make-up, in which powder and foundation must be applied. These products should contain UV components. Provided you create the right makeup, it becomes possible to mask freckles, but this method will not help you completely get rid of them.
  3. It is necessary to protect the skin from direct exposure to the sun - you can wear hats, panama hats and caps.
  4. It is worth refraining from walking at lunchtime, since it is during this period that solar activity reaches its peak. Better to wait out this time in the shade.
  5. It is recommended to diversify your diet with foods that contain a large amount of vitamin C, because it is he who prevents the increased production of skin pigments. It is useful to add cabbage, apples, kiwi, etc. to your menu.

Freckle removal in salon

Freckle removal procedure in the salon
Freckle removal procedure in the salon

Certain cosmetic procedures will help get rid of freckles, namely:

  • laser skin correction;
  • peeling.

Peeling is based on intensive cleansing of the skin and removal from its surface of the upper stratum corneum, including freckles and age spots. But this method of skin whitening is not recommended by dermatologists, because due to too active exposure, the onset of premature aging of the skin of the face and the appearance of wrinkles occur.

As a result, in those places where there used to be cute freckles, networks of wrinkles appear, which will be much harder to get rid of. In addition, deep and median peels are a rather painful and very unpleasant procedure, after which a long recovery is required.

Not only peeling, but also laser skin correction will help remove freckles. In this case, there is a direct impact on the problem areas, but healthy areas of the skin are not touched. Professional cosmetologists say that the laser spot correction procedure is completely painless and helps to get an almost instant result.

Folk recipes for removing freckles

Skin with and without freckles
Skin with and without freckles

To remove freckles, it is not necessary to use modern expensive means, since traditional methods based on the use of completely natural remedies are no less effective and more useful.

Berry masks

Raspberry face mask
Raspberry face mask

In cosmetology, such delicious and juicy berries as strawberries are widely used. From its juice, you can prepare lotions, masks, as well as water for wiping the skin. If there is no allergy, it can be used in the care of delicate facial skin.

Strawberry helps to get rid of a variety of cosmetic skin imperfections - for example, freckles, age spots, unhealthy complexion, and also has a positive effect in the treatment of various skin conditions (eczema).

If strawberries are used to lighten and remove freckles, you need to take two ripe berries and chop them until you get a mushy state. Then beaten egg white is introduced.

Before applying the resulting composition to the face, the skin must be wiped with fresh strawberry juice. The mask is spread evenly and left on for 15 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the remnants of the mixture are washed off with cool water.

Ice cubes

Cosmetic ice for the face
Cosmetic ice for the face

To refresh your complexion, whiten and tone your skin, you can use ice cubes made from frozen strawberry juice. It will be enough to wipe your face with ice cubes every day. Then the juice is left on the skin for about 15 minutes and then washed off with cold water. After carrying out such a whitening procedure, a nourishing cream must be used.

Spinach leaves


To quickly remove freckles and heal burns or eczema, it is recommended to use spinach leaf paste. To prepare such a miraculous mixture, you need to boil spinach leaves in olive oil, then grind with a blender.

As soon as the composition acquires a uniform consistency and cools down, it must be applied immediately to the skin. This product must be redone before each procedure, but not stored. This paste can be used to remove age spots and improve skin color.

Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice
Strawberry juice

In cosmetology, fresh strawberry juice is very often used, as it helps not only to remove freckles, but also to lighten the skin. For this purpose, juice is squeezed out of ripe berries, in which a cotton swab is moistened and the skin of the face is wiped.

These pleasant beauty treatments have a positive effect on porous and oily skin, especially if there is a tendency to acne. To enhance the positive effect, fresh strawberry juice is recommended to be mixed with glycerin.



At first glance, it may seem a little strange, but horseradish has strong cosmetic properties. Horseradish infusion can be used to get rid of age spots and freckles. Horseradish contains phytoncides, which have pronounced bactericidal properties. Therefore, the infusion acquires a strong antibacterial effect.

Strawberry juice

Strawberry juice
Strawberry juice

Fresh strawberry juice can be used both for cosmetic purposes to lighten the skin, and for medicinal purposes, to remove eczema and lichen. It is also recommended to use it for acne and a tendency to inflammation.

It is useful to add strawberry juice to the composition of a variety of cosmetic masks and lotions. Thanks to the regular use of these products, the skin regains its elasticity, prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles and makes the existing ones less noticeable.

To lighten the skin, it will be enough to moisten a cotton swab in fresh strawberry juice, and then wipe the problem areas. You can also freeze the juice and apply ice cubes to help the skin regain its tone and healthy appearance faster.



This is one of the best, and most importantly, completely natural cosmetics that can be used to care for various types of skin. For many years, yogurt has been used by women to maintain beauty and youth.

To restore freshness to tired skin, it will be enough to wash your face with yogurt every day. This simple cosmetic procedure will help not only significantly improve the complexion, but also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, due to which the ugly oily sheen is quickly eliminated.

With the regular use of curdled milk, it becomes possible to get rid of freckles and age spots. It can also be used as a base for facial massage. These simple yet effective cosmetic procedures help to significantly improve the condition of the skin, while reducing the appearance of various cosmetic defects.

White cabbage

White cabbage
White cabbage

On the basis of white cabbage, you can prepare a fairly large number of a wide variety of masks for skin care. In some cases, fresh cabbage juice is used instead of a cleansing lotion, which will be much more beneficial for the skin, as it is completely natural and effective.

If small wrinkles, freckles and age spots appear on the skin, it is recommended to use a special mixture to eliminate these cosmetic defects. To prepare it, you will need to take oatmeal and fresh cabbage juice (50 g).

All components are mixed until a sufficiently thick slurry is obtained. If the skin is very oily, it is better to avoid using cabbage juice. Sauerkraut pickle is a great alternative.

The finished mask is applied to previously cleansed face skin and spread in an even layer. After 19-25 minutes, you need to wash yourself with plenty of warm water and wipe the skin with a clean cotton swab dipped in a cooled chamomile broth. Such a procedure will help not only soothe, but also refresh the skin, the effect of the mask will also increase, since chamomile also has a whitening effect.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil

To whiten your skin and prevent premature wrinkles, we recommend using a natural remedy such as sea buckthorn oil. It helps to slow down skin aging.

Sea buckthorn oil contains a large amount of essential oils that restore freshness and elasticity to the skin, as well as improve complexion.

Due to regular cosmetic procedures using sea buckthorn oil, the skin from the inside is filled with glow and looks completely healthy. This product is just perfect for the care of aging and dry skin of the face, as well as in case there are problem areas.

Today, sea buckthorn oil is widely used as a whitening agent to combat freckles and age spots. It will be quite enough to put a small amount of oil on a cotton pad and simply wipe the skin. A few minutes later, after all useful substances and trace elements have been absorbed into the cells of the epidermis, you need to wash yourself with warm water to wash off the remnants of the product.



Today, such a pleasant fruit as grapefruit is widely used in the field of cosmetology. For facial skin care, you can use not only juice, but also the pulp, as well as the peel.

Grapefruit juice is one of the most effective and gentle remedies. It helps whiten the skin by removing signs of freckles and age spots. It can be added to a variety of masks, tonics and lotions, or used in pure form.

This fruit is ideal for the care of combination to oily skin. It is useful to wipe your face with an infusion made from grapefruit skin. Regular carrying out of such procedures contributes not only to nutrition, but also to strengthening the skin of the face and neck.

To get rid of freckles, it will be enough to wipe the skin with fresh grapefruit juice every day, and then do not rinse it off, but leave it until it dries completely, due to which the greatest benefit will be obtained.

With proper skin care, freckles can be prevented. But in cases where such a nuisance could not be avoided, it is best to leave the choice on natural remedies that will not only help remove freckles and pigmentation, but also restore health to weakened and thinned skin. But to obtain the desired result, such methods should be applied regularly, even in the cold season, when the sun is not too active, but, nevertheless, has a negative effect on the condition of the skin, provoking its premature aging.

How to get rid of freckles at home, see this video:
