Find out what features should have training for people who have problems with the musculoskeletal system. Secret technique. Joint diseases are now quite common and many people are interested in the question of how to exercise if they are present. Today we will talk about arthrosis and bodybuilding.
Diseases of the articular-ligamentous apparatus

Joint diseases are most often associated with age-related changes in the body, but not always. Of course, the older a person is, the greater the chances of developing these diseases. Let's see what they are.

Several forms of this disease are known, but the most common are arthrosis (osteoarthritis) and rheumatoid arthritis. The first form is most widespread among people involved in sports. The reason for the development of arthrosis is the wear and tear of the joint, and the poor condition of the cartilage at the ends of the bone. In normal condition, cartilage should have a smooth surface, and with the development of arthritis, it becomes rough. As a result, pain occurs during movement. More often than other joints, the hip and knee are susceptible to arthritis.

The joints have small sacs that are filled with a special fluid (synovial). They are often called bursae. They provide mobility and cushioning of the joints. The moment the bursae become inflamed or damaged, chronic bursitis may develop. The elbow and shoulder joints are most susceptible to the disease.

It is the most common disease among athletes and is relatively easy to treat. Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons surrounding a joint. This happens as a result of strong stress or due to microdamage.
The reasons for the development of arthrosis

Arthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic change in the cartilaginous structure, resulting in a loss of mobility or flexibility. These changes affect not only the articular-ligamentous apparatus, but also the bones and fluid that lubricates the elements of the joint (synovial fluid). Among the main reasons for the development of arthrosis, the presence of excess fat mass and a passive lifestyle should be noted.
Also, wear on cartilage tissue can be caused by monotonous movements repeated over a period of time. Thus, working with a skipping rope or running for a full person can result in the development of arthrosis, say, of the knee joint, and not getting rid of fat. Among the main factors that can cause arthrosis are high blood pressure, lack of physical activity, cholesterol imbalance and smoking. Although tobacco addiction is in last place on this list, the more experience a smoker has, the more likely it is to develop arthrosis.
The relationship between arthrosis and bodybuilding

If arthrosis occurs, it is necessary to make some changes to the training program:
- Because of the pain, you may not be able to perform some of the movements.
- Swelling may appear after exercise.
- The range of motion will be limited.
- You will experience discomfort during training.
It should be noted that women are more susceptible to arthrosis. Since during the training the girls pay a lot of attention to the development of the leg muscles, we will now talk about knee arthritis. The development of knee arthritis takes several stages:
- Stage 1 - the cartilaginous and surrounding tissues soften.
- Stage 2 - potholes appear on the surface of the cartilage.
- Stage 3 - the sliding layer becomes thinner.
Note that arthrosis develops for a long time and the first stage almost always goes unnoticed. Thus, you may already be in the initial phase of the development of arthrosis, but you will not know about it yet.
One of the main symptoms of the development of arthrosis is the appearance of bulges just above the patella. Then the mobility and flexibility of the joint decreases. Also, squeaks appear in the joint over time. Although this is not a direct symptom of the development of the disease.
Surely someone believes that if the joint began to collapse, then bodybuilding is no longer worth it. But after recent research by American scientists, we can say that bodybuilding is useful for arthrosis. Let's find out how to exercise if you have this condition:
- It is necessary to strengthen the muscles around the joints. In relation to the knee, these are the quadriceps and the front of the thigh.
- Eliminate painful exercises from your routine.
- Avoid using heavy weights when performing movements that involve the affected joint.
- Do not use standard techniques for training leg muscles.
- Don't work on failure.
- If you have excess body fat, you need to make every effort to combat them.
- Eat more choline-rich foods.
It is advisable to take 1.5 grams of glucosamine and 1.2 grams of chondroitin during the day.
To train your legs with arthrosis, you should do the following exercises:
- The gluteal bridge.
- Plie squats with dumbbells between the legs.
- Legs back.
- Romanian cravings.
- Information and leg breeding on the simulator, etc.
For more information on how to train bodybuilders with arthrosis, how to prevent the disease, see this video: