Garden quinoa

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Garden quinoa
Garden quinoa

Description of such a familiar swan. The value of a weed plant as a food crop. Contraindications for eating. Mountain spinach recipes and interesting facts about it. Quinoa also contains macro- and microelements. 100 g of product:

  • 1/4 of the daily value of magnesium;
  • 1/4 of the required calcium;
  • 1/5 of the copper rate;
  • 1/10 of the daily dose of potassium.

The seeds of the plant are also eaten. They contain a large number of phospholipids, which play a transport function and carry fatty compounds, starch, fiber, sugar.

Useful properties of garden quinoa

What does garden quinoa look like?
What does garden quinoa look like?

The benefits of garden quinoa are so tangible that children, whose diet is supplemented with it due to the lack of other food products, do not lag behind in the future in physiological development.

The effect of quinoa on the body:

  1. Increases the body's defenses, strengthens the immune system, helps to avoid infection during the epidemic season, and to recover quickly in case of hypothermia;
  2. It has antiseptic properties, inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. Has a sedative effect, soothes, helps to get rid of insomnia;
  4. Prevents the development of ischemic disease, stabilizes the work of the cardiovascular system, prevents the occurrence of stroke and heart attack;
  5. Increases the tone of vascular walls, strengthens capillaries, stabilizes peripheral blood supply;
  6. It removes old toxins from the body, has a mild diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect;
  7. Reduces blood sugar and increases the acidity of gastric juice, stimulating the production of pepsin;
  8. Eliminates intoxication, prevents the formation of free radicals;
  9. Accelerates recovery from complications of colds - with bronchitis, runny nose, sinusitis, pneumonia;
  10. For women, it shortens the duration of the menstrual cycle and reduces the volume of discharge;
  11. Increases blood clotting;
  12. Helps to cope with headaches, including migraines.

The introduction of quinoa products into the diet prevents the development of hemorrhoids, periodontal disease and periodontitis.

The sap of the plant has an antibacterial effect, it can be taken orally and disinfected wounds with it.

When quinoa is added to the dietary menu, the body, getting rid of extra pounds, does not lose nutrients. The reserve is replenished due to the rich composition of the green part of the culture.

Harm and contraindications to the use of garden quinoa

Urolithiasis in a girl
Urolithiasis in a girl

Do not make a diet based on quinoa. Although this plant is useful, it can provoke intoxication. Intestinal disorders are a symptom of poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of garden quinoa are as follows:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • High blood clotting;
  • Pregnancy and early childhood.

Allergic reactions to the plant often occur, signs of which are skin rash, diarrhea, nausea and dizziness.

Introduction to the diet 5-6 times a week does not affect the state of health.

Recipes for dishes with garden quinoa

Salad with beetroot and quinoa leaves
Salad with beetroot and quinoa leaves

The most delicious part of the quinoa is the tender green young leaves and the tops of the inflorescences. The herb is added to salads and hot dishes, salted, pickled, and various side dishes are made. In France and Italy, the leaves of the plant are dried, ground into powder and used as an ingredient in sauces.

Recipes with garden quinoa:

  1. Beetroot salad against vitamin deficiency … Beets are boiled, peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater. The delicate leaves are washed with running water, finely chopped. The proportions of beets and quinoa are about 1 to 2. Season the salad with a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise. It will be tastier if you add a boiled egg as an ingredient.
  2. Vitamin salad … To prepare this dish, you need to wait for the young cabbage to ripen. Shred cabbage, knead with salt, lemon juice, add a little sugar and knead well so that the juice begins to stand out. Mix cabbage with quinoa in a 2: 1 ratio. For dressing, use unsweetened yogurt, sour cream or olive oil. You can use sunflower, but with olive salad it turns out to be more useful.
  3. Spring soup … Finely chop a large onion, 200 g each of nettle and quinoa leaves. Fry all this in sunflower oil in a deep frying pan. It is better to put the onion first, and when it turns golden, add the herb, pour in a glass of sour cream and simmer for a minute. Separately boil a glass of barley as a rare porridge. Pour it into a pan with herbs, season with parsley and dill, add some salt, pepper, let it boil and turn it off.
  4. Sorrel and quinoa soup … Fresh greens are cut into large pieces, dipped into already cooked meat or chicken broth, boiled for 3-5 minutes, salted. Before serving, put half a boiled egg and a tablespoon of sour cream on each plate.
  5. Quinoa pies … First, a quick puff pastry is prepared. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of sugar and salt in a glass of warm water, pour in acetic acid, also a teaspoon, and drive in an egg. Stir carefully so that the consistency is as uniform as possible. Knead the dough with sifted flour on this liquid. Usually 3.5 cups are required, but you need to focus on the consistency of the batch. The dough should be soft, elastic, and not stick to your hands. Then it is more convenient to cut the resulting lump into 4 parts, each in turn must be rolled into a layer, liberally greased the surface with oil. Moisten the rolling pin in sunflower oil, wrap the dough on it, cut it lengthwise, roll it into the layer again, fold it several times. Then wrap the blank in cellophane and put it in the freezer. Pies are baked from part of the dough after 30 minutes, and the rest is left "for later." For the filling, mix a boiled egg and finely chopped greens: quinoa, green onions, dill. Greens are taken in equal amounts. The filling is pepper and salt. Pies are formed from the dough - more conveniently in triangles, baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C until they are browned. You can fry the pies in a pan. In the filling, you can mix quinoa with sorrel and add a little grated apple. In this case, the filling is not gloved, but the taste is improved with sugar. The pies are very tasty.
  6. Casserole … Boil a little vermicelli, about 50-70 g. Choose the most common one. Rinse it with cold water in a colander. When it's ready, 700 g of quinoa leaves are boiled in salted water. The herb is cooked for about 7-10 minutes. Then it is also washed with running cold water and allowed to get rid of excess moisture. Melt 100 g of butter in a hot frying pan and fry 150 g of flour until golden brown. Then put vermicelli and quinoa in the same pan, mix for 5 minutes. Drive 2 eggs into a frying pan, sprinkle with ham or bacon of your choice, add salt and pepper to taste again, mix everything. Everything is transferred to a mold greased with sunflower oil, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in an oven preheated to 150-160 ° C. Once the cheese is golden brown, the casserole is ready.
  7. Quinoa cutlets … Separately boil thick oatmeal porridge, adding a little salt. Boil quinoa leaves for 5 minutes, put them on a sieve, rinse with cold water. The minced meat is mixed by adding green onion feathers, everything is interrupted in a blender with an egg. Form cutlets, roll in breading, fried. Served with sour cream. Ingredient proportions to taste. If you plan to introduce the dish into a diet for weight loss, the cutlets are brought to readiness in the microwave.
  8. Ardelyanskaya chorba … 150 g of finely chopped onions are steamed with 1 liter of boiling water.700 g of fresh quinoa leaves are washed with cold running water and dipped in a saucepan with onions. 50 g of celery and carrots are cut into beautiful identical cubes, then sautéed in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil and put into a saucepan. All are boiled for 20 minutes. While the vegetables are boiling, they are busy with rice. Round rice, 50 g, is also boiled until tender. Beat a glass of sour cream with 1 tablespoon of flour and 3 egg yolks. I turn off the saucepan and pour the whipped sour cream into the cooked greens. All ingredients are mixed, added, vinegar is added and mixed again. The yolks should not curl. Rice is served with chorba as a side dish.

Quinoa can be added to any summer salad or green soup. You can experiment with this product, for example, replacing spinach in recipes. A diet with quinoa will help you get rid of 2-3 kg within 5 days.

Interesting facts about garden swan

How garden quinoa grows
How garden quinoa grows

The first description of the plant was found in the annals of 99 BC. n. NS. The origin of the Russian name is explained by the association of swan color and white dust on the leaves of the plant during the flowering period. By the way, white in Latin is "albus".

Russian balanda got its name from the Lithuanian "balanda", so in Lithuanian they call "weed" grass. No wonder. Now this "weed" is ruthlessly blasted away, and in Ancient Russia it was even specially planted, mixed with oats and wheat. They knew about the medicinal properties even then and they always added ground seeds to bread, especially during Great Lent.

Only by the middle of the 9th century, when the peasants began to live more prosperously, mixing flour with quinoa when baking became a symbol of poverty.

Quinoa is not only a vegetable crop, it cleans and desalinates the soil. Thanks to her, in 2-3 years, you can cope with salt marshes and make them suitable for planting more delicate plants.

Does not accumulate "mountain spinach" nitrates, comparing favorably with other vegetables and herbs. And after withering away it benefits again - it improves the soil composition, being a valuable fertilizer, rich in nutrients.

The grass is cold-resistant, easily tolerates frosts down to -6 ° C.

The famous Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy described how the peasants survived in the hungry year of 1896, again remembering the recipes for "swan" bread.

Despite the fact that the vegetable crop is a valuable product, it lacks gluten and contains a large amount of alkaloids. Therefore, children who constantly have to eat bread with quinoa often developed dizziness and nausea, and their stomachs increased. However, malnutrition could have affected this way. After all, these children would not have been able to survive without the quinoa.

Often unscrupulous sellers sell quinoa seeds instead of lawn grass, since they are much easier to collect. In the future, it will be difficult to get rid of an unwanted "guest" on the site, the plant does not even lend itself to etching with chemicals.

Watch a video about garden swan:

Maybe you shouldn't mercilessly destroy the swan, which has chosen the garden plot? On the contrary, grow it, water it in order to always have a useful addition to the diet at hand. Growing a plant is very easy. Even if you break off the stem at the root, young foliage will grow back in 2-3 weeks. Quinoa in the garden - your own pharmacy is at hand all summer!
