Barley porridge with sausages in the oven

Barley porridge with sausages in the oven
Barley porridge with sausages in the oven

Pearl barley has an unobtrusive taste, which makes it an ideal side dish. In this review, I will share a step-by-step recipe with a photo of pearl barley porridge with sausages in the oven. Follow the instructions and you will succeed! Video recipe.

Ready-made pearl barley porridge with sausages in the oven
Ready-made pearl barley porridge with sausages in the oven

Recipe content:

  • Basic rules for cooking barley
  • Ingredients
  • Step-by-step cooking of barley porridge with sausages in the oven
  • Video recipe

"Soldier's" pearl barley porridge, dry, tough and tasteless. This is how they know her, who had a chance to try pearl barley dishes. Indeed, barley requires a special approach, and the process of its preparation is quite long. Many hours of soaking, cooking and evaporation are required. Despite this, the low price and prevalence played a cruel joke with cereals - they began to cook it often when you need to save money. Thanks to this, the scale of the cooking contributed to the improvement in taste. If the barley porridge is cooked correctly, it can be very tasty. The basic recipe for porridge in water can be supplemented with any products to your liking. In addition, it will significantly improve the taste of the finished dish if you cook it not on the stove, but in the oven. I propose to get acquainted with a step-by-step recipe for barley porridge with sausages in the oven.

Basic rules for cooking barley

  • The groats must be pre-soaked in water. Ideally, at least 9 hours, then the porridge will be soft. If you reduce the time to 4 hours, then the taste of the food will not suffer, but the grains will be denser and firmer.
  • The specific preparation time for pearl barley depends on the time it is kept in water. If the cereals were soaked for about 10 hours, then the cooking time does not exceed 1.5 hours. When soaked for up to 4 hours, the dish languishes in the oven for 2-2.5 hours.
  • Sausages can be of any variety. In addition, they can be replaced with meat, mushrooms, chicken, vegetables …
  • Caloric content per 100 g - 145 kcal.
  • Servings - 1
  • Cooking time - 1 hour 50 minutes, plus time for soaking the barley


  • Pearl barley - 50 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
  • Water - 200 ml for cooking, plus for soaking cereals
  • Any sausage - 100 g

Step by step preparation of pearl barley porridge with sausages in the oven, recipe with photo:

Barley washed
Barley washed

1. Wash the pearl barley and put it in a convenient container for soaking. Since it will increase in volume during soaking, select a larger container.

Pearl barley soaked in water overnight
Pearl barley soaked in water overnight

2. Fill the cereal with water at the rate of 1 tbsp. pearl barley 1 liter of cold water. Leave the pearl barley in the refrigerator overnight, but you can stand it for 4-6 hours. I recommend keeping an eye on her to avoid acidifying the water.

The pearl barley is put in a pot, salted and filled with water
The pearl barley is put in a pot, salted and filled with water

3. After a certain time, turn the cereal into a colander and rinse it with running water. Transfer it to a casserole dish. This can be: a ceramic pot, a cauldron, an earthenware container and other utensils in which you can cook in the oven. Season the cereal with salt and cover with water. The amount of water should be 2 times more than cereals, because during cooking, it will increase in volume.

Sausages have been added to the pearl barley and the dish has been sent to the oven
Sausages have been added to the pearl barley and the dish has been sent to the oven

4. Cut the sausage: into rings, strips, bars or any other convenient shape. Place the sausage in the barley pot. It can be added as is or pre-fried in a pan in oil. The second option is more high-calorie. Close the pots with a lid and send the barley porridge with sausages to the oven for at least 1.5 hours to bake. Check it out periodically. If necessary, add water, but only boiling water. After this time, try the cereals, if they are ready, take them out of the brazier, if the grains are still firm, then continue cooking and take a sample again.

See also a video recipe on how to cook barley with meat.
