Smoked salt

Smoked salt
Smoked salt

Description of smoked salt, its composition and useful properties, harm to health. How to prepare the product and advice on how to use it. Note! It is better to add smoked salt to ready-made dishes, otherwise it will lose its taste properties, and it will not be so useful.

Harm and contraindications to smoked salt

A stomach ulcer in a man
A stomach ulcer in a man

It is not recommended to abuse this product; more than 5 g of the spice should not enter the body per day. And here it does not matter how it happens, in pure form or in combination with any other ingredients. This is due to the fact that with an excess, it retains moisture, settles in the muscles and kidneys, disrupting their work, and also impairs vision. As a result, migraine appears, the load on the heart and liver increases. Children and pregnant women should be very careful about it.

It should be noted here such contraindications to smoked salt:

  • Hypertonic disease … At the 1st stage, this product will even be useful, but at the 2nd and 3rd stages it will already cause a lot of trouble. The reason for this lies in an increase in the volume of fluid in the body, which is already quite large in this disease. Under the influence of water, the load on the heart increases and the likelihood of a heart attack increases several times.
  • Tuberculosis … Nobody forces you to completely abandon it, but you still need to reduce the use of this product, up to 2-3 g per day. This will help to reduce the focus of inflammation and further recovery.
  • Renal failure … The ban on the use of salt in this case is quite logical, because it has an irritating effect on the kidneys, and it loads them heavily. This can worsen the course of the disease and its treatment.
  • Stomach ulcer … With this pathology, you cannot eat any aggressive food, which is exactly what smoked salt belongs to. It irritates the walls of this organ and provokes severe pain, in some situations it is even possible to open bleeding.
  • Acute ENT diseases … With severe inflammation in the mouth and nose, along with fever and fever, it is necessary to spare the mucous membrane. This is especially important if its integrity is compromised, as a result of which the salt can pinch the skin. Under such circumstances, rinse your mouth immediately with clean warm water.

You should be no less careful with glaucoma, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis.

Smoked salt recipes

Kharcho soup with smoked salt
Kharcho soup with smoked salt

This spice can be added to absolutely any dishes that were not originally thought to be sweet. It is allowed to replace ordinary salt with it. You can use the product for salting lard, fish, meat. It is also suitable for preserving various vegetables. They are complemented by potatoes, pasta, noodles, various cereals, ranging from rice to oatmeal. It is put in a dough for pies, pancakes, pancakes. All kinds of vegetable salads are not complete without this ingredient. Boiled young corn is very tasty with it. First you need to talk about exactly how it is prepared. This will require charcoal, a special grill, a starter, wood chips, 5 alder logs, food grade aluminum foil. Load the charcoal into the grill first and then light the fire by setting the wood chips on fire. After the first ash appears, place the logs on top and install the grate.

Then cover the grill halfway with the lid and after about seven minutes, put on the opposite side from the coals the baking sheets of foil with salt, poured in a layer of about 0.5 cm. Now completely cover the device with a lid and hold the product like this until the last smoke comes out. On average, this takes about an hour, depending on the volume of coal used. Next, let the spice cool and transfer it to an airtight container.

Below are some interesting smoked salt recipes:

  1. Soup kharcho … Boil the beef (500 g) in salted water (3 L). Then divide it into pieces, fry in vegetable oil along with chopped onions (2 pcs.) And carrots (1 pc.). Then add chopped garlic (3 cloves), adjika (20 g), tomato paste (80 g), salt and sugar to taste. Then rinse the long rice (100 g) and leave it in warm water for 2-3 hours. After that, strain it, pour it into the broth and cook. After 10 minutes, add 2 finely chopped potatoes. Bring the soup to a boil, leave on low heat and turn off after 20 minutes. Just before that, sprinkle it with ground coriander (1 teaspoon), saffron (pinch), dried cilantro (pinch) and fresh parsley (30 g).
  2. Egg spaghetti … Combine 2 tablespoons of smoked salt and 5 teaspoons of sugar. Pour 10 egg yolks into this mixture and let sit for 5 hours. Rinse the mixture with water, smear it on baking paper and cover on top with the same sheet of parchment. Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin, remove, pass through the pasta machine or cut into strips with a knife. Next, peel 5 cloves of garlic, chop them and pass them in oil. Then put the resulting spaghetti in a pan with them, pour olive oil (3 tablespoons) and fry them for 10 minutes under the lid.
  3. Salted bacon roll … It should be about 3 cm thick and with a layer of meat. Wash it (500 g) with water, dry it and add 1 kg of salt in a deep bowl. Leave the product for 2-3 days, then roll up and bake in the oven, previously wrapped in foil.
  4. Baked fish … Peel two large hakes, rub them with salt and pepper, wrap in foil and place in oven for 20 minutes. Then prepare the sauce by mixing sour cream (80 ml) with one egg and grated hard cheese (150 g). Add dill to the mixture and pour over the fish, which has been folded into a baking dish. Then put it in the oven for 15 minutes.

Interesting facts about smoked salt

Spice smoked salt
Spice smoked salt

In ordinary supermarkets, such salt is rarely sold; it must be ordered either on the Internet or bought in specialized stores. Due to the complexity of its smoking and the high consumption of coal, the price for it is much higher than for a simple stone or sea analogue. By the way, many people prepare this spice from the first product, which is more affordable. Smoked salt quickly picks up moisture, so you need to store it in a tightly closed container in a dry place. It will be even safer to lay thin paper on the bottom of the can. The shelf life of the product is more than a year. This spice can be made on your own at home, it tastes the same as the store one. It is also convenient that the product is consumed much more economically than rock salt. In appearance, it can be compared to small pebbles. The practice of using various spices when smoking is widespread. Watch the video about smoked salt:

You can choose absolutely any recipes for smoked salt, it will never be superfluous in almost any dish. Of course, this is by no means the most important ingredient in the kitchen, and it is quite possible to do without it. But is it worth it, because sometimes you really want to cook something unusual, unusual, capable of surprising with a harmonious taste and aroma!