Chicken and apple salad is not only appetizing, tasty and easy to prepare, but also very healthy. In addition, it contains a minimum amount of calories and fat. Just what modern women need!

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Salads can be a separate hearty and high-calorie dish, or they can become helpers in the fight against excess weight. Such salads are prepared mainly from light, at the same time healthy and satisfying products. I suggest making a salad with chicken and apples. Chicken perfectly satisfies hunger, is perfectly digestible and does not add weight. In addition, it is rich in protein. Apples, on the other hand, will add spicy notes to the dish, enrich it with vitamins, refresh and amusingly decorate the dish.
Having a fresh, bright and rich taste, and being light, the salad will be a great dish, especially for those who follow the lines of the body. Choose mayonnaise for salad with a low fat content, about 30%. And if you zealously follow your figure, then use natural low-fat yogurt, kefir or vegetable oil.
The dish does not have to contain only these 2 ingredients. After all, you see, it's very boring. Walnuts, celery, eggs, cheese, spinach, avocado, seeds, etc. are considered great with chicken and apples. However, do not be afraid to experiment, it is difficult to spoil a salad with chicken and apples.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 169 kcal.
- Servings - 3
- Cooking time - 20 minutes for slicing salad, plus time for boiling and cooling meat and eggs

- Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
- Cheese - 200 g
- Eggs - 2 pcs.
- Apples - 1 pc.
- Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons
- Mustard - 1 tsp
- Salt to taste
Cooking chicken and apple salad:

1. Before starting cooking, you must first boil or fry the chicken fillet. If you want a diet salad, then cook the meat, and if you are not afraid of extra calories, fry it in a pan in oil. I preferred to boil it. Therefore, put the washed fillet in a saucepan, fill it with drinking water and cook over low heat for half an hour after boiling. Do not forget to salt the fillet.

2. Finished chicken will become soft and turn white. Remove from broth and leave to cool. Do not pour out the broth, but use it to prepare the first course.

3. After that, cut the fillet into medium pieces and send to the salad bowl.

4. Eggs are also pre-boiled until they are cool. To do this, put them in a saucepan with cold water, put them on the stove, boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes. Then dip in a container of cold water to cool. Peel the cold eggs, cut into cubes and send them to the salad bowl after the fillets.

5. Cut the cheese into cubes and add to all the food.

6. Wash the apple, dry it with a cotton towel and remove the seeds. I recommend giving preference to sweet and sour varieties. You do not need to peel apples, although this option is optional. You can cut it off if you like. Then cut the apple into cubes.

7. Place all food in a bowl.

8. Mix mayonnaise with mustard and salt.

9. Add the sauce to the salad bowl to the food.

10. Stir the ingredients well until smooth and place the salad to cool slightly in the refrigerator. After half an hour, you can serve it to the table.
See also a video recipe on how to make a salad with chicken and apples.