There are dozens of coffee varieties. Most recipes contain milk or cream. It beckons with a creamy taste, soft texture and airy foam. Today we will make coffee with cream and find out if this combination of products is healthy.

The combination of coffee with cream is considered a classic. On the basis of these products, coffee is distinguished: latte, macchiato, cappuccino, mocha, etc. The calorie content of the drink is influenced by the percentage of fat content of the milk component, since coffee beans and water have no weight (only 1-2 kcal per 100 g).
Coffees with a dairy component are products of natural origin that complement each other in taste. Milk is a source of calcium, which is excreted from the body by components of grains. Therefore, milk makes up for the lack of this element in the body. Also, the cream makes the coffee easy to digest. This is important for those suffering from gastritis and heartburn. Coffee increases the acidity of the stomach, and milk lowers it: this achieves an optimal balance of microflora. The drink contains a reduced percentage of caffeine, because milk protein neutralizes some of the tannins. For this reason, coffee with cream does not strongly affect the nervous and cardiovascular system.
The harm from this invigorating drink can only be if more than 3 cups are drunk a day. For people with cardiovascular problems, the drink can increase blood pressure by 10 points. For this reason, the drink is useful for hypotensive patients, but harmful for hypertensive patients.
See also how to make a coffee and milkshake.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 85 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

- Coffee beans or ground coffee - 1 tsp.
- Drinking water - 75-100 ml
- Sugar - 1 tsp or to taste
- Cream - 20-25 ml
Step by step preparation of coffee with cream, recipe with photo:

1. It is best to use freshly ground coffee for your drink. Therefore, before you start preparing the drink, grind the beans with a hand mill or an electric coffee grinder.

2. Dip the ground coffee into a Turk. If making a sweet drink, add sugar immediately.

3. Pour drinking water into the Turk and place it on the stove. Bring it to a boil over medium heat and remove from heat, otherwise the coffee will run away. Soak it for 1 minute and repeat the procedure: boil and soak for 1 minute.

4. Place the cream in a bowl.

5. With a mixer, beat the cream until fluffy and double in volume.

6. Pour the brewed coffee into a transparent serving glass. Make sure that no coffee beans get into the drink.

7. Add whipped cream to the glass and, without stirring, proceed to tasting the coffee with cream.
See also a video recipe on how to make coffee with cream.