Learn how to make a cortado at home. A step-by-step recipe with a photo, especially the preparation and use of Italian coffee with baked milk. Video recipe.

Cortado coffee (Cafe cortado) is a traditional Italian drink. Main ingredients: freshly brewed espresso and baked milk. Therefore, the drink is a bit like a cappuccino, but with a more delicate taste. The drink is popular not only in Italy, but also in Portugal, Spain and Latin America, where traditionally every fourth inhabitant of the country drinks it in the afternoon. Cortado turned out to be a lunch and an afternoon drink, most likely due to the composition. Since it does not contain a large amount of caffeine, which is necessary in the morning to recharge. An interesting feature of the drink is the name. For example, in Catalonia it is called tayat, in Cuba - cortadito, in France - noiset, in the Basque Country - ebac. This should be taken into account when traveling.
Today, there are a large number of variations in its preparation. In the classic version, cortado is prepared in the proportion of coffee: milk - 1: 1. However, other variations are also possible. For example, in this review, we will consider a recipe where there is more milk and its proportion is 1: 3. This option is preferable because it will give the finished delicacy a richer taste. You can prepare a drink using store-bought baked milk or prepared on your own. You will find a step-by-step recipe for cooking baked milk in the oven, on the stove and in a thermos on the pages of the site. To do this, use the search string.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 75 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

- Ground brewed coffee - 1 tsp
- Hot ground pepper - a pinch
- Sugar - optional and to taste
- Cinnamon - 1 bud
- Water - 50 ml
- Baked milk - 100 ml
Step by step preparation of Italian coffee with baked milk cortado, recipe with photo:

1. Make coffee first. If you have a coffee machine, then use it. I use a Turk, which in its absence, you can replace with a mug. So, put ground coffee in a Turk. It is best if the beans are freshly ground, so that the aroma and taste of the coffee will be better revealed.

2. Add cloves and a pinch of ground black pepper to the turk. The latter will give the drink a better taste.

3. Fill the coffee with drinking water.

4. Send the Turk to the stove and turn on medium heat.

5. Keep the turk on fire until it boils. When an airy foam forms around the edges, which quickly tends upward, remove the Turk from the heat and set it aside. Leave the coffee to infuse and brew for 5 minutes, and in the meantime, boil the milk, because it is customary to fill the cortado with boiling milk.

6. Take a well-heated glass or 150-200 ml glass in which you will serve the drink, and pour the brewed ready-made espresso coffee into it. In order not to get the grains, pour it through filtration: a fine iron sieve or cheesecloth. Add sugar and dissolve as desired.

7. Pour hot milk into a glass and stir, or better beat with a mixer. Serve Italian coffee with Cortado baked milk immediately after preparation. The result is a drink with an unusually delicate taste, creamy color and rich black caffeine. Add condensed milk or whipped cream to the coffee, if desired.
See also the video recipe on how to make Cortado.