How to cleanse the body in order to feel lightness, freshen up, lose a couple of kilos and years? TOP 10 detox smoothie recipes with a description of the cooking technology, calorie content and photos.
Detox smoothies are nutritious fruit, vegetable and herbal cocktails that no mosaic can match with their varied variety. They can refresh, nourish, quench thirst, but the main advantage of these drinks is their ability to remove toxins, toxins and other substances unnecessary for our body from the body.
10 delicious smoothie recipes to cleanse the body

It doesn't matter how carefully you follow your diet. Modern ecology leaves no one a chance to keep the body clean as a glass. Exhaust from cars, radiation, salts of heavy metals … harmful substances strive to penetrate the human body.
Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of them by periodically detoxifying yourself with a smoothie. Someone, like Salma Hayek, spends 3 days on whipped cocktails several times a year (by the way, the 53-year-old star looks amazing for her age). Someone replaces their usual breakfasts with smoothies for a couple of weeks. And someone makes healing cocktails a daily part of their lives.
Whatever option you like, it will be beneficial: it will cleanse the body from the inside, give the skin a healthy glow, make hair strong and shiny, strengthen immunity and help fight excess weight. Fortunately, even at home, detox smoothie recipes are not complicated. Arm yourself with a blender and get started!
Refreshing cucumber

Green vegetables, as a rule, have a reduced calorie content, contain a lot of useful elements and perform the function of a real panicle, skillfully removing unwanted toxic guests from the body. This is why green detox smoothies are so popular with connoisseurs. Juicy cucumber, according to some reports, even helps dissolve kidney stones! And in a company with watercress, a powerful cleanser that also fills tissues with oxygen and improves skin condition, its effect on the body becomes truly miraculous.
The calorie content of a green smoothie is ridiculously low - 40-41 kcal, while it has:
- Proteins - 1 g;
- Fat - 0.7 g;
- Fiber - 3 g;
- Sugar - 1, 1 g.
- Watercress - large bunch;
- Cucumber - 1 pc.;
- Lemon - 1/2 pc.;
- Mineral water - 200 ml.
Peel the cucumber and whisk in a blender with the watercress. Add water, lemon juice, whisk again and drink a gentle cocktail instead of a snack. It is especially good in the summer heat.
If you don't have watercress on hand, replace it with more readily available (and cheaper) parsley. And if you belong to the tribe of incorrigible sweets, for a more pleasant cleansing of the body, detox smoothies can be flavored with a spoon of honey.
Grapefruit liver shake

Grapefruit juice is able to remove cholesterol from the blood and toxins from the liver, prevent the formation of kidney stones, tone the body and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Green tea flushes radicals that cause aging of cells from the human body, broccoli removes heavy metal salts and improves digestion, and honey has long been considered an unsurpassed storehouse of healing substances. With this detox smoothie, cleansing will turn into a real medical and cosmetic procedure.
A cocktail with grapefruit, in addition to nutrients, will supply 244 kcal to your body, including:
- Proteins - 7, 1 g;
- Fat - 0, 37 g;
- Fiber - 12, 3 g;
- Sugar - 10.6 g.
- Large grapefruit - 1 pc.;
- Carrots - 1 pc.;
- Celery - 1 stalk;
- Broccoli - 3-4 inflorescences;
- Honey - 1 tablespoon;
- Fresh mint leaves;
- Green tea - 1 sachet;
- Drinking water - 200 ml.
Brew the tea as you usually do and set it aside to cool. Wash the vegetables, peel and cut the carrots into large pieces, peel the grapefruit and divide the pulp into slices. Put everything in a blender, add honey, pour in warm tea and whisk. Add mint to the bowl of the finished drink for beauty and aroma.
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Carrot Fat Burner

Do you want to not only cleanse your body of metabolic and physiological waste, but also use a detox smoothie for weight loss? Caraway will come to the rescue - a "legal" natural thermogenic, that is, a product that speeds up metabolism, which is based on the natural physiological processes of the body. And he will be accompanied by carrots that are good for the heart, eyes and skin, a tomato that lowers cholesterol levels, a lemon containing a lethal amount of vitamin C, and other healing ingredients.
The nutritional value of the fat-burning smoothie does not exceed 185 kcal and contains:
- Proteins - 7, 5 g;
- Fats - 1, 7 g;
- Fiber - 8, 5 g;
- Sugar - 22 g.
- Carrots - 3 pcs.;
- Tomato - 1 pc.;
- Celery stalk - 1 pc.;
- 1/2 lemon juice;
- Fresh coriander leaves - 1 handful
- Caraway seeds - 1 tsp;
- Ground pepper - to taste;
- Salt.
Wash the vegetables, peel the carrots and cut into pieces along with the celery, remove the stalk from the tomato. Whisk everything in a blender along with the coriander. Lightly fry the cumin seeds in a dry frying pan, grind in a coffee grinder and add to the cocktail. Then add pepper and salt, pour in lemon juice, mix well and drink.
For convenience, it is easier to immediately prepare a large portion of cumin powder and store it in a glass jar in a cabinet.
Energy drink for metabolism

In this cocktail, black pepper will nobly take on the role of a fighter against deposits on our sides, according to scientists, accelerating metabolism by 25%. And if, together with it, an avocado with its monounsaturated fats, fiber and vitamins is thrown into the blender bowl, the drink will gain not only benefits, but also a pleasant creamy texture. However, let's not stop there and add a little celery to the cocktail - for the sake of the antioxidants it contains.
The calorie content of a smoothie with avocado and celery that stimulates metabolism will be 270 kcal, which include:
- Proteins - 6, 9 g;
- Fat - 20 g;
- Fiber - 8 g;
- Sugar - 9.6 g.
- Ripe avocado fruit - 1/2 pc.;
- Stalked celery - 1 stalk;
- Kiwi - 1 pc.;
- Peeled sunflower seeds - 1 tsp;
- Mint leaves - to taste;
- 2-3 peas of black pepper;
- A pinch of salt.
Place the sliced celery, the peeled kiwi quarters, and the tablespoon of the avocado pulp in a blender. Then toss in the mint leaves and freshly ground black pepper. It is best to grind sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder to a powder state so they will not get stuck in your teeth. Whisk everything until smooth and drink immediately.
Sweet apple-nut mix

Apples contain so much fiber and pectin that in a couple of days of fasting they can cleanse the intestines to a shine, at the same time reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood and strengthening the cardiovascular system. But why limit yourself to apples, if there are almonds literally stuffed with healthy fats and minerals, sweet vitamin dates and calcium-rich milk? And let this cocktail have a little more calories! You will instantly burn them, having received a charge of energy and good mood.
The nutritional value of the apple-nut mixture will pull about 477 kcal and deliver to your body:
- Proteins - 10, 28 g;
- Fat - 25.5 g;
- Fiber - 7, 2 g;
- Sugar - 50 g.
- Large apple, red or green to choose from - 2 pcs.;
- Skim milk - 100 ml;
- Almonds - 4 pcs.;
- Dates - 2 pcs.;
- Cocoa powder - 1 tsp
Soak the nuts in cold water overnight. In the morning, wash and chop the apple, removing the core, remove the seeds from the dates, drain the water from the container with the almonds and remove the skin from it. Put everything in a blender, cover with milk, add cocoa and whisk.
In the East, the combination of almonds and dates is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, provoking a man to love exploits. Why not invite your loved one to share a detox meal with you?
Plum tenderness

Plum pulp contains substances that help control blood sugar levels and prolong youth. Its anthocyanins drive free radicals out of the body, ascorbic acid ensures the absorption of iron from food, potassium normalizes blood pressure. And fenugreek, the seeds of which can be bought at the pharmacy, interferes with the absorption of fats by the body and, as a result, contributes to weight loss.
There are very few calories in a plum smoothie - only 36, which are made up of:
- Proteins - 0.6 g;
- Fat - 19, 2 g;
- Fiber - 1, 5 g;
- Sugar - 6, 3 g.
- Pure drinking water - 200 ml;
- Large dark plums - 2 pcs.;
- Fenugreek seeds - 2 tsp;
- Mint - for decoration.
Boil water the night before and soak the fenugreek seeds in it. In the morning strain the infusion, pour the liquid into the blender bowl, add the pitted plums and beat. Garnish the smoothie with mint leaves.
Cabbage and everything-everything-everything

Kale kale activates natural deoxidation processes in the body, remarkably removing cholesterol, toxins, heavy metals and other harmful substances, and spirulina provides her with powerful support in this matter. But at worst, you can get by with simple white cabbage and seaweed - the deteriorated cleaning properties of the drink will more than compensate for the vitamins and minerals of other ingredients included in the detox smoothie recipe.
In addition to a rich palette of flavors and a full set of nutrients, the cocktail contains 166 kcal, some of which are:
- Proteins - 5, 8 g;
- Fat - 0.4 g;
- Fiber - 8, 7 g;
- Sugar - 46, 7 g.
- Kale cabbage - 2 handfuls;
- Parsley - a bunch;
- Baby spinach - a handful;
- Cucumber - 1/2 pc.;
- Pineapple - 1-2 slices;
- Melon - 1 slice;
- Apple - 1 pc.;
- Pear - 1 pc.;
- Drinking water - 100 ml;
- Ice.
Wash all the vegetables and fruits necessary for making a cocktail, peel (cucumber, pineapple), cut out the seeds from the apple, put everything in a blender and chop until smooth. Add ice last.
Note! If desired, add 1 tsp into the smoothie. spirulina powder and 1 tsp. honey.
Tropical cocktail

What could be tastier, original and healthier than a combination of tropical coconut and juicy berries from our northern latitudes? Coconut milk lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, fights atherosclerosis, helps the body resist fungi and infections, prevents cell aging, and its pulp is brushed along the digestive tract. As for the berries, then all the beneficial properties of their vitamins and minerals cannot be enumerated.
The calorie content of a coconut smoothie ranges from 450 kcal, which consists of:
- Proteins - 5, 3 g;
- Fat - 33.8 g;
- Fiber - 5, 4 g;
- Sugar - 16 g.
- Coconut milk - 200 ml;
- Strawberries - 100 g;
- Blueberries - 50 g;
- Gooseberry - 50 g;
- Mint - for decoration.
To make a tropical-northern detox smoothie at home, fold the washed berries. It is advisable to divide the gooseberries into quarters before this and remove the seeds. Whisk the cocktail until the mass becomes homogeneous, add milk and press the "Start" button again. In 5-10 seconds, a healthy treat will be ready.
Thick oatmeal smoothie with cranberries

The cleansing effect of cranberries is especially noticeable on the organs of the lymphatic system, a banana removes excess fluid, toxins and excess caffeine from the body (lovers of an invigorating drink, take a note!), Oatmeal scrapes out the remnants of undigested food from the stomach and intestines. Together they turn into a delicious and nutritious thick shake that can be used along with other slimming detox smoothies at home. Drink it instead of breakfast for a week, and the result will not be long in coming.
The calorie content of the oat smoothie from the recipe below without honey is 374 kcal, including:
- Proteins - 14, 3 g;
- Fats - 7, 8 g;
- Fiber - 9 g;
- Sugar - 14 g.
- Cranberries - 150 g;
- Banana - 1/2 pc.;
- Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
- Milk - 200 ml;
- Flax seeds - 1 tsp;
- Honey - optional.
Pass the oatmeal and flax through the grinder. Put the washed cranberries, peeled and chopped into large pieces of banana in a blender bowl, add flaxseed and oatmeal flour, cover with milk. Add honey to sweeten the drink. Whisk everything, pour into a glass and enjoy.
Note! Exercise, warm baths with sea salt, decoctions of herbs - thistle, dandelion leaves, mint, lemon balm, thyme, St. John's wort will help speed up the detoxification of the body.
Hearty breakfast with sprouted wheat

Young wheatgrass is often included in detox smoothie recipes for weight loss, cleansing, and revitalization. One bad thing: you need a very powerful blender to grind them thoroughly. However, perhaps you have nothing against the slightly "grainy" structure of the drink? In this case, rather get down to business, greens and fruits will not squeeze themselves out.
The calorie content of a smoothie depends on the fruit you choose, but usually ranges from 200-250 kcal, including:
- Proteins - 15.6 g;
- Fat - 2, 2 g;
- Fiber - 5 g;
- Sugar - 30 g.
- Sprouted wheat grains - 1 tbsp;
- Prunes - 4 pcs.;
- Low-fat cottage cheese - 3 tablespoons;
- Kefir or yogurt without sweetener - 150 g;
- Favorite fruits - 1-2 pcs.
Whisk the wheat grains together with the prunes and fruit pulp, trying to achieve the maximum crushing of the grains. Combine the resulting mass with dairy products and whisk again. The cocktail is perfect for breakfast or a light snack.
A few tips:
- Try to drink healing smoothies before 3 p.m., as they are believed to be better at cleansing during this time.
- Never strain out the thick, it contains the fiber necessary for digestion.
- Do not dilute drinks with liquids in excess of the norm specified in the recipe, they risk becoming tasteless.
Video tips on how to organize a detox day

And finally, let's say: do not be afraid to experiment by mixing your favorite vegetables, fruits and herbs in a blender. Cocktails open up endless scope for creativity! True, in this case, it is still worth focusing on the experience of the old-timers: for example, the taste of the berry-herbal detox smoothie received unpleasant reviews from most users.