Delicate thin pancakes with beer and milk with semolina at home. A very detailed step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Pancakes… the dish is kind of easy to prepare and uses the available ingredients. But they can be seen both in the everyday menu and on the festive table. In addition, there are a huge number of options for their preparation. You can find many recipes on our website using the search bar. Today I will tell you an original and very tasty recipe for your favorite snack - pancakes with beer and milk with semolina. They definitely deserve special attention.
To prepare such pancakes, in addition to milk, beer is added to the dough. It is interesting that the beer in the finished dish is completely not felt either by smell or taste. Beer only makes the dough airy and not too dense at the expense of carbon dioxide. And alcohol evaporates during the roasting process, so the dish comes out non-alcoholic. The resulting pancakes are unusually tasty, thin, tender, soft and literally melt in your mouth. Serve them warm with your favorite jam. You can also wrap any filling in them.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 259 kcal.
- Servings Per Container - 3-4
- Cooking time - 50 minutes

- Wheat flour - 0.5 tbsp.
- Salt - a pinch
- Milk - 250 ml
- Ground ginger powder - 0.3 tsp
- Refined vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
- Semolina - 0.3 tbsp.
- Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons
- Beer - 200 ml
- Vanillin - 0.5 tsp
Step-by-step preparation of pancakes with beer and milk with semolina:

1. Pour beer into a mixing bowl.
Any beer can be added to the dough: light, dark, non-alcoholic. But I recommend using light unfiltered beer to avoid bitterness. Avoid budget brands as they can add flavor or aroma. It's also important to open the bottle before using the recipe drink to keep the beer carbonated.

2. Then add milk to the beer. It should be fresh and warm, but not hot.
I don't use chicken eggs in the recipe, but you can put one. The main thing is to add them only at room temperature.

3. Whisk the liquid until smooth.

4. Sift the flour through a strainer to saturate with air, then the dough rises faster and better spills over the pan during frying. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Then add semolina, sugar, salt, vanillin and ginger powder.
The amount of sugar and salt depends on what kind of pancakes you make: put 2 tablespoons in sweet ones, neutral - 1 tablespoon, salty ones can be made without sugar at all.

5. Stir the dough with a whisk until smooth. You can then strain it through a fine kitchen sieve to remove any lumps. After all, this is the main secret in making pancakes. Pour in vegetable oil next. This will make the dough more elastic and prevent the pancakes from sticking to the pan during frying.

6. Stir the food well again so that the oil is completely dispersed. The dough should be neither too thin nor too thick. The consistency of an ideal pancake dough is more like liquid sour cream. Leave the dough for 15-30 minutes at room temperature so that the semolina swells and the dough releases gluten. Then the pancakes will be softer, and will not tear when frying.

7. Heat a clean, dry cast iron skillet or nonstick skillet over medium heat. Bring your hands close to the surface, you should feel the heat.
Before baking the first pancake, so that it does not turn out lumpy, drip quite a bit of vegetable oil into the pan, otherwise the pancakes will turn out to be too greasy. To avoid overdoing it, use a silicone cooking brush. Lubricate the inner surface of the pan with oil without drips.
Pour half a ladle of dough into the center of the pan. Turn it quickly so that the dough covers the entire surface neatly and evenly and spreads in a circle. Be sure to fry the pancakes over medium heat. Usually, after 20-30 seconds, their top layer will set. In order not to overdry the pancakes, do not wait for a chocolate-colored crust to appear on the bottom, turn the pancake over as soon as it becomes golden.

8. Turn the workpiece over with a spatula and fry for the same amount of time on the reverse side.
Taste the first pancake. Add salt or sugar to the dough as needed and continue baking all the pancakes. While still warm, beer and milk pancakes are stacked with butter to keep them soft and tasty. You can serve sour cream with them or start with something. They turn out to be lush and with the unusual golden color that beer gives them.