Nutrient blockers are growing in popularity among people looking to lose weight. Find out how Orlistat is used for weight loss. Not all people can give up their culinary preferences, but at the same time they want to look beautiful. To get rid of fat, you need to change your lifestyle and eating habits. Many agree to start attending fitness centers and reduce portions of food to achieve their goal, but they cannot completely refuse fatty foods.
It is for them that the so-called nutrient blockers were created. Today we will tell you about the use of Orlistat for weight loss. This substance slows down the processing of fats, thereby reducing the energy value of the diet.
What is Orlistat?

We have already said that Orlistat belongs to the group of lipase inhibitors. Once in the body, the drug inhibits the production of gastric and pancreatic lipase. This leads to a violation of the reaction of splitting fats from food, and slows down the process of their assimilation. This property of the drug allows you to effectively fight obesity. We also note that Orlistat is extremely poorly absorbed by the body and its resorptive effect is minimal.
The drug has been studied by scientists for a long time, and during the experiments it was found that the systemic effect of Orlistat on the human body is minimal. Moreover, this is true not only for obese people, but also for healthy people. With a single use of the drug in the amount of 0.36 grams, no traces of the active component were found in the blood.
Also, no signs of cumulation were found, and this fact proves the minimal ability of the body to assimilate the substance. At the same time, the minimum concentration of Orlistat was found in erythrocytes, which, in other respects, is not of fundamental importance due to the small dose. During experiments with animals, it was also found that the metabolism of the substance mainly occurs in the intestinal tract.
Through participation in studies of various groups of people, scientists have found that the main way to eliminate untreated substance is through its disposal in the feces. Note that out of 97 percent of the drug excreted by this method, more than 80% remains untreated. With the help of the kidneys, about two percent is excreted, and the time for complete elimination is from three to five days.
Thanks to the use of Orlistat for weight loss, it is possible to reduce the energy value of all fats consumed by a person by about a third. It should be remembered that this is not a magic remedy for fat and you need to make some effort to achieve your goals. According to the manufacturer's statement, thanks to the spot exercises and the use of a dietary nutrition program, Orlistat for weight loss can be 10 percent more effective. In addition, in this situation, the risks of developing side effects are sharply reduced.
Instructions for the use of Orlistat for weight loss

The instructions for the drug indicate that it can be used for a long time, up to several years. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer is one tablet per day. However, if you do not eat fatty foods at the moment, then you should skip taking the drug.
Note that for six months, regular use of the drug should help get rid of 10 percent of excess weight. If you have not received this result, then it is recommended to stop using the drug. This fact is due to the fact that Orlistat for weight loss may not work in the body of some people.
Recall that the drug fight against excess weight should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Among the indications for the use of the drug, we note the following:
- Excessive fat mass in problem areas.
- Body mass index is over 28.
- With obesity caused by various diseases.
Today, Orlistat can be purchased at almost any pharmacy and is considered a safe drug. However, there are some nuances of its use that you need to pay attention to before starting the course. First of all, this concerns the restriction on fat intake. In your diet, this nutrient should be present in an amount of no more than 30 percent of the total energy value.
If you continue to actively consume fatty foods, then there is a high risk of diarrhea, because the drug forces the body to get rid of all unnecessary substances as soon as possible. It should be remembered that you cannot lose weight with just one drug. It is imperative that you exercise and use a balanced nutrition program at the same time.
Recall that Orlistat allows you to reduce the calorie content by only one third of the total. All other excess energy must be burned in the hall. It is very important to remember about everyday activity. The total duration of training per week will be only a few hours. If you do not show activity in everyday life, then this may not be enough. When using any medication, it is important to be aware of the possible side effects. With regard to Orlistat, almost all of them are associated with disruption of the digestive system, for example, diarrhea, flatulence, etc. However, in some cases, it is possible to increase sleep patterns, headaches and other negative effects.
If you want to get good results using Orlistat for weight loss, you will have to follow certain dietary rules. It has been proven in numerous studies. That if you use fats correctly, then there is no need to use the drug. Moreover, Orlistat inhibits the absorption of all fatty acids, including useful ones. The body will also slow down the processing of fat-soluble vitamins. This can negatively affect your health. There is no unanimity among doctors about the appropriateness of using Orlistat for weight loss.
Advantages and disadvantages of Orlistat for weight loss

If you decide to read reviews about the drug, you can find them in large numbers. Like doctors, people are not unanimous about the effectiveness of the substance. Some have not received any positive effects, while others note the presence of a large number of side effects. For the sake of fairness, we note that many were satisfied with the results of the course.
This fact can be easily explained, because any drug cannot have the same effect on all people. By and large, Orlistat for weight loss helps develop healthy eating habits, in particular, avoiding fatty foods. You can not use the drug during pregnancy and lactation, with problems with the digestive system, bile stasis, as well as before the age of 18 and after 75 years.
We have already said that the drug affects the ability of the body to assimilate vitamins and some dietary supplements. In this regard, it can be recommended to consult a doctor before starting the course. For example, Orlistat does not work well with most contraceptives. In our opinion, you should develop healthy eating habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. In such a situation, you do not need to use various drugs to combat obesity.
Other fat blockers for weight loss

Today, scientists are actively working on drugs that allow you to lose weight in a short time. This is easy to explain, because all people want to look attractive and often rely solely on pills. It is quite understandable why the popularity of nutrient blockers is growing so rapidly, which clearly plays into the hands of pharmaceutical companies.
Among the fat blockers, in addition to Orlistat, Chitosan should be noted. This substance is an amino saccharide, and is produced from the shells of crustaceans. Also, producers can use some types of lower mushrooms. At the moment, chitosan has been poorly studied, and scientists continue to work in this direction.
Today we can talk about three main effects of Chitosan:
- The viscosity of the contents of the stomach increases, which leads to a slowdown in the process of its emptying.
- The acidity of bile changes, but the mechanisms of this process have not yet been established.
- Moderate antibacterial properties are inherent.
Today, supplements based on this active ingredient can be found at any sports food store. All manufacturers unanimously claim that thanks to the use of chitosan, you can significantly reduce the calorie content of the diet. So far, there is no scientific confirmation of this fact. Note that the FDA recently notified several companies involved in the production of sports food, the inadmissibility of statements about the availability of confirmed information about the properties of Chitosan.
In one experiment, it was found that the supplement was able to reduce the energy value of the diet by only 10 calories! This applies to unmodified substances. At the same time, the effectiveness of the modified additive is much higher. Among the side effects of the substance, only problems with the digestive system can be noted. In fact, chitosan is very similar to Orlistat in many ways. It is up to you to decide whether or not to use nutrient blockers. However, we recommend that you first try to lose weight by increasing activity and reviewing the diet. If a person does not have health problems, then this is almost always enough to get great results.
For more information on the drug, see the following video: