Varieties of fish ponds, rules for placing a reservoir on a site, water requirements, step-by-step instructions for forming a bowl from various materials, creating conditions for the life of the inhabitants. A fish pond is a small artificial reservoir in which fish are bred for fishing or beauty. Settles down for a comfortable stay near the house. You can learn about the rules for creating a lake with various underwater inhabitants from this article.
Features of fish ponds

Ponds in the country are built by owners who want to have their own corner of wildlife. The lake goes well with the garden, which has birdhouses, squirrel houses and other buildings for animals. Near it, you can calmly rest, watching the swimming of fish.
In natural reservoirs, the processes of cultivation, feeding, fertilization take place without external interference. In artificial ones, they are regulated depending on the purpose of the recreation area and underwater inhabitants.
Fish ponds have their own classification. They are divided into the following types:
- Decorative … The pond is for ornamental fish only. In public places, they are made of the correct geometric shape. The owners of private land prefer arbitrary in order to create the appearance of the natural origin of the reservoir. Decorative ponds are designed for breeding beautiful fish - ide and crucian carp, sturgeon, Japanese carp, tench. The recreation area is also decorated with coastal, submerged and floating plants. For a comfortable pastime on the banks, gazebos, piers, and platforms are installed.
- Fishing … They are created to enjoy the fishing process. The design of these reservoirs has its own characteristics. Their shape should not have sharp corners. Floating and submerged plants are planted at a minimum, preference is given to coastal and marsh plants. Snags and stumps are placed at the bottom, which serve as shelters for the inhabitants. In such ponds, the water is not filtered so that it remains cloudy. The maintenance of the lake is minimal, but it is imperative to feed the fish. Often, ponds are built in natural depressions - ravines, old riverbeds. The water in them is weak, it warms up well, which ensures the rapid growth of plants. In the dam, crucians, walleyes, and carps feel good.
- Combined … The reservoir is divided into two parts or consists of several depressions connected by streams, in which ornamental and wild fish are bred separately.
The source of water for filling the bowl does not matter: it can come from a centralized water supply system, through canals, from wells or from a drainage system. The main thing is that its composition does not harm the inhabitants.
How to make a fish pond on the site
To equip a fish pond in the country, study the rules in advance that will ensure the best result. The main points to pay attention to are discussed below.
Seat selection

The reservoir has an aesthetic and economic purpose, which determines its location on the site. It is arranged in a green area - in a garden or among a flower garden, not far from living quarters.
Part of the lake should be in the sun, the other should be hidden in the shade so that the water does not get too hot, the high temperature can harm the fish. A huge amount of algae and bacteria appears in it, which makes it unsuitable for underwater inhabitants. Therefore, in summer, the sun's rays should hit the surface for less than 6 hours.
You can not place a reservoir near tall trees, especially deciduous ones. In autumn, the leaves will pollute the water and the roots will destroy the banks.
Before starting work, find out the depth of the groundwater table. If they lie close to the surface, consider a reliable waterproofing of the lake, otherwise the basement will often be flooded.
Do not make a reservoir in the lowland, this will cause it to flood.
The pond can be placed even in very small areas (less than 6 acres). It is arranged in the center, and a vegetable garden is planted closer to the fence.
On the slopes, a reservoir is formed in the form of a "cascade". The step of the terraces does not have to be the same.
You can equip a pond in ravines or in old riverbeds. If you block them, then water from precipitation, springs or streams will collect in front of the dam.
Selection of material for the pond

The bowl is formed in various ways depending on the soil on which it will be located. There are options with a natural bottom and an artificial one.
The first case is used if the soil on the site is clayey or loamy, which does not allow water to pass through well. According to its characteristics, the pond is in this case the closest to the natural state. There will never be a lack of oxygen in it, because bottom and walls made of natural material. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the low strength of the banks, which crumble over time.
If the soil is loose, use building materials or factory-made finished products. The most common options for making sealed bowls are listed below:
- Concrete … An expensive option, because all surfaces of the bowl have to be poured. However, thanks to the rigid walls, its service life is practically unlimited. The banks are made high or low. In the first case, it is convenient to discharge water through the process drain. Low ones allow you to admire fish and aquatic plants.
- Film or oilcloth … It is considered an economical option, in addition, the formation period of the pond is minimal. The material is easy to fit and clean.
- Metal containers … Most often, metal containers are used to create a pond, for example, old cabins. The roof is cut off from the product, and all openings are welded. Then they dig a hole of the required depth and install a workpiece in it. The inside of the container is lined with ceramic tiles.
- Plastic containers … Sold in all shapes and sizes. They can be buried or installed on the surface.
Determining the shape of the bowl

Before making a fish pond, select the geometry of the walls and calculate its dimensions. Often, the decision is influenced by the area of the summer cottage.
In the absence of such problems, use our recommendations:
- A round-shaped pond looks good in a small area if you place it in the center in front of the house. When constructing it, stones are often used.
- A rectangular reservoir is formed on long sloping areas. It can be made cascading. Install submersible pumps and piping for correct operation. This scheme is popular among conservatives and minimalists.
- A sinuous shape is used in the case of an exotic-style plot.
The size of the bowl should be selected according to the basic rules for organizing the pond. For example, fish up to 15 cm long require at least 50-100 liters of water. When choosing the dimensions, keep in mind that small reservoirs require more care, and the construction of large ones requires significant financial investments. The optimal size of a decorative fish pond is from 30 to 50 m2.
Make a bowl of different depths. In the central part, it can reach 1-1.5 m. This depth is sufficient for a dozen crucians to live. Create shallow areas near the banks, no more than 0.5 m, where the water quickly warms up. For trout or sturgeon, the water thickness is 2-2.5 m.
If the pond is drained for the winter, the bowl may be smaller. In order for the fish to winter well, provide for deep wells or pits, and also use special devices that maintain the required level of oxygen in the water. Dig in a large barrel or pipe in the center of the pond. Its size should be such that it is located below the groundwater level in winter.
Consider in advance how the pond will be filled and drained. Rainwater will fall into the pit from above. It is allowed to organize a supply from below, in this case pipes are laid through the wall. They drain water for the winter through technological openings into a ravine or ditch. It is allowed to pump it out with a pump.
The low-lying pond fills up naturally. To do this, direct rainwater from rooftops or slopes into it. It is also considered a good solution to use underground sources or wells, however, do a fluid analysis first.
Checking water quality

The composition of the water is very important for the inhabitants of the lake. Before making a fish pond, be sure to analyze it in a laboratory.
The main element is oxygen. For herbivorous inhabitants, the water should be 3.5-5 cm3 this item. It affects all aspects of a fish's life - nutrition, growth, behavior. Oxygen enters the river water from the atmosphere under the influence of wind and current, but in our case it will not be enough.
It is excreted in large quantities by algae during the day. However, the same plants consume oxygen at night. If there is a lot of vegetation, the fish will die from death. It is especially hard for the inhabitants in winter, when the air is blocked by ice. In this case, artificial aeration is required.
Excess nitrogen and carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide in water will also lead to the death of its inhabitants. To prevent the formation of hydrogen sulfide, remove silt and vegetation residues from the bottom in time.
Before filling the pond with water from wells, be sure to analyze it for a reaction (pH), which can be acidic, alkaline or neutral. If the pH is 7, the reaction is neutral, pH less than 7 is negative, more than 7 is alkaline. With an acid reaction, the fish will quickly die. If there is no other water, but underground water is acidic, add lime to the pond.
Also check for ferrous salts, which make breathing difficult. They are only useful in small amounts. To reduce their content, periodically perform aeration of the water, after which the salts will settle to the bottom.
Also monitor the presence of minerals in the fluid.
Step by step instructions for creating a pond

Consider the procedure for arranging a bowl for a pond made of various materials.
Instructions for shaping concrete bowls:
- Dig a hole of the specified depth and shape.
- Tamp the bottom and fill it with sand with a thickness of 150-200 m.
- Pour crushed stone 40-60 mm thick on top.
- Prepare concrete from cement (grade 400), coarse sand and crushed stone, which are taken in a ratio of 1: 2: 3. Add a small amount of detergent to the mixture, which will give the walls flexibility and elasticity.
- Fill the bottom with concrete and compact.
- If the reservoir is large, reinforce the concrete with steel mesh or wire with a diameter of 5 mm. Lay it crosswise to make 20x20 cm cells and tie with soft wire. Install the reinforcement so that it is inside the concrete layer.
- Dig holes in shallow areas and fill them with plant material.
- After the concrete has set, waterproof the bottom.
- Pour another layer of concrete on top.
- After hardening, make a formwork to fill the walls. They should be tilted away from the center of the pond.
- For a curved bank, use flexible plywood formwork. The thickness of the walls is also 12-15 cm.
- After the mortar has solidified, cover the walls and bottom with tiles, stone or cobblestones.
- Near the banks-slopes, make concrete steps 30-40 cm wide, on which place containers with vegetation. The distance from the upper step to the water surface is 20-30 cm. The steps do not have to be made around the entire perimeter of the recess.
- It is advisable to create ledges and rapids of various heights at the bottom.
- Along the edges of the terrace, make a side 12-15 cm high. After 2-3 weeks cover the bottom and the terraces along the sides with 150-200 mm thick vegetative soil and coarse sand (20-50 mm). The composition of the soil may be different and depends on the type of fish. For example, carp needs granite chips, pebbles or gravel.
- 14-16 days after pouring the concrete, fill the bowl with water, leave for 2-3 days and drain.
- Refill the water and release the fish.
With the help of synthetic material, you can create a large pond. To do this, you need the usual black PVC film, which is used in greenhouses, and special for reservoirs.
Installation is carried out as follows:
- Dig a hole of the appropriate size.
- Pour small stone or crushed stone 50-100 mm thick at the bottom. Level the surface with a rake.
- Create a 100-150m thick sand cushion.
- Cover the bottom and walls of the pond with black film so that it protrudes beyond the pit.
- Smooth it over the bottom and walls.
- Leave the canvas for a while to adhere to the surface.
- Lay a special film on top and press it carefully to the surface. Make sure the bottom is smooth and even.
- Secure the edges of the draft and special films outside the bowl with special staples. The canvases can be fixed with a concrete rim 10-15 cm high.
- Lead the water pipes to the bowl. Seal the places where they pass through the film.
- Pour nutritious soil on the bottom, create terraces and ledges as in the previous case.
- Fill a bowl with water and start the fish.
The type of fish depends on the preferences of the owner, as well as on where it will spend the winter. Small individuals can be moved to an aquarium in the fall, while large ones may not fit.
Before starting fish, check the temperature of the water in the pond and in the container in which it was transported. It should be the same. If the difference is significant, equalize the temperature, otherwise the difference of 2-3 degrees will cause a temperature shock and the fish will die. It is necessary to change it in the shipping container slowly - by 1-2 degrees per hour.
Arrangement of a fish pond in natural depressions

Ravines or old riverbeds located next to a summer cottage are often used to create a pond.
To do this, perform the following operations:
- Block the recess with a dam.
- Align the bottom of the bowl. Fill holes and hollows so that they do not cause waterlogging.
- Remove stumps and driftwood from the bottom and banks.
- Shrubs and trees along the edges of the ravine should be uprooted to avoid contamination and silting of the lake.
- Consider draining water to clean the pond.
- If the ravine is small, build canals next to it to divert spring streams.
- Cover the bottom and sides of the pit with concrete, gravel or even ordinary turf.
- To feed large ponds, construct supply ducts and line them with concrete or foil.
- On the dam, make a path at least 1 m wide from rubble and sand.
- After equipping the bowl, fill it with water and leave it without fish for 1 year. During this time, silt will be deposited at the bottom, and plants will appear in the pond. To make the process of enriching the reservoir with useful elements more intensive, throw a little wilted grass at the bottom or pour several buckets of liquid from an already exploited pond into it.
- Drain the water and refill the lake.
- Release fish into it.
Rules for caring for a fish pond

To keep the pond in good condition, follow these rules:
- To purify the water, install filters that are selected depending on the size of the pond, the type of fish, and other factors. In specialized stores there are mounted gravitational devices, caterpillar pressure, cleaning systems based on carbon fibers.
- Use a compressor to enrich the water with oxygen.
- You may also need other equipment that is designed to ensure the life of certain species of fish - heaters, ozonizers, pumps of large capacity, etc.
- Use biological products to clean the pond if necessary.
- Control the clarity of the water to admire the fish and vegetation.
- Be sure to feed the inhabitants of the pond.
If fish remain to winter, monitor the oxygen state in the water. To do this, make ice holes in the ice and fill them with a bundle of straw. To make it melt quickly in spring, sprinkle it with charcoal or peat.
How to make a fish pond - watch the video:

It is not difficult to equip a small fish pond with your own hands, despite the large amount of work. However, such an event should be taken seriously, because the life of the inhabitants requires compliance with special rules, failure to comply with which will lead to the loss of all the advantages of the reservoir, it will swamp, and all fish will die.