Almased Vitalkost - slimming cocktail

Almased Vitalkost - slimming cocktail
Almased Vitalkost - slimming cocktail

An overview of a unique means for losing weight - a gluten-free diet cocktail: properties, composition of Almased, how to drink it and what results to expect, contraindications, reviews. The latest development in the field of cosmetology - Almased Vitalkost 500 g. Natural product for dietary nutrition, for weight loss, recovery - Almased powder, with a rich composition (vitamins, acids, micro- and macroelements), balanced and useful. The manufacturer from Germany confirms its quality with certificates and claims that the cocktail is completely natural, containing no fillers, additives, gluten, GMOs, sugar and preservatives. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, you will improve your health, you will feel how your body is toning. Anyone can use its properties.

How much does Almased cost?

I won't tell you where to buy Almased, I got it through an acquaintance from my friend who is studying in Germany, she recommended it to me and I was satisfied. I think you can search on the Internet and order with home delivery. Produced by the German company Almased Wellness in 500 g cans, the consistency of dry yellow powder (there is packing in bags for a single dose). After searching the internet for prices, on average I came to the conclusion that:

Price of Almased Vitalkost 500 g (can):

  • in Germany - 15, 99 euros
  • in Russia - 1600 rubles
  • in Ukraine - 680 UAH.
  • in Kazakhstan - 6800 tenge
  • in Belarus - 440,000 Belarusian rubles.

Properties of Almased Vitalkost

German scientists, doctors of medical sciences, tested the Almaced slimming cocktail. The subjects (women and men) with a period of admission of 32 weeks consumed 50 g (five tablespoons) of the powder daily. This helped them maintain "correct" sugar and insulin levels. For 7-8 months of healthy digestion, they lost 5, 5-8, 2 kg, and the rate of blood components began to be maintained only from the 26th week.

Properties of Almased Vitalkost
Properties of Almased Vitalkost

Everyone who experienced the effect of Almased Vitalkost slimming cocktail for 6 months daily, 50 g 2 times - the first 6 weeks, then 18 weeks at a time, were able to lose more weight: obesity passed, no muscle tissue loss was observed. Among all those who have connected physical activity to the consumption of the Almaced cocktail, they did not feel exhausted, but, on the contrary, felt a surge of vitality.

Obese people and women in menopause have been tested with Almased Vitalkost for a year. The scheme was used as in the second case, only for a longer time. It was noted: a decrease in body weight, normalization of the lipid spectrum (cholesterol), the average level of blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides is observed.

Everyone can take a dietary gluten-free cocktail Almased for weight loss: overweight, those who are on a diet, vegetarians, athletes, the elderly, young regardless of gender.

The natural composition of the Almaced Vitalcost slimming cocktail

Almased Vitalkost 500 g seemingly fine powder containing honey enzymes, high quality soy, skim milk, yoghurt. Diluting it with liquid, you get a cocktail with a high content of biotin, folic acid, vitamins B, E, C, D and A, minerals, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, etc.

The composition of the cocktail for weight loss Almased Vitalcost
The composition of the cocktail for weight loss Almased Vitalcost

Almased Vitalkost slimming cocktail and like most similar products is filled with a building material - protein. The body will easily assimilate it and will leave you feeling full for a long time. A low glycemic index (if that says something to anyone) indicates how food affects insulin and sugar levels. It is good that the level is kept low because fat cells are burned better while keeping muscle fibers intact.

There is another secret developed for weight loss. Scientists have recently discovered new hormones - ghrelin and leptin - that affect our appetite. The lower the level of leptin, the higher the appetite, and ghrelin is also called the hormone of hunger that regulates digestion. They are also contained in Almaced and act as an appetite blocker.

The calorie content of one serving of the Almased Vitalkost cocktail (50 g of powder per 100 ml of water) is 90 kcal.

Almased Slimming Cocktail Method

Almased Slimming Cocktail Method
Almased Slimming Cocktail Method

German manufacturers Almased Vitalcost recommend a 14-day wellness program. The reception instruction consists of four phases and the sequence of reception is as follows:

  1. From day 1 to day 3, you need to drink Almased Vitalkost slimming cocktail three times daily. This is the activation phase of metabolism. And follow one more rule: exclude carbohydrates from the diet (cereals, flour, sweets, beer and fruit drinks).
  2. From the 4th to the 7th day you drink a cocktail in the morning and in the evening. Include carbohydrate-free food for lunch. This can be, for example, chicken (boiled) and the same boiled vegetables. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids up to 3 liters per day. It is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water. Depending on the need to lose more weight, the second phase can last up to 6 weeks in the same regimen (no carbohydrates).
  3. This is the stabilization time. From the 8th to the 10th day, you drink your Almased Vitalkost cocktail only in the evenings, and eat light food in the morning and evening.
  4. From the 11th to the 14th day, the final 4th phase begins. Who has coped - that fellow and in a beautiful body. On these days, they eat normally, they are full, and they drink one cocktail at any time of the day.


Slimming cocktail Almased Vitalkost in sachets of 50 g
Slimming cocktail Almased Vitalkost in sachets of 50 g

In the photo, Almased in bags of 50 g If you adhere to the proposed recommendations for the use of Almased Vitalkost, then the changes will become noticeable in the next day or two: the puffiness will subside, normal sleep will be restored, the cells will be filled with oxygen and because of this the skin will acquire a fresh look and more. But the main thing that the purchaser of Almaceda strives for is to lose weight and become slimmer, which he gets as a result.

Contraindications Almased

Slimming cocktail can be used for hypertensive patients and type II diabetics. People with individual intolerance to the product should be treated with caution in losing weight with Almased Vitalkost. And this is likely honey.

Almased can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding! Don't rush to start the 14-day program right away. Try drinking a cocktail and watching the effects.

Reviews about Almased Vitalkost

Reviews about Almased Vitalkost
Reviews about Almased Vitalkost

The Almased Vitalkost product is young, and not everyone was able to try it in order to share a variety of reviews. But if we want not just bad or good reviews, but constructive ones, then we need to dig in. There are people who only resort to Almaceda's help and are always happy with German goods, naturally we read in this case about German quality and positive feedback. There are buyers who could not lose weight quickly, and a debilitating carbohydrate-free diet is not for them, they will say their negative word about a slimming cocktail. Prepare yourself immediately (before making a purchase) that you will have to limit your diet and move away from the usual diet.

Lyudmila, 45 years old

I tried to lose weight in a variety of ways: games in nature, and fasting, and yoga, and even smoked. I tried everything, but the weight either did not decrease or went away, but not for long. I decided on an expensive method, but it seemed convincing to me. I bought Almased Vitalkost and began to drink this cocktail 3 times a week, then 2 glasses for a month and one glass at a time until I lost 20 kg. Now I still drink it from time to time. Is it not harmful? I'm afraid to get better again.

Vasily, 30 years old

He got married - and immediately put on weight. I don’t know how to get rid of this family happiness now, my wife cooks deliciously and doesn’t go anywhere. I came up with a job with which you will not leave for lunch. I drink an Almased Vitalkost cocktail and have dinner with my family in the evening. I managed to lose some weight.

Inna, 22 years old

I look like my dad and have never forgotten that I will not be able to lose weight. I didn't really try, although I used to drink guarana, I managed to lose 4-5 kg a month, but I stopped drinking it and recovered again. But then I read about the German Almased Vitalkost, then it seemed to me that it was not difficult to take as well, and if I don’t lose weight, I won’t earn even diabetes. I began to drink everything according to the instructions. The first time I was terribly hungry, and something tasty. But after 2 weeks this feeling dulled and everything went like clockwork. I have become much slimmer, fat has disappeared from the abdomen and shoulders. It became easier to move around and in general there were more opportunities. It took me 5 months in total. It is long, expensive, but effective.

Video instruction on how to dilute Almased powder and drink:
