Gelatin: benefits, harms and calories

Gelatin: benefits, harms and calories
Gelatin: benefits, harms and calories

Everything about gelatin: what it is, what it consists of, calorie content, how useful it can be, how it is used in the food industry, technology, medicine, and whether it can be harmful. Gelatin is called a mixture of protein substances of animal origin, and the very name "gelatin" comes from the Latin "gelatus", which means "frozen, frozen."

It is obtained from products saturated with collagen - from tendons, bones, cartilage as a result of prolonged boiling with water. Food gelatin is characterized by a colorless or light yellow color, lack of taste and smell.

Calorie content of gelatin

per 100 g of product is 355 kcal; 87, 2 g protein; 0.4 g fat; 0.7 g of carbohydrates.

How to dilute gelatin: proportions?

How to dilute gelatin, proportions
How to dilute gelatin, proportions

If there is no description of the gelatin dissolution process on the package, then you can apply our advice without fear. So, pour one tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of cold water and let it stand for 30 minutes to swell. Then put it on a small flame and slightly heat it, stir it constantly until it is completely dissolved (attention! Do not bring the water with gelatin to a boil). Strain the dissolved gelatin, then add to broth or desserts.

Vitamins and trace elements of gelatin

Gelatin contains useful

and the necessary amino acid - glycine, which provides the body with energy and affects mental activity, as well as alanine, aspartic and glutamic acids, which improve metabolism, strengthen the heart muscle and are a source of energy for the central nervous system.

In its composition, gelatin contains trace elements - phosphorus, calcium and sulfur, as well as proline and hydroxyproline, which are necessary for the connective tissues of the body. Therefore, in case of bone fractures, dishes with gelatin are recommended so that the bones heal faster.

The benefits of gelatin

The benefits of gelatin
The benefits of gelatin

Food gelatin

used in the manufacture of canned fish and meat, wines, jelly, ice cream, for the preparation of creams, jellied dishes, confectionery. In the production of ice cream, gelatin is used to reduce protein clotting and prevent sugar crystallization. The use of dishes with gelatin, as mentioned above, helps not only with bone fractures, but also with osteochondrosis, arthritis and poor blood clotting.

Gelatin is good for the skin, hair and nails. Gelatin baths are used to strengthen nails.

To benefit from gelatin, include in your diet those dishes where it is present: aspic, brawn, candied fruits, mousses, jellies, marmalade, marshmallows, soufflé. But you should not get too carried away with this, since you can inflict more harm on the body from the sweets themselves. You can make a dessert: "Jelly with cocoa".

In technology

gelatin is used for gluing the highest grades of paper, making artificial pearls, banknotes, paints.

In medicine

it is used as a hemostatic agent and as a source of proteins for the treatment of eating disorders.

In pharmacy

it is used to make capsules that cover a single dose of medicine, as well as candles.

In the photo and film industry, gelatin

found application for the preparation of emulsions in a photosensitive layer on film, photographic paper.

The harm of gelatin

There is no harm from gelatin, however, this product in excess is contraindicated for people suffering from oxaluric diathesis. This is due to the fact that it, like sorrel, lettuce, spinach, chocolate and cocoa, is classified as oxalogens, and their use in large quantities is undesirable in case of disorders of water-salt metabolism and urolithiasis.

In very rare cases, gelatin can cause an allergic reaction.
