Effects of steroids on newcomers to bodybuilding

Effects of steroids on newcomers to bodybuilding
Effects of steroids on newcomers to bodybuilding

For AAS to be effective, it is necessary to understand their effect on the human body. Learn about the effects of steroids on newcomers to bodybuilding. Novice athletes, namely this category of athletes most often experience problems with the use of steroids, should remember that not always a high level of testosterone is the key to the effectiveness of the AAS cycle. Even if the level of the male hormone is very high, then you may not get the expected result. The point is that only free testosterone is needed to build muscle. Let's take a look at the effects of steroids on newcomers to bodybuilding.

How does testosterone affect the beginner's body?

Testosterone injection
Testosterone injection

All hormones, such as cortisol, estradiol, progesterone and testosterone, can be found in the body in two forms: bound and free. When testosterone is bound, it cannot have any effect on the body, but only the free hormone works. A natural question arises: how much free male hormone is in the body?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. This is influenced by many factors. Testosterone can be bound by globulin (a protein compound produced by liver cells and binding all sex hormones) and albumin. Also, a very small proportion of testosterone may be associated with a special type of globulin that acts on corticosteroids (SHBG). As a result, 97 to 99 percent of the male hormone is bound in the body.

In this case, testosterone bound by albumin can go into a free state, since the bonds between these substances are not strong. This can happen under the influence of medication. This hormone is called bioavailable and its content in the body ranges from 12 to 60 percent. However, the drugs that create the conditions for the release of testosterone are very specific and we will not talk about them.

Testosterone associated with SHBG is of great value to us. This bond is also not very strong and can be broken. The content of SHBG in the body is not constant. To a greater extent, the level of estradiol and testosterone affects the synthesis of SHBG. With an increase in the amount of female hormones in the body, the production of SHBG is accelerated, and with a decrease in the level of the male hormone, the production of globulin also decreases. Certain medications and physiological factors also affect the level of SHBG. So the level of globulin can increase for the following reasons:

  • Anorexia;
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • Liver cirrhosis associated with excessive alcohol consumption;
  • Hypogonadism.

The increase in blood levels of globulin, which binds corticosteroid hormones, is the main cause of steroid plateau. This phenomenon occurs with prolonged use of AAS.

You should also remember about the part of testosterone that is converted to dihydrotestosterone and estrogens. Both of these substances help to reduce the synthesis of the male hormone.

How to convert testosterone to a free state?

Testosterone booster pack
Testosterone booster pack

Probably, many have a question: what will happen when the level of endogenous testosterone is raised? Yes, actually nothing will happen. As you know, this can be achieved through the use of tribulus and zinc. However, you should remember about free SHBG, which is in the blood. In the body of an average man, this substance contains about 40%.

Thus, in order to obtain the necessary results, it will not be possible to do without injections of an exogenous male hormone. However, with prolonged use of steroids, the body at a certain point will begin to synthesize more SHBG.

By the way, when using large doses of steroids, this moment comes much faster. This suggests that overdoses very quickly cease to be effective. It's not even worth talking about the possible side effects of such use of AAS, everything should be clear to you. Before making recommendations on how to release testosterone, it must be said that you should not drink a lot of alcohol, not have problems with being overweight, take the necessary time to rest and use healthy fats in your food.

Now let's move on to ways to release the male hormone.

Tableted Stanozolol

Stanozolol in tablet form
Stanozolol in tablet form

The scientist found that when using Stanozolol in an amount of 0.2 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, the level of SHBG is reduced by half. This is a very good indicator and the testosterone content will increase dramatically. You should take Stanozolol for 7 to 10 days every 4-6 weeks of your steroid cycle.


Proviron tablets in a package
Proviron tablets in a package

This drug belongs to the group of aromatase inhibitors. It was already mentioned above that the content of SHBG in the blood increases simultaneously with an increase in the amount of estrogen. Due to its ability to block the aromatase enzyme, Proviron reduces estradiol levels. Also, drug molecules are able to independently bind to SHBG, thereby reducing its level.

Most often, athletes use Proviron in the final phase of the cycle, but it can be used throughout the course. However, it should be remembered that estrogens are not always harmful to the body.


Methandrostenolone packaged
Methandrostenolone packaged

It should be said right away that the ability of Methane to bind SHBG molecules is significantly lower in comparison with other steroids. For this reason, most of the steroid remains free. This is another reason to use Methandrostenolone in your course. No wonder this steroid has not lost its popularity for a very long time.

This is how you can answer the question about the effect of steroids on newcomers to bodybuilding. And in conclusion, a few words should be said about age-related changes in the body of men. After the age of forty, natural testosterone synthesis begins to decline, which leads to known problems. However, now scientists have established that the point here is not in the production of testosterone, but in the acceleration of the synthesis of SHBG. Thus, we can say that after 40 years in the body, the amount of bound testosterone increases. Today we talked about how to release it.

For more on the effects of steroids on newbies, see this video:
