Effects of steroids on the bodybuilder's immune system

Effects of steroids on the bodybuilder's immune system
Effects of steroids on the bodybuilder's immune system

The use of AAS is stressful for the body in general and the immune system in particular. Learn about the effects of steroids on immunity and how to protect the body. Of course, acting on the body, steroids have an effect on all its systems, including the immune system. It should be noted that steroids and immunity are very closely related. This effect can be either with a plus or a minus sign. The positive effects of taking AAS include the lesser susceptibility of athletes to viral diseases. However, in this case, the body becomes weaker to pathogenic microbes. Scientists attribute this fact to an increase in cortisol levels.

Effects of steroids on the immune system

Injectable steroids
Injectable steroids

It should be noted right away that at the moment scientists have not come to an agreement on the mechanism of the effect of steroids on immunity. In total, there are now two theories, of which a decrease in the synthesis of several substances that are responsible for general and cellular immunity seems to be more correct. The second theory does not seem so plausible, for the reason that even if the thymus gland atrophies, then the main purpose of this organ is to counteract the development of cancer.

We can say for sure that when growth hormone is used simultaneously with AAS, the amount of immunoglobulin increases in the body. This substance is designed to fight the invasion of infections. If there is no external threat of disease, then the production of natural growth hormone is suppressed.

Also, as noted above, cortisol has a negative effect on the functioning of the immune system. After the completion of the steroid cycle, the body experiences a severe androgen deficiency. It takes time for the body to synthesize the required amount. Until this happens, cortisol is highly active. In addition to destroying tissues, this hormone reduces the capabilities of the immune system, and the body becomes vulnerable to various diseases. Another major confirmation of the strong relationship between steroids and immunity.

In such a situation, medications that stimulate the effects of testosterone on the body, as well as antiestrogens, can help. It should also be noted that AAS can also increase blood cortisol levels. This phenomenon is called hypercortisolemia and is quite common with the use of steroids. The cause of hypercorticosolemia has not yet been precisely established, but it is assumed that steroids inhibit the process of elimination of corticosteroids from the body due to their effect on certain enzymes.

Depression from steroids

Athlete training with a barbell
Athlete training with a barbell

Since the use of AAS affects the entire endocrine system, there is a connection not only between steroids and immunity, but also changes in mood. The athlete may become more aggressive or, on the contrary, fall into a state of depression. It can be caused by a sharp spike in the level of androgens and estrogens in the blood.

This is most typical for men during a pause in steroid use. Since the AAS cycle is completed and the level of testosterone synthesized by the body is still low, the content of estrogen, on the contrary, increases.

How to protect the immune system while taking steroids?

Steroid pills
Steroid pills

To enhance the performance of immunity, when using steroids, additional drugs should be introduced into the cycle.

Glutamine for immune protection

Foods that contain glutamine
Foods that contain glutamine

Perhaps it is the ability to enhance the protective functions of the body that justifies the use of glutamine by athletes. Otherwise, this amino acid compound does not play any important role. Of course, we are talking only about the use of the substance by athletes. The daily dosage of the drug is from 8 to 10 grams, taken twice a day.

Omega-3 fatty acids from steroid use

Foods Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Foods Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It makes no sense to talk a lot about this substance, since almost everyone has heard about it. It should be noted that Omega-3 significantly increases the protective functions of the body and should be taken not only during the course of AAS. The minimum dosage of Omega-3 during the day is from 3 to 4 grams, and the richest product in this substance is fish oil.

Apilak will protect the immune system

Royal jelly, from which apilak is extracted
Royal jelly, from which apilak is extracted

It is also a very useful preparation based on the milk of bee queens. It is difficult to overestimate the effect of apilak on the body as a whole and on immunity. However, it should be noted that you should start taking the drug after problems in the functioning of the immune system have been noticed. Although the product is based on natural ingredients, Apilak remains a medicine and should not be used without good reason. The tablets should be sucked up, not swallowed, taking one to two tablets throughout the day. In principle, the dosage can be increased, but this can cause sleep disturbances, which is not at all beneficial to the immune system.

If the athlete nevertheless has the first symptoms of a cold or an infectious disease, then you should immediately abandon the use of all tableted steroids, reduce the amount of protein compounds taken in your diet, while increasing the number of carbohydrates. You should also pause in your training process. Moreover, it is necessary to stop training so as not to cause even more damage to the immune system. It should be said that professional athletes very often use interferon to quickly cure colds. However, this drug has a lot of side effects and its fans should definitely not use it. It's still better to skip a few classes than get additional problems.

Athletes should always remember that steroids and immunity are closely related. When using AAS, you need to take care of your immune system.

Learn more about the effects of steroids on the body and immunity of a bodybuilder in this video:
