How to sew a simple dress or tunic - 4 models to choose from

How to sew a simple dress or tunic - 4 models to choose from
How to sew a simple dress or tunic - 4 models to choose from

For these models, calculations, patterns are not needed. You can make a long with a fluffy or asymmetrical skirt, a straight or short tunic dress with your own hands. If you are unexpectedly invited to visit, but there is no new thing to wear, do not be discouraged. Read how to quickly sew a dress without a pattern and start right now.

How to sew a dress to the floor - everyday and for the holiday

Simple and bright floor-length dress
Simple and bright floor-length dress

For this model, it is best to use colored chintz, it drapes well, it will not be hot in summer and at an incendiary party where dancing is supposed to.

In addition to cutting fabric with a width of at least 150 cm, for work you need:

  • crayon;
  • sewing machine;
  • ruler;
  • tape measure;
  • threads.

Fold fabric right sides to each other across. Measure from the corner along the fold 150 cm, draw a quarter circle from here with the same radius. At the top, where the neck will be, you need to make a small semicircular cut. Mark it with chalk, then use scissors to cut the top and bottom of the dress.

Making a dress to the floor with your own hands
Making a dress to the floor with your own hands

Since the fabric was folded in half, there are two pieces. This is the front and back of the future new thing. Next, you need to sew these parts on the sides on a typewriter.

To hem the hem, you just need to bend it in half by 1 cm 2 times and again by 1 cm and sew.

If you take a thin fabric, for example, chiffon or silk, that sags under its own weight, then you need to first cut a 2 cm wide ribbon from cotton diagonally, and then stitch it to the hem, tuck and sew on a typewriter or on your hands. In this model, this is not required, having cut the bottom, proceed to the top of the product. Will tell you how to sew a dress next master class.

Attach the neckline to the fabric folded in half, outline, cut out the neckline 5 cm wide. Sewing it on the sides, attach the front side of this part to the inside of the neckline, sew the parts together at the top, then iron the seam. Turn the piping to the right side, wrap its edge inward 1 cm, sew.

You have got a drawstring through which you need to thread the tape, tighten it a little and tie it.

To make this tape, cut a strip of fabric 80 cm long and 6 cm wide. Fold it along right sides to each other, stitch along the edge. Using a pencil or wooden stick, turn it right out. Sew on small opposite edges and thread the tape through the drawstring. On the shoulder, you will tie it with a bow.

The quick dress is ready. In the summer, you can wear it as a sundress, and add a belt as an evening option. Such a new thing is done in no more than an hour and looks impressive.

How to sew a jersey dress?

Olga Nikishicheva will tell you how to sew a dress quickly. This talented fashion designer has many more ideas in stock, for example, one when it takes only 20 minutes to create an exclusive dress, and it consists of one seam.

It has two parts. The bottom is square, asymmetrical, and upward is rectangular.

You will need:

  • knitted fabric;
  • crayon;
  • tape measure;
  • knitted tape or belt;
  • 2 decorative pins.

For this model, as for the previous one, you need a fabric with a width of at least 1 m 50 cm. Pay attention to this when buying, as often on sale there are narrower canvases. Fold fabric diagonally, mark 1m 50cm, cut to line. As a result, you have a square with sides of 1 m 50 cm.

Making a quick jersey dress
Making a quick jersey dress

This is the skirt of the future new thing, the cutting of the dress continues. In the center of the square, you need to draw a circle, the length of the arc of which is equal to the volume of the waist. To draw it, you will need to measure your waist. Wrap a piece of cardboard with the same measuring tape, cut a circle out of it. Place it in the center of the fabric square, outline, cut along the markings.

Cut jersey dress
Cut jersey dress

Now let's move on to cutting the top. Fold the fabric sideways, bending the bottom 35 cm, mark the center.

Cut the top of the dress from jersey
Cut the top of the dress from jersey

Set aside 26 cm on both sides, draw a line from the center to these markings.

Dress pattern scheme
Dress pattern scheme

Unfold the fabric, cut a slit along the marked section. Stepping back 1 cm from the edge of the slot, sew, gather it, carefully pulling one or the other thread.

Now place the gathered slit over the circle of the skirt of the dress, sew together with a zigzag stitch. Use decorative pins on the shoulders, or simply sew here.

The dress can be worn with a belt or immediately sewn on the junction of the skirt with the bodice with a knitted tape. Now you know how to quickly sew a dress, the video at the end of the article will help with this. Next, you will find no less interesting and easy-to-reproduce models.

The next master class will tell you how to quickly sew a dress without a pattern, using a T-shirt as it. Unlike previous models, you can take a narrower fabric for this one.

How to sew a simple dress in an hour?

Dress made in an hour
Dress made in an hour

For needlework are taken:

  • cotton fabric;
  • T-shirt with the desired neckline;
  • crayon or pencil;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • ruler.

Fold the fabric crosswise in half with the wrong sides facing each other. Place the T-shirt on top, pin with pins, outline by extending the bottom of the T-shirt to the desired length of the dress. Cut out, leaving 1 cm seam allowances on all sides.

Making the top of the dress
Making the top of the dress

If you have curvy thighs, then flare the bottom, or open it later separately. Then the T-shirt will represent the top-bodice of the dress, and the bottom you will make from a rectangle that needs to be gathered at the top. Cut according to the back markings. Set aside one detail, fold the second in half lengthwise, attach in front of the T-shirt, outline its neckline. This will be the front of the dress.

Attach the neckline of the top of the dress to the fabric, outline and cut the hem of the neckline. Its width is 5 cm.

Cutting the top of the dress
Cutting the top of the dress

Align the right sides of the neckline and piping, sew, iron the seam. Turn the piping over to the wrong side, fold it slightly, stitch to the edge.

Combining the front sides of the neckline and dressing
Combining the front sides of the neckline and dressing

To prevent the dress from gathering in this place, stretch the piping slightly while sewing. Here's what you get as a result.

Top-sewn dress
Top-sewn dress

If you want to quickly sew a dress, then you can make it sleeveless. In this case, you will need to process the armhole exactly as you did the neckline. If you want a dress with sleeves, they are also easy to make. Then you need to first rip the sleeves out of the T-shirt and open their middle seam.

Please note that if the sleeves were tight for you, then when cutting you need to add a little at the seam. Attach the base sleeve first to the paper, cut it out, attach the resulting pattern to your hand. If everything suits you, then you can transfer the pattern to the fabric. Cut out seam allowances.

Making sleeves for a dress
Making sleeves for a dress

Stitch the seams on the sleeves, then sew them into the armholes.

Dress with sewn sleeves
Dress with sewn sleeves

You just have to grind the side seams of a beautiful and simple dress and you can try on a new thing.

Light Beach Dresses

Such a dress is indispensable when relaxing near a pond. It can be worn under a swimsuit in the country, at home when it's hot.

Light homemade dress
Light homemade dress

If you liked this tunic, it will be easy to sew it with your own hands, and the result of pleasant work will delight you. She also does not need a pattern and only 2 measurements are needed. Determine the distance from your left elbow to your right. At the same time, the arms should be extended in different directions. This is A.

For the next one, attach the zero mark of the measuring tape to the shoulder, lower its second edge down, measure the desired length of the product. Let's call this measure B.

Connect the fabric in half, set aside the B value. Apply the centimeter to the upper left corner, set aside the A value to the right. Cut out the resulting rectangle.

Expand it, draw a neck, as shown in the photo.

Pattern for making a light tunic dress
Pattern for making a light tunic dress

Cut out the neckline, trim it with a bias tape. To make a tunic sewn with your own hands look beautiful, you can stitch a strip of lace to the bottom, as shown in the photo.

Light tunic making scheme
Light tunic making scheme

The sides of the product need to be connected and sewn, leaving room for the hands. Put the tunic over you, mark the place of the waist. Sew a wide braid from the inside out here, stitching in only the top and bottom edges. Pass a decorative lace into the resulting drawstring.

It's so easy to create a tunic with your own hands, like the rest of the presented models. They do not need a pattern, they are sewn quickly and easily, so such work will be within the power of novice dressmakers, and experienced seamstresses will create such clothes in just half an hour.

How to quickly and easily sew a dress to the floor and an outfit with one seam, see these videos:
