A stretch ceiling in a bathroom can transform its appearance, make a room stylish and sophisticated. You will learn about the advantages of such a ceiling, its choice, design and installation from our material.
Choosing a stretch ceiling for a bathroom

When choosing a stretch ceiling for a bathroom, you need to pay special attention to the color variety of films. The tone of the ceiling should be in harmony with the room and complement its design.
The main indicators when choosing the color of the canvas are:
- Choosing a film shade to match the color of ceramic tiles … This is the standard solution for most buyers. At the same time, the bathroom will look beautiful, but such a choice will not give it originality.
- Film selection by frieze tone … With the same shades of frieze, tile and ceiling, the color scheme of the bathroom will inevitably merge into a solid mass. A good solution is the combination of a frieze with a ceiling when displaying tiles in a different color.
- The choice of canvas to match the color of furniture and plumbing fixtures … It is not recommended to use white film for the ceiling if the plumbing fixtures and bathroom furniture have the same color. According to this rule, the choice of canvas is carried out with their various color shades.
- The choice of film depending on the color of the floor … The contrasting colors of the ceiling and floor help to visually increase the volume of the bathroom. This technique is often used by professional designers in their work.
When choosing a ceiling color, you need to know that warm orange, yellow or red tones should not be used in small rooms. They visually reduce the volume of the premises. And cool shades of blues, blues or purples will help increase it.
Bathroom stretch fabric manufacturers

Thinking about whether it is possible to buy a stretch ceiling for a bathroom inexpensively, you should pay attention to the proposals of various manufacturers of this product. When choosing it, it is important to assess your financial capabilities, since the quality and cost of the canvas directly depend on each other.
Stretch ceilings are produced by manufacturers in France, Germany, Belgium, China and Russia. The highest quality French and German stretch ceilings are slightly inferior to Belgian and Russian products. Chinese canvases are the cheapest.
When buying a ceiling from one manufacturer or another, it is also necessary to take into account that German and French canvases are produced with a width of no more than 2 meters. Therefore, for large bathrooms, such films will have to be stitched.
Canvases from other manufacturers are made up to 4 meters wide. These circumstances are very important when choosing a stretch ceiling design in a bathroom.
Stretch ceiling installation technology in the bathroom

You can install a stretch ceiling in a bathroom with your own hands using special equipment and tools: a gas "gun" - a heater, a hammer drill, a screwdriver, an angle grinder "grinder", a drill with a set of drills, spatulas, a water or laser level.
You will not need any special efforts to install the stretch ceiling in the bathroom. Before starting work, all engineering communications must be carried out along the base ceiling and walls - this is a prerequisite. The installation technology is quite simple and consists of several stages:
- Marking the line of the frame profiles … To complete it, you need to mark in the corner a point of the desired height of the stretch ceiling at a distance of 5-15 cm from the ceiling of the bathroom. The rest of the corner points are determined using a laser or water level. They must all lie in the same horizontal plane. Then the points are connected with a trace of a paint cord in a line for placing profiles around the perimeter of the room.
- Installing profiles … They are installed strictly along the marking line. In the corners of the room, you do not need to cut the profile, only an incision is made in its back wall and bending along the contour of adjacent walls. It is fastened with a pitch of 10-15 cm screws, the work is done using plastic dowels, self-tapping screws, a hammer drill and a screwdriver. The joints of the cut profiles must be cleaned with the removal of burrs and fastened with a metallized tape in order to avoid punctures or cuts in the canvas.
- Heating the web … Before this procedure, the canvas is fixed on the profiles at the corner points, and then warmed up with a heat "gun" to a temperature of 60-70 degrees.
- Fastening the canvas … After softening the material from exposure to hot air, it must be fixed in profiles around the entire perimeter of the bathroom. Work can start from any angle. Using a spatula, the fabric is carefully tucked into the grooves of the profiles. Then the procedure must be repeated in the opposite corner. The next two corners of the web are fixed in the same way. After that, it is fixed at the midpoints between the corners with transitions to the opposite side of the room. To prevent skewing, a uniform stretch of the stretch ceiling film must be maintained. After completely filling the web into the profiles and fixing it, the heat gun can be turned off. During the cooling process, the film will shrink until the ideal stretch ceiling surface is obtained.
- Installation of luminaires … Luminaires and other suspension mechanisms must be attached with a hanging part to the ceiling slab, since the stretch ceiling is not a load-bearing structure element, but serves as a design element. They need a passage through the banner. To do this, at the locations of the shades on the stretch ceiling, O-rings are glued, in which holes are cut out for installing the lamps. After connecting them, the installation of the ceiling in the bathroom is considered complete.
How to make a stretch ceiling in a bathroom - watch the video:

In conclusion, I would like to say that the decoration of bathrooms with stretch ceilings has long been a leader in giving ceiling ceilings a beautiful and original look. And the speed of installation, the absence of debris during installation and minimal maintenance make such ceilings more and more popular every day.