Quick Easter cake without yeast

Quick Easter cake without yeast
Quick Easter cake without yeast

Not every experienced hostess is taken to bake cakes, because skill and proven recipe are important here. However, quick recipes without yeast can help make the Easter baking process easier.

Easter cake without yeast and dye
Easter cake without yeast and dye

Recipe number 2: sourdough cakes without yeast

Sourdough cakes without yeast
Sourdough cakes without yeast

Sourdough Easter bread is an old Russian recipe that makes pastries easy and delicious. The leavened Easter cakes remain fresh for a long time without changing their taste.


  • Wheat flour - 1.5 kg
  • Sourdough - 300 g
  • Milk - 600 g
  • Eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Cognac - 200 ml
  • Granulated sugar - 500 g
  • Candied fruits - 250 g
  • Butter - 300 g
  • Zest of one orange
  • Vanilla sugar - 3 tsp
  • Salt - 2 tsp

Step by step cooking:

  1. Boil the milk and cool to 30–35 ° С. After that, dissolve the fresh sourdough and 750 g of flour in it. Stir the food and leave in a warm place, about 25-30 degrees, for about 3 hours, so that the dough comes up, becomes lumpy and loose.
  2. Grind the butter with a mixer until white. After that, add one egg yolk at a time while continuing to beat the mass. Then add sugar, vanillin and continue to beat the mixture. The more fluffy it is whipped, the better the cake will be.
  3. Wash the orange, grate its zest on a fine grater and add it to the whipped yolks.
  4. Pour cognac into the matched dough, pour a glass of flour and stir. After, add the butter mixture and knead the dough, gradually adding all the remaining flour. Knead the dough so that it stops sticking to your hands.
  5. Beat the whites into a tight, dense, stable foam and add to the dough, then the cakes will turn out to be light and airy.
  6. The last step is to put candied fruits in the dough, stir in them, cover the dough with a clean towel and leave for an hour and a half.
  7. After this time, grease the molds liberally with butter, fill them 1/2 full with the dough and leave to stand for 15–20 minutes. After that, send to the oven heated to 180 ° C for 1, 5 hours. Check the readiness of the baking with a wooden skewer, if there is no sticky dough on it, the Easter is baked.
  8. Remove the finished cake without yeast from the oven, cover with a dry towel and let cool. Then remove from the mold and cover with fondant.

How to make sourdough for Easter cake

Sourdough for baking Easter cake
Sourdough for baking Easter cake

To make Easter without yeast lush, tasty and aromatic, you should make a sourdough that will help to achieve an amazing result of a delicious Easter cake.

Ingredients for the starter culture:

  • Flour - 150 g (any: wheat, rye, whole)
  • Water - 150 ml

Preparation of the sourdough for the cake:

  1. Mix 50 g of flour with 50 ml of water. The consistency of the mass should turn out to be pasty, like thick sour cream. Cover the starter with a towel and leave in a warm place for a day, while stirring it 3-4 times.
  2. After a day, the mass will be covered with small, sparse bubbles. This means that you need to add another 50 g of flour and add 50 ml of water. Stir the starter culture and leave again for a day under a dry towel in a warm place. Stir again 4 times a day.
  3. After 2 days, repeat the procedure: add the remaining flour with water, knead the mass, cover with a towel and leave for another day.
  4. The next day, the leaven will increase in size and will consist of a frothy cap. This means that it is ready for further use in baking.

Video recipes for baking Easter without yeast:
