Restores strength after a working day, gently soothes and relaxes, cope with fatigue and nervous strain - milk smoothie with strawberries. Read how to cook it in a step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Milk smoothies are very diverse in taste and composition. For their preparation, they use yoghurts, syrups, juices, fresh fruits, cream, nuts, liqueurs, milk, strong alcoholic drinks … However, on a hot summer day, a milk smoothie with strawberries in a company with ice cream will quench your thirst. The cocktail will not only refresh, it will also give you half-day satiety, charge you with energy and good mood. Cool, healthy and creamy smoothies make a delicious drink and even a dessert. You can enjoy a strawberry drink not only on a warm summer day, but also at any other time. Not even milk lovers drink it, so moms often cook it for picky kids. After all, it takes a few minutes to prepare it and a minimum of ingredients. Of course, if you are on a diet, then this method of quenching your thirst will not work, because There are plenty of calories in a smoothie. But cheerful people who do not want to sacrifice their pleasures for the sake of invented standards will be very pleased.
You can add not only strawberries to a milk smoothie, but also a variety of other seasonal berries and fruits. Moreover, they may not necessarily be fresh, but also frozen or canned. In addition to the main ingredient - milk, any additives can be added to the smoothie. For example, oatmeal. Then the cocktail will become even more satisfying and can replace a full breakfast or afternoon snack.
- Calorie content per 100 g - 62 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 7 minutes

- Milk - 300 ml
- Sugar - to taste and as desired
- Strawberry - 100 g
- Ice cream sundae - 150 g
Step by step preparation of milk smoothie with strawberries, recipe with photo:

1. Put ice cream in a blender bowl or any other convenient container in which you will prepare food. By the way, ice cream can be used not only ice cream, but also chocolate. It goes well with strawberry and milk flavors.

2. Pour milk into the bowl. It should be cold, with a temperature of at least + 5 ° C. Otherwise, the drink will not whip well and an airy foam will not form on the surface. You can even freeze the milk a little in the freezer until small ice crystals form.

3. Wash and dry the strawberries. Tear off the ponytails, cut the berries in half and add to dairy products.

4. Whisk the food with a blender until smooth. The strawberries should be completely mashed and merged into a homogeneous mass. Serve the finished milk smoothie with strawberries to the table immediately after preparation, because It is not customary to cook it for the future. The products will exfoliate, the airy foam will fall off and the drink will lose its appearance.
See also a video recipe on how to make a milkshake with strawberries and ice cream.