Features of the green diet

Features of the green diet
Features of the green diet

The rules and features of the green diet. What are the benefits and contraindications to this diet. Allowed foods, menus and sample meals. What are the results of applying the green diet. A green diet is a great option for summer weight loss when fruits, vegetables and greens are abundant around. Her idea is to eat only green foods. It will suit you if your goal is to cleanse and heal the body, simultaneously getting rid of a small amount of extra pounds gained during the winter holidays or on vacation, where everything was all inclusive.

Green diet rules for weight loss

Green diet for weight loss
Green diet for weight loss

At the end of the twentieth century, the green diet (as well as other colorful ones - orange, yellow, red and purple) was developed by American nutritionists for detoxification and light weight loss. The cleansing green diet has several rules. They are quite simple:

  • 50 to 50 … Half of your portion of any meal should be green foods (berries, vegetables and fruits).
  • Condiments … All you can afford with this diet is greens, garlic and olive oil (due to the omega-3 acid it contains, it speeds up metabolism, and therefore detoxification of the body). The use of salt should be limited to a minimum, since it, by retaining fluid in the body, inhibits the process of removing toxins.
  • Prohibited products … You should not eat snacks, processed foods and fried foods, any sweets and coffee, as well as anything made from meat and milk. Exception: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt or buttermilk, which aid digestion and contain calcium, which is necessary to accelerate the breakdown of fat cells.
  • Drink … You must drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. It can be herbal or green tea, juices from fresh fruits and vegetables of green color, mineral water without gas and flavors. Alcohol is prohibited, except for dry white wine diluted with mineral water (1: 1).

You cannot gorge yourself to a feeling of heaviness, food should be consumed fractionally with an interval of 2 hours. Bread, toast, cereals are allowed until 12.00, fruits - until 17.00, and vegetables, kefir and protein - until 22.00.

You always need to eat at a strictly defined time. Eat breakfast only after any physical activity (doing exercises or doing some housework). Lunch should be no earlier than noon, and the last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

The benefits of a green diet

Diet on green foods
Diet on green foods

Eating only green foods as much as possible is very beneficial. A similar diet, while losing weight, also:

  • Boosts immunity … And all thanks to the fact that green foods contain many trace elements, vitamins, and chlorophyll. It is this pigment that has a positive effect on the metabolism, the immune system of the body, and has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. It also cleanses the intestines and stomach from undigested food, and the body as a whole from heavy metals, toxins, and reduces the amount of free radicals.
  • Slows down lipogenesis … That is, the process of fat formation from carbohydrates. This is facilitated by the tartronic acid contained in green vegetables and fruits.
  • Cleanses the body … This process is influenced, in addition to chlorophyll, also fiber. It, like a stiff brush, cleans undigested residues from the digestive tract and removes toxins.
  • Improves appearance … The beneficial minerals and vitamins contained in green products have a beneficial effect on the standing of the skin and gums, reducing the manifestations of periodontal disease.
  • Reduces appetite … We subconsciously perceive brightly colored vegetables, berries, fruits as ripe and tasty, this contributes to the formation of gastric juice and good appetite. Green foods do not have this effect. But due to the large amount of fiber contained in them, filling the stomach, they cause a feeling of satiety. This means it is easier to follow a green diet than any other.

Please note! Despite the fact that all green fruits and vegetables are very useful, you cannot deprive the body of the fats and proteins it needs, this has a bad effect on health and well-being. They should just be consumed in minimal quantities.

Contraindications to a green diet

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

Despite the fact that naturopaths consider a green diet to be completely harmless, modern nutritional science recommends adhering to it for no longer than 10 days, so as not to deprive the body of the carbohydrates, proteins and fats it needs.

Beforehand, be sure to consult with your doctor, because such food can provoke stomach problems.

A green diet can cause problems with your teeth and gums, so you should visit your dentist and heal your teeth affected by tooth decay, otherwise eating too much raw food will quickly aggravate the problem.

Children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women should not follow this diet, since all these categories require a rich and varied diet. It is also contraindicated for people with fiber intolerance, patients with chronic diseases, allergy sufferers.

Important! Enter the green diet gradually, cutting back on carbohydrates 2-3 days before starting. To avoid possible health problems due to the lack of any nutrients and minerals in the body, take a multivitamin complex at this time.

Permitted foods for a green diet

Green pear
Green pear

It is believed that the brighter the green color (and therefore the more chlorophyll), the better for weight loss. Here is a list of foods that are suitable for a green diet:

  1. Fruits … From the usual to us - green varieties of apples and pears, from exotic - pomelo and lime.
  2. Berries … These are usual for us green grapes, gooseberries, as well as kiwi and a rare guest on the tables - avocado.
  3. Vegetables … Cucumbers and cabbage of various types (for example, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, etc.), peppers, as well as less commonly eaten pumpkins and zucchini, peas and beans, popular and available at any time of the year.
  4. Greens … In addition to the widespread onions, garlic, lettuce, sorrel, dill and parsley, do not forget about cilantro, spinach, celery, arugula, asparagus, and artichoke.

Green diet menu

Typically, a green diet lasts 4 to 10 days. If you want to regularly cleanse the body in this way, then the recommended scheme is: 4 days of diet, 16 days off, 4 days of diet, etc. The measure is good in everything, and therefore it is not worth making a menu exclusively from green products. In the diet, for example, there must be fats (vegetable oil), if only because many vegetables cannot be assimilated without them.

1 day green diet menu

Lean vegetable soup
Lean vegetable soup

Even spending one such fasting day at least 2 times a month normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract, and also improves the appearance of the skin.

An example of a menu for a green diet for 1 day:

  • Breakfast … Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), green apple, yogurt (200 ml).
  • Lunch … Light salad of greens and pine nuts.
  • Dinner … Lean vegetable soup, salad of cucumbers, herbs and cabbage.
  • Afternoon snack … Any green fruit.
  • Dinner … Salad of herbs, cucumbers and peppers with low-fat feta cheese.
  • Snack before bed … The white of two eggs.

Please note! If cheese is on the menu, eat no more than 50 g at one meal.

Menu for a green diet for the week

Spinach omelet
Spinach omelet

Here's an example of a weekly menu for those looking to follow a green diet.


  1. Steamed omelet with spinach, herbal tea;
  2. Cheesecakes poured with yogurt and sprinkled with herbs, fruit juice;
  3. Honey-flavored cottage cheese, green tea;
  4. Cheese, bran bread toast, sprinkled with dill, herbal tea;
  5. Oatmeal with grated green apple, seasoned with honey, lemon juice and crushed nuts, a glass of yogurt;
  6. Steamed omelet, sprinkled with herbs and finely chopped spinach, grape and apple juice;
  7. Cottage cheese pancakes seasoned with yogurt sauce, lettuce, rosehip broth.

Second breakfasts:

  • Day 1-2 - green fruit;
  • Day 3-4 - any green berries;
  • Day 5 - Kiwi;
  • Day 6-7 - Green Fruit Smoothie.


  1. Vegetable puree soup, cucumber and green pepper salad with herbs, apple juice;
  2. Potato soup, boiled broccoli, onion salad with celery and apples, grape juice;
  3. Lenten borscht with sorrel and egg white, arugula, dill and feta cheese salad;
  4. Soup-puree of cauliflower and other green vegetables, herbs, a piece of boiled fish, grape juice;
  5. Boiled egg, avocado and onion pulp salad, apple juice;
  6. Potato soup with rice, salad of green peppers, onions and herbs, a slice of boiled chicken breast, a glass of apple and grape juice;
  7. Broccoli, potato and carrot soup, apple and celery salad, seasoned with kefir, fruit juice.

Afternoon snacks:

  • Lettuce with leafy greens and pine nuts;
  • Unleavened crackers with pieces of feta cheese and herbs;
  • Cheese, fresh bran bun, greens, cucumber;
  • Baked apples with honey, cottage cheese and raisins;
  • Any green fruit;
  • Toast sprinkled with finely chopped arugula and feta cheese;
  • Fresh crackers with herbs and cottage cheese.


  1. Stewed cabbage and a glass of kefir;
  2. Pilaf with vegetables, kefir;
  3. Rice with mushrooms, cucumbers and green peppers, a glass of kefir;
  4. Cottage cheese casserole with Brussels sprouts and herbs, yogurt;
  5. Fish with stewed cabbage, a slice of bran bread;
  6. Stewed cabbage, a slice of boiled fish, herbs, a glass of kefir;
  7. Rice, green beans, a glass of kefir.

Snacks before bed:

  • Day 1-2 - green tea;
  • Day 3-4 - rosehip decoction;
  • Day 5-6 - herbal tea with mint;
  • Day 7 - cucumber.

Remember! A little honey and lemon juice can be added to decoctions and teas. Eat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese low-fat and unflavored. Be sure to season all salads with olive (can be replaced with vegetable) oil, no more than 1 tsp. for one meal. Fish, lean meat and cottage cheese should be eaten in moderation during a green diet, not fried, but only boiled, baked, steamed.

Green diet menu for 10 days

Herbal decoction with honey
Herbal decoction with honey

The maximum number of days for a green diet is ten, here is an approximate menu for this time.

First and sixth day:

  • Breakfast: whole grain toast with pesto sauce, cottage cheese (200 g), herbal decoction with honey.
  • Second breakfast: cucumber.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with rice and herbs, boiled egg, arugula and basil salad with pieces of feta cheese, seasoned with kefir, a glass of vegetable juice.
  • Afternoon snack: grapes.
  • Dinner: boiled potatoes with asparagus beans, avocado and onion pulp salad, yogurt.
  • Snack before bed: green tea with mint.

Second and seventh day:

  1. Breakfast: a sandwich made from whole grain bread, spread with bryndza, mashed with herbs, a glass of yogurt.
  2. Second breakfast: rosehip broth with lemon and honey.
  3. Lunch: puree onion soup with herbs and potatoes, broccoli, garlic and arugula salad, seasoned with low-fat sour cream and garlic.
  4. Afternoon snack: green apple baked with cottage cheese, honey and pine nuts.
  5. Dinner: cottage cheese casserole with pieces of broccoli, potatoes and green beans, kefir.
  6. Snack before bed: cucumber.

Third and eighth day:

  • Breakfast: a slice of feta cheese, lettuce, kiwi, green tea with lemon.
  • Second breakfast: an apple or a cucumber.
  • Lunch: potato soup with boiled chicken breast, salad of herbs, broccoli and green pepper.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit or berry smoothies.
  • Dinner: a plate of steamed or boiled vegetables, seasoned with herbs and drizzled with olive oil.
  • Snack before bed: herbal tea with mint and honey.

Fourth and ninth day:

  1. Breakfast: black bread, spread with crushed cheese mixed with garlic and other herbs, green tea.
  2. Second breakfast: yogurt or grapes.
  3. Lunch: boiled chicken (breast) with rice and herbs, cottage cheese mixed with garlic, spinach, rosemary and slightly salted, a glass of yogurt.
  4. Afternoon snack: apple.
  5. Dinner: boiled green beans, peas and broccoli, seasoned with dill, parsley, basil and garlic.
  6. Snack before bed: green tea.

Fifth and tenth day:

  • Breakfast: a glass of kefir and oatmeal with nuts, seeds, lemon juice, green apple and honey.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of fruit juice or any green fruit.
  • Lunch: a piece of boiled fish, fresh vegetable salad (cucumbers, herbs, onions, cabbage), boiled egg, juice.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked chicken breast with stewed cabbage and mushrooms, whole grain bread and kefir.
  • Snack before bed: rosehip decoction.

Please note! Those who follow a green diet are shown physical activity, massage and a visit to the sauna, so that the body is cleared of toxins more efficiently.

Green Diet Recipes

Berry Fruit Smoothie
Berry Fruit Smoothie

Below are the recipes for each meal during the Green Diet:

  1. Spinach omelet … Good breakfast option. Chop a handful of spinach and green beans, add a little salt and place in a double boiler for 10 minutes. In the meantime, take 2 eggs (only the whites can be used), whisk with half a glass of milk and pour this mixture over the greens in the double boiler. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  2. Berry Fruit Smoothie … During lunch, beat 1 kiwi pulp, 100 g seedless grapes and half a pear with a blender. Add 3 tbsp if desired. l. water or 3 ice cubes.
  3. Vegetable puree soup … Treat yourself to a dietary soup for lunch. Peel the vegetables and cut them into large pieces (3 potatoes, onion, 2 carrots, zucchini), boil until soft. Whisk together with the broth with a blender and serve with low-fat sour cream, finely chopped herbs and garlic croutons (cut whole grain bread into cubes, dry in the microwave for 2-3 minutes, stir with crushed garlic for flavor).
  4. Salad with nuts … Treat yourself to a fresh salad for an afternoon snack. Tear the washed salad (100 g) into small pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice, add pine nuts (10 g) and garlic (first pass them through a press), season with olive oil (2 tablespoons), let it brew for 15 minutes.
  5. Fish baked with herbs … Chop the herbs finely, add a little salt, season with vegetable oil. Place the cod fillets on the foil, brush with herbs, cover with foil and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  6. Green yogurt … The pulp of 1 pear, 2 handfuls of spinach, beat the juice of half a lime in a blender, add a spoonful of honey and low-fat yogurt. If desired, yogurt can be replaced with almond milk: stir a glass of water and a handful of peeled raw almonds in a blender, strain.

Interesting! Try to serve the table with green dishes, some nutritionists believe that, like green vegetables and fruits, it reduces appetite. Light green shades are especially effective.

Green diet results

Weight loss
Weight loss

You can follow a green diet without harming your health for no more than ten days. What will you end up with:

  • Weight loss … Approximately during this time you will lose from 1 to 3 kg. Such a diet is suitable for those who do not seek to drastically lose weight, but just want to tighten their figure.
  • Cleansing the body … Chlorophyll and fiber contained in green vegetables, berries and fruits perfectly remove toxins and toxins.
  • Improving well-being … This happens due to weight loss, improvement of the condition of the skin and hair, as well as general strengthening of the immune system and activation of metabolism.

Interesting! Green fruits and vegetables have a low glycemic index, and therefore normalize blood sugar levels. What is a green diet - watch the video:

The green diet has a small number of contraindications, it is simple and affordable, great for those who want to cleanse the body of toxins and lose some weight at the same time. According to the principles of this diet, you can arrange a weekly fasting day.
