Try a rather hearty salad with herring, onions and eggs. This is an unusual combination of products that together give a very delicate taste. The products are harmoniously combined, complementing each other with aroma and taste.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Herring salads are always delicious. Usually they are prepared for the holidays, since the cooking process, although not complicated, but it takes a lot of time to cut the fish, which frightens many. Therefore, inexperienced housewives are afraid to make such a salad, but this recipe details all the step-by-step steps that will not make you work for a long time. The good news about this dish is that all products are affordable and cheap. And on the festive table, food will take pride of place, and will compete along with other cold and hot snacks. And to make the salad look more attractive, decorate it with herbs or boiled vegetables.
I will say a few words about the benefits of herring. It is both fatty but low-calorie fish. 100 g of marine life contains 220 kcal, and omega-3 (fats), which are in it, prevent aging and improve heart function. For salad, take whole, good quality and good fish. In addition, you can buy it ready-made, or you can salt it yourself. You can find out how to do this in the recipe with which I previously shared on the site. In this case, you can play up the taste of the finished dish, as your soul desires, by making a delicious marinade or filling for fish with the addition of various spices and spices.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 126 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 20 minutes for slicing salad, plus time for boiling and cooling eggs

- Herring - 1 pc.
- Mayonnaise - for dressing
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Salt - optional
- Eggs - 2 pcs.
Step-by-step preparation of salad with herring, onion and eggs:

1. Dip the eggs in cold water and boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 8 minutes until stiff. Transfer to ice water and leave to cool completely. After that, peel and cut into medium sized cubes.
While the eggs are boiling, tackle the herring. Peel off a thin film, cut off the fins, tail and head. Gut the entrails, separate the fillets from the ridge, wash them under running water and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut into egg-sized cubes and combine the foods in one bowl. You can find out in more detail how to peel a herring and visually see step-by-step photos in the recipe with which I previously shared. To do this, use the search box.

2. Peel and chop the onions into thin strips. Send to bowl with herring and eggs.

3. Add mayonnaise to food.

4. Stir and taste. Season with salt if necessary. However, you may not need it, because salted herring. You can immediately serve the salad to the table or keep it in the refrigerator for half an hour to marinate the onion. Then the salad will be even tastier.
See also a video recipe on how to make a salad with herring and peas.