Plum compote for the winter in halves without sterilization

Plum compote for the winter in halves without sterilization
Plum compote for the winter in halves without sterilization

Do you want to stock up on a little bright, warm summer for the winter? Prepare a fragrant plum compote! Opening it in the middle of winter bad weather, you can enjoy the taste of juicy summer!

Glass of plum compote top view
Glass of plum compote top view

Canned compotes are a great alternative to store-bought juices and concentrated nectars. Moreover, every housewife understands that the amount of sugar will be moderate, and the quality of the final product is much higher than any analogue from the supermarket shelves. And what can we say about the love with which jars are rolled in the summer for loved ones and dear ones! Midsummer is the time when plums ripen. How to resist and not prepare them for future use? We offer to cook a delicious compote from plums for the winter, there will be no seeds in the compote, so we will do without sterilization. The aroma and rich color of plum compote will appeal to everyone without exception, especially children.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 96 kcal.
  • Servings - 2 cans
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Water - 2 l

A simple recipe for making plum compote for the winter in halves without sterilization

Plums cut in half
Plums cut in half

For compote, choose ripe, but not very soft fruits. Wash them thoroughly, cut them in half and remove the bones.

The halves of the plums are poured into a jar
The halves of the plums are poured into a jar

In sterilized jars (I have liter ones) we put the halves of the plums, filling the container by about a third.

Plum jars are filled with boiling water
Plum jars are filled with boiling water

Fill the jars with plums with boiling water up to the top, cover with lids and let stand for 15 minutes, until the water cools down enough that the jar can be freely taken by hand.

Sugar is added to plum water
Sugar is added to plum water

Then pour the water from the drain, which has become pale pink, into the pan. Pour sugar there and cook something like a sweet syrup, which we pour over the plums a second time. For aroma, you can throw an star anise star into the pan - it will give the compote a delicate spicy note. After the water with sugar has boiled for 5-10 minutes, the star anise should be removed.

Fill the jars with fruit halves with sweet plum water, roll up and wrap them up.

Leave the plum compote to cool slowly under the covers. By the way, during this time the red pigment will be released as much as possible from the plums and the compote will become a rich pink color, which is very pleasant to the eye.

Plum compote in halves for the winter
Plum compote in halves for the winter

That's all! A wonderful compote from plums for the winter in halves without sterilization is ready. I wonder if at least one can of such goodies will live up to the New Year?

See also video recipes:

How to roll up a delicious plum compote for the winter

Plum compote with apples for the winter
