Best time to lose weight: winter or summer?

Best time to lose weight: winter or summer?
Best time to lose weight: winter or summer?

Find out what is the best time of the year to lose body fat. In winter, the rate of serotonin production drops sharply, while cortisol, on the contrary, increases. In such a situation, it is very easy to gain excess weight. Very often people want to know when it is best to lose weight in winter or summer. If you have compiled your diet correctly, then you can maintain the required body weight at any time. However, for more effective weight loss, it is worth considering natural biorhythms. Not at any time of the year, the body is able to quickly part with the accumulated fat.

When is it better to lose weight in winter or summer: taking into account the body's biorhythms

Clock on the background of the girl
Clock on the background of the girl

A person may feel differently depending on the season. This is due to biorhythms and you should find out about this if you want to effectively fight fat. When deciding when it is better to lose weight in winter or summer, pay attention to this, and now we will tell you everything about seasonal biorhythms.

  1. Winter. In cold weather, the metabolism slows down, the blood flow rate decreases, and the performance of the digestive system also decreases. As a result, toxins accumulate in the body, and we can, and this happens often, gain a couple of kilos of excess weight. It is enough to allow yourself the slightest liberty in nutrition and the body will definitely take advantage of this to accumulate fats. In winter, you should closely monitor the energy value of your diet.
  2. Spring. The body begins to awaken, but the consequences of the winter period of time are still making themselves felt. Due to vitamin deficiency, the quality of hair, skin and nails deteriorates. The situation in the spring is aggravated by colds, sleep disturbances and high excitability.
  3. Summer. All systems work as smoothly as possible, provided there are no diseases. The endocrine, vascular, digestive systems, heart muscle and brain are in excellent condition.
  4. Autumn. It gets colder outside, and daylight hours are waning. Nature is preparing for hibernation, and the body is in a similar state and begins to gradually switch to energy saving mode.

The answer to the question of when it is better to lose weight in winter or summer lies in the biorhythms and characteristics of the body's behavior at different times of the year. However, if you want to follow all the rules, you can get rid of fat at any time. The season in this matter only depends on the amount of effort on your part that should be made to solve the problem.

When is it better to lose weight in winter or summer: fighting excess weight

Girl on the scales
Girl on the scales

How to lose weight correctly in winter?

Girls on the street in winter eat fruit
Girls on the street in winter eat fruit

Somewhere at the end of autumn, the body reorganizes its work and tries to prepare for the upcoming cold weather, gaining fat reserves for this. To lose weight at this time of year, it is imperative that you eliminate foods containing simple carbohydrates, starch and fats from your diet.

If you eat high-calorie food in the fall, then under a warm sweater you might not notice how your body weight has increased. Be sure to monitor your diet and do not allow liberties in your diet. We recommend that women also take into account the menstrual cycle when losing weight in the fall. The first phase of the cycle is the optimal time to solve the problem.

During this period of time, appetite decreases, and the body utilizes adipose cells more actively. Here are some tips to help you fight fat effectively in the fall:

  • Eat more soups, as they not only satisfy hunger perfectly, but also warm your body.
  • Eat more vegetables, fish and meat, and the latter should be steamed or boiled.
  • To improve the functioning of the digestive system, introduce more bran into the diet.
  • To increase the speed of metabolic processes, take warm baths with salt.
  • Do not forget about the importance of water, which can speed up the metabolism.

How to lose weight in the spring?

Girl preparing food
Girl preparing food

In the spring, it is best to get rid of excess weight with the help of protein compounds and vegetables. In the spring, you should think about your figure, because summer is already close. However, do not limit yourself in nutrition, because the body did not receive all the nutrients it needs in winter. In order for your immune system to work as actively as possible, and to make your skin and hair look great, you must ensure that all micronutrients are supplied to the body. Daylight hours increase and this leads to an acceleration in the production of serotonin, but the secretion of cortisol decreases. As a result, your appetite decreases and you want to lead a more active lifestyle. Do not limit yourself to this, and be sure to take long walks, because spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Your spring diet should be rich in protein-rich foods. This, in turn, makes it mandatory to drink plenty of water.

How to lose weight in the summer?

Girl measures her waist
Girl measures her waist

Answering the question when it is better to lose weight in winter or summer, it should be admitted that it is better to do it in the warm season. Many women have seen this from their own experience. In the body, metabolic processes proceed at maximum speed, there is a large selection of fruits and vegetables on the market, and you are very active. All these factors create an extremely favorable background for the fight against fat.

How to lose weight in the fall?

Roulette in lettuce and vegetables
Roulette in lettuce and vegetables

In the fall, you should reduce the amount of protein compounds consumed in order to avoid high intoxication of the body. In the fall, it is advisable to use vegetable dietary nutrition programs, and due to the large amount of these products, it will be quite easy to do this. Continue to be very active to prevent your metabolism from slowing down dramatically.

As the duration of daylight hours decreases, then monitor your mood, because serotonin is produced less and less. Try to find the maximum number of positive moments in your life. Thus, the answer to the question when it is better to lose weight in winter or summer is unequivocal - in the warm season. However, you should monitor your diet at any time of the year, so that later in the spring you do not have to think about how to get rid of a large number of extra pounds.

How to quickly lose weight?

Skinny and plump women at the table
Skinny and plump women at the table

So that you do not decide for yourself, answering the question when it is better to lose weight in winter or summer, every woman strives to get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible. There is nothing complicated in this, it is only important to do everything right. You should not resort to using rigid dietary nutrition programs, as they will not be able to get rid of fat in the long term.

You should understand that various factors influence the rate of lipolysis and should be considered. In addition, you need to lose weight at a certain rate so as not to lose muscle mass. With the right approach to business, in a month you can get rid of about four or five kilos. If you decide to lose 10 or more kilos in 30 days, then nothing will come of it. Let's talk about foods that can help you lose fat.

  • Nuts - these are very healthy products, for example, peanuts help to speed up metabolism.
  • Berries and fruits - thanks to the large amount of plant fibers, you will be able to control the feeling of hunger. In addition, with the help of fruits and berries, all micronutrients will be supplied to the body.
  • Vegetables - also contain plant fiber and micronutrients.
  • Dried fruits - are able to quickly saturate, but contain a large amount of sugar, and we do not recommend using them in large quantities.
  • Cereals - an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, and therefore energy. These foods supply vitamins and minerals to the body, as well as normalize the digestive system.
  • Condiments - with the help of hot spices, you can significantly speed up metabolic processes, cleanse the blood, and also increase energy reserves.
  • Chilled liquid food - the body is able to process any food only at a certain temperature. If it does not correspond to the required one, then he has to spend additional energy for heating (cooling).

For weight loss, there is no need to severely limit yourself in nutrition, and even more so to starve. To solve the task at hand, you only need to consume less energy in comparison with the consumed one. If it is easy enough to calculate the indicator of the energy value of the diet, then problems often arise with the amount of energy consumed during the day.

Here are some rough values that you can use when composing your diet:

  • Low activity throughout the day - energy consumption is about 1200 calories, and it is extremely difficult to lose weight in such a situation.
  • Quiet office work with low physical and mental activity - daily energy expenditure is approximately 1800 calories.
  • High physical and mental activity - energy consumption during the day is about 2200 calories.

In addition to a properly formulated diet for quick weight loss, you need to increase physical activity. However, it is not necessary to visit the gym for this, because a simple walk can also be an extremely effective tool in the fight against excess weight. However, the main condition here is regularity. If your sports activities are temporary, then there will be no benefit from them. When you decide to lose weight, you should change your lifestyle, not just your diet.

When is the best time to lose weight, see the following video:
