How to stay on a diet and not break down

How to stay on a diet and not break down
How to stay on a diet and not break down

Why do women break off the diet, in what ways this can be avoided, the rules of conduct when breaking off the diet. Diet breakdown is a fairly common occurrence that, according to statistics, happens to every second woman who decided to lose weight. This happens especially often if she sits on a strict diet, limiting herself as much as possible in everything, or the desired result is not observed and the weight remains constant.

The main reasons for the breakdown from the diet

Disruption from the diet
Disruption from the diet

Breaking off the diet is a natural reaction of the body to "cruel" attitudes and restrictions. However, in this case, do not despair and consider the diet ruined. It is necessary to take into account the mistakes made and start all over again, without subjecting yourself to severe starvation and too strict restrictions.

Before taking steps to remedy the effects of a breakdown, you should find out the cause. An extremely important point is the usual diet. If for you a late dinner or a snack at night is a habitual phenomenon, fixed for years, then a breakdown from the diet will become a natural "rebellion" of your body against the introduced change. Indeed, in this respect, human nature is quite conservative and not always ready for drastic changes.

Changing eating habits requires a certain period of time to pass. According to nutritionists, no earlier than 20 days, the body will perceive the absence of a late dinner as normal. But most of the diets, especially the rigid ones, are designed for a shorter period of time. It is because of this that many women cannot withstand them and not violate the regime. The second point that many losing weight do not take into account is holidays, parties and invitations to visit. In this case, it is hard enough not to succumb to the temptation at a festive or buffet table and not to pamper yourself with something tasty.

An important factor provoking a breakdown in the diet can be a change in the usual way of life, for example, sending on a business trip, the unexpected arrival of relatives or guests, an unscheduled vacation, travel, etc.

Another reason that can provoke a breakdown in the diet is stress, severe irritation or overload at work. In addition, jokes from loved ones or lack of support from them can lead to the fact that a woman interrupts the process of losing weight.

As a rule, a breakdown in the diet provokes remorse, the desire to compensate for the "guilt" in front of oneself with even more severe starvation or complete refusal of food, disturbances in the psychoemotional state. In this case, the main thing is to stop reproaching yourself for what you have eaten or drunk. Better to find the cause of the breakdown, fix it, and start over.

It is worth noting that nutritionists strongly oppose strict mono diets. They do more harm to the body than good. In addition, it is these meager diets that are most often violated. That is why it is wiser to choose for yourself a moderate dietary menu with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Pre-plan for yourself some small indulgences in the form of a fresh bun, chocolate candy, or your favorite, but now forbidden fruit. Your body will "understand" that it has not been deprived of everything tasty and familiar, and will not resist the diet. This approach will normalize the psychological background and achieve the desired result.

How not to break down during a diet

In order not to break off the diet, a woman must clearly understand why she needs to lose weight. It is also important to be clearly aware of what result she wants to achieve. Good motivation can help, as well as a supportive environment and appropriate mental attitude.

Motivation, how not to break off the diet

Motivation in front of the mirror
Motivation in front of the mirror

Correct motivation is half the battle. As a rule, some individual things can act as an incentive for each person. For a woman who dreams of losing weight, motivation can be:

  • Photos from five to ten years ago … As a rule, the majority of people in the "youth pictures" seem to themselves more beautiful and slimmer. Choose such a good photo for yourself and put it in a prominent place. Thus, the desired result will always be in your sight, and you will understand what you are striving for. But you should not be guided by photographs of other people, even famous actresses and models. You will look for flaws in yourself and make sure that you do not match the ideal image.
  • Life-affirming phrases … The constant repetition of the same motivating expressions can increase your own consciousness and prevent a breakdown during the diet. Among the most common and effective expressions are the following: “now in any pose in the photo I will look great, because I don’t have to hide ugly places”, “there will be no“forbidden”clothes, now any will look great on me”, “cheerfulness, excellent mood and health will become my constant companions "," the feeling of heaviness and shortness of breath after physical exertion will disappear "," I will like my reflection in the mirror "," the feeling of envy of slender women will disappear, " strict hunger strikes and restrictions "," I will have ease and time for many other things "and others.
  • Acquisition of a fashionable and desirable dress … This motivation is very strong for many women. They make great efforts to ensure that their chosen model fits perfectly on the figure and helps to create a beautiful and sexy image.

How to Stay on a Diet and Avoid Breaking Out with the Support of Loved Ones

Support for loved ones
Support for loved ones

Starting the struggle for an ideal figure, a woman experiences enormous psychological stress. She has to forbid herself various delicacies to which she was used to before. That is why the body persistently "demands" chocolate candy or fresh baked goods. All this often ends with a breakdown from the diet, eating "forbidden" food and remorse for what he did.

To avoid constant psychological stress, you need to allow yourself small weaknesses in the form of a piece of fresh bread or chocolate candy. Trust me, not many calories will go into your body. On average, one chocolate candy makes up no more than ten percent of the total calories per day. It will not cause significant harm to the figure, will not fundamentally disrupt the diet, however, it will reduce psychological stress and relax your body. If you so want to avoid the consequences of allowing weakness, walk home after work. This will help burn calories. In addition, it is imperative that family and friends support you as you lose weight. To do this, before starting a diet, you need to explain to them that this is very important and necessary for you. You can lose weight with your friend. Having arranged a kind of competition, you can achieve the desired result and help each other.

Good new and interesting hobby allows you to forget about hunger. Choose the one that suits you best. Do an interesting job together with your husband, girlfriend, mother, child. Frequent outdoor walks are especially helpful. They help burn excess calories and speed up the metabolic process. Of course, it is better to go for a walk in good company. During a pleasant conversation, time will pass imperceptibly, and thoughts of hunger will be visited extremely rarely.

How to go on a diet and not get lost during the holidays

Diet during the holidays
Diet during the holidays

It is very difficult to maintain a diet during the holidays. After all, temptations in the form of sweets, various gastronomic delicacies, as well as alcoholic beverages are pursued everywhere. Simple tips will help you stay on the diet during this period:

  1. Even during the holidays, physical training should take place as usual. Let them not be as long as usual. The main condition is that they must be constant.
  2. When going to a feast, carry a small amount of protein with you. This will allow you to make yourself a protein shake while at a party or party and not attract the attention of the curious. Let them think you have a special cocktail in your glass.
  3. Looking at the dishes offered at the holiday, ask yourself the question: how much does this food fit with my diet and will it allow me to achieve my desired weight? If the answer received is negative, most likely, you will no longer be tempted to try the forbidden dish.
  4. While visiting, try to communicate more with different people and take an active part in contests. This will distract from food.
  5. Try to chew your food thoroughly. This will allow you to fully appreciate the taste of the dish and quickly get sated with a small portion. If you do not like the food, you should not eat it through force.
  6. If you feel tired, you shouldn't force yourself to be at the party for a long time. Chat with guests and hosts for a while, and then politely retire home to go to bed. A rested body can more easily cope with the stress, which is a diet.
  7. During the long holidays, you need to choose a couple of days when the diet rules can be relaxed. This will allow you to spend a good rest with loved ones and celebrate the holiday without unnecessary stress. The main condition in this case is not to eat too much food and not eat everything. All dishes can be tasted in small portions and try not to overeat.
  8. Try to choose dishes at the table from vegetables, fruits and permitted foods. This will allow you to satisfy your hunger and not feel like a "black sheep".
  9. Don't forget about your drinking regime. During the day, a person must consume at least two liters of liquid. Before you sit down at the festive table, be sure to drink a glass of water. It will fill your stomach and reduce hunger.
  10. Try to choose a diet for yourself in which you compose the menu for every day yourself, following certain recommendations. This will allow you, without breaking it, to take part in various festive events. At any buffet table there is always a product that is in your diet menu.
  11. While at the table, pay close attention to the aroma of the dish. The smell of food contributes to partial saturation of the body and dulls the feeling of hunger.

What to do if you lost your diet

For many women, strict dietary restrictions become an insurmountable obstacle, and they often break off their diets, being halfway to losing weight. However, one should not despair and give up - the achieved effect can be saved and the desired mark on the scales can be achieved.

I constantly break off my diet, gorging on forbidden foods

Prohibited foods for the diet
Prohibited foods for the diet

This often happens during feasts and holidays. In this case, you should not immediately deprive yourself of food and fast the next day. It is enough to renew the dietary diet.

In this case, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause that led to the breakdown. If it is hidden in forbidden foods that you cannot refuse to use, then just enter the days when you can indulge yourself with delicious dishes.

If the reason is hidden in external factors, such as abundant buffets and feasts, then you need to calm down and eliminate the external negative impact. Try to attend such events as little as possible during the diet. After that, return to your chosen diet and continue to lose weight.

Got a diet and lost it due to stress

The psychological state has a great influence on our life and well-being. Stress at work, problems in family and personal life, various negative events - this is a small list of factors that can provoke a diet failure. If your weight loss process is interrupted due to the fact that you are nervous, follow these recommendations:

  • Don't aggravate your condition with remorse. A breakdown from a diet is not the worst thing that happened in your life, you should not be punished for this. Try to establish a psycho-emotional state and start the diet over again.
  • Eliminate the cause that is causing stress and negatively affecting your nervous system. Only by getting rid of it can you continue your diet. If your job is such a stressful factor, don't quit right away. It is enough to soberly assess the current situation, draw the necessary conclusions and try to look at it from a different angle.
  • Change the environment, relax in the fresh air. Taking a short trip will benefit your nervous system and get it back to normal. In this case, you should not give up the diet. Your workout and nutrition should stay the same as before the breakdown.

Lost my diet and ate overnight

Food at night
Food at night

Most women, especially those working in offices with families and children, have the bad habit of having snacks at night. Gradually, the body gets used to it. When a woman goes on a diet, she begins to experience stress and hunger before bed becomes even more intense. The urge to eat a sandwich at night becomes quite palpable. If this happened, and you went on about your own bad habits, then do not sprinkle ashes on your head. This is not your fault, but the desires of your body, which are difficult to resist. After all, he, experiencing stress from the ongoing changes, simply reacted to the “threatening” factor.

In this case, the main thing is not to get upset, pull yourself together and start the morning with active physical activity. Go for a run in the park, around your house, or in the stadium. If possible, go to the gym, work out on a cardiovascular machine. You shouldn't give up your diet. Just continue it the way you did before.

Lost from a diet and gorged on what to do with a strict diet

If you follow a strict diet that lasts only a few days, then any breakdown threatens that you will have to start the process of losing weight again. Moreover, this will have to be done after a certain time, since it is impossible to lose weight on "hungry" diets for a long time. This can be harmful to health.

It is necessary to correctly assess the consequences of your "feasting". If this is one chocolate bar or a fresh bun, then everything is not so bad. The consequences of this "weakness" can easily be removed by a long walk, bike ride or swimming in a pond or pool. Alternatively, you can choose a different diet for yourself, not as rigid and more varied. Do not forget about the days when the use of foods from the forbidden list is permissible. Immediately after breaking off the diet, it is necessary to add fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet. The fiber contained in them promotes the removal of excess water from the body and improves metabolism. In addition, fruits and vegetables reduce the likelihood of re-dieting.

It is imperative to remember why you went on a diet. Remind yourself that your goal is close and almost achieved. It remains to make a little effort, and everything will work out.

How not to break off a diet - look at the video:

The issue of disruption from the diet worries many women who have decided to lose weight. The fear that the set goal will not be achieved makes it difficult to focus on the process and often leads to disastrous consequences. It is important to remember that if you broke off the diet once, have time to stop and return to the diet, and then it will not be difficult to correct the situation.
