Fried champignons with onions

Fried champignons with onions
Fried champignons with onions

Delicious appetizer, addition to mashed potatoes, filling for pancakes, pies, dumplings, pizza, lasagna, etc. Fried champignons with onions is a versatile dish that will help out in many culinary situations. Let's cook ?!

Ready fried champignons with onions
Ready fried champignons with onions

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

When you don't want ordinary everyday food, but you want something tasty and interesting, while easy to prepare, champignons will be a great solution. They are very easy to prepare and make a variety of delicious dishes. And for this you do not need to make any effort - the mushrooms themselves will do everything for you. Their taste and aroma will make any dish much more interesting, and if they are used as the main ingredient, then it will definitely be delicious! The most elementary and simple recipe that first comes to mind when you wonder how to cook mushrooms, incl. and champignons - fry them with onions. Any mushrooms fried with onions are delicious, and without using special culinary techniques, without using special ingredients, seasonings, sauces and other things. Just fried onions and champignons are delicious! Therefore, today I propose to cook this recipe. I am sure that you will definitely be satisfied with the result!

And if you like this dish, then you can further diversify it. For example, add sour cream, cream, tomato paste, carrots, any spices and herbs. The dish will sparkle with completely different new notes and taste. Mushrooms will be appreciated by both households and invited guests.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 40 kcal.
  • Servings - 500 g
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Champignons - 700-800 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Step by step preparation of fried mushrooms with onions:

Mushrooms are chopped
Mushrooms are chopped

1. Wash the champignons and wipe them thoroughly. Although it is believed that mushrooms should not be washed before cooking, because they will absorb excess moisture, making them less aromatic and too watery. If the mushrooms are heavily contaminated and you cannot do without washing, then it is recommended to wipe them with a damp mother or a napkin, than to limit their contact with water. If the stem of the champignon is heavily soiled, cut it off with a knife and peel it off. Cut the prepared mushrooms into cubes, slices, slices … Choose the method of cutting yourself, depending on the further use of the finished dish.

Onion sliced
Onion sliced

2. Peel, rinse and cut onions and garlic into cubes or half rings.

Mushrooms are fried
Mushrooms are fried

3. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan in vegetable oil over low heat. At first, a lot of liquid will be released from them, so drain it or wait until it evaporates. With proper heat treatment, the mushrooms will fry a little and lose their volume.

Onion added to mushrooms
Onion added to mushrooms

4. Then add onion and garlic to the pan to the mushrooms.

Mushrooms are fried with onions
Mushrooms are fried with onions

5. Stir and continue to fry the mushrooms and onions and season them with salt and ground pepper.

Mushrooms are fried with onions
Mushrooms are fried with onions

6. Adjust the degree of frying yourself. Love strong roasting, keep the mushrooms on the fire longer until golden brown; if you like low roasting, then bring the onion to softness, and the mushrooms until light golden. Use the finished dish for independent use or further use in other recipes.

See also a video recipe on how to cook fried mushrooms.
