How to remove steroids after a course of AAS?

How to remove steroids after a course of AAS?
How to remove steroids after a course of AAS?

Due to the use of steroids, the athlete is disqualified from the tournament. Many drugs are prohibited. Find out how to get rid of steroids after a course of AAS. It's no big secret that professional athletes use steroids. A person is devoid of genes, thanks to which you can gain a large mass of muscle tissue. However, in many competitions there is doping control and it is necessary to know methods of accelerating the excretion of steroid metabolites from the body. Today we will talk about how to remove steroids after a course of AAS.

What is the process of removing steroids from the body?

Steroids in the form of injections and capsules
Steroids in the form of injections and capsules

The average residence time of water-soluble steroids in the blood is 30 days. By and large, AAS are consumables. Having penetrated into the cell, and then into its nucleus, steroid molecules interact with chromosomes, activating a special gene mechanism, which entails accelerating the production of protein compounds.

Under the influence of physical activity, steroid molecules are consumed for the growth of muscle tissue, after which they are disposed of. However, if you delve into this process a little deeper, then everything turns out to be much more complicated.

All substances that enter the body from the outside are perceived by it as foreign. They come into contact with special substances, the task of which is to transport them to the target tissues. These substances are called transport albumin. If we talk specifically about anabolic steroids, then about 30% of AAS is in a free state, and the rest is in a bound state.

"Free" anabolic steroids are utilized by the body quickly enough, but steroids in a bound state can be utilized only after the transport albumin is renewed. Albumin that has served its due date decays, and in their place the body synthesizes new ones.

When albumin breaks down, the steroid molecules bound by them become free and only in this case can they be utilized. The complete renewal of the "transport system" of the body takes an average of one month.

How to accelerate steroid utilization?

Anabolic capsules
Anabolic capsules

There are ways to speed up the albumin renewal process, and we'll talk about them now. The first thing you can do is short-term fasting. In this case, the albumin will be renewed within a few days. The body has the necessary defense mechanisms and in response to a lack of nutrients (starvation), it begins to break down protein compounds. Albumin is used first for this. If this is not enough, then the protein compounds of the liver and spleen begin to break down and only after that the muscle tissue. The process of disintegration of albumin occurs even faster during dry fasting, when water is not consumed. Some athletes use this method while preparing for a competition instead of using diuretics. Thus, they simultaneously dry and remove steroid residues from the body. Thyroid hormones and transport albumin have proven themselves well. These substances are produced in the body by the thyroid gland, and their exogenous administration also speeds up the steroid utilization process. A very good result is given by cardio exercise and a steam bath. All of the methods described above can lead to a loss of gained muscle mass. But there are other, more effective ways. Everyone knows that all substances, before they are excreted from the body, enter the liver, where they are neutralized. Then they enter the kidneys and intestines and are excreted from the body.

Each type of compound is neutralized by the liver in its own way. Some substances double, after which they become non-toxic, while others, for example, combine with hyaluronic acid or other compounds. In turn, steroids undergo an oxidation process to neutralize. This happens in special liver cells, where any substances that have a steroid ring in their structure can be oxidized.

What drugs are used to accelerate the elimination of steroids?

Phenobarbital in the package
Phenobarbital in the package

To date, you can find a fairly large number of drugs on sale that make it possible to quickly get rid of steroid residues. As a rule, all new funds have a fairly high cost, which, by and large, is not justified by anything. Although the benefits of these drugs are described on their packaging, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy by manufacturers. In this area, everything has long been invented and the first medication, created in the thirties of the last century, remains as effective as possible today. Is it called? Phenobarbital.

Initially, it was used for other purposes, but then it was found that Phenobarbital very effectively accelerates the work of the oxidative part of the liver, which is responsible for neutralizing steroids. It should be noted that the drug has a very low cost. And to get the maximum effect by athletes, it must be taken in the following dosages:

  • For men - one tablet daily;
  • Women take half a pill every day.

It should be noted that officially Phenobarbital belongs to doping, but there has not yet been a single case when athletes have been disqualified for using this drug. There are two reasons for this:

  • He is not always doping.
  • As an independent doping drug, phenobarbital has not been used for a very long time.

Also, athletes often use silver-activated birch charcoal instead of Phenobarbital. This product can be purchased freely at the pharmacy. Coal is taken three times during the day before meals.

Well, perhaps the most modern way to remove steroids is hemosorption or blood purification. For this purpose, specially developed silica gels are used, which are granules of microporous glass. They contain special substances that selectively absorb the required compounds.

You can additionally familiarize yourself with the methods of removing steroids from the body in this video: