Fried cauliflower with bell peppers in a pan

Fried cauliflower with bell peppers in a pan
Fried cauliflower with bell peppers in a pan

Cooking fried cauliflower with bell peppers in a pan at home. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of an unusual vegetable side dish. Nutritional value, calorie content and video recipe.

Prepared fried cauliflower with bell peppers
Prepared fried cauliflower with bell peppers

In this recipe, I share with you a simple recipe (PP, vegan, vegetarian, lean) - an unusual vegetable side dish made from delicate cauliflower and soft bell peppers. A wonderful and unusually tasty dish that is not at all troublesome and does not take long to cook. Everything here is extremely simple and fast enough, literally 30 minutes. Cauliflower does not need to be boiled first. Therefore, all vegetables are simply languishing in a frying pan, remaining slightly raw, which allows them to preserve a maximum of vitamins in them.

This dish can be supplemented with green peas (fresh, canned, frozen), corn, finely chopped zucchini, any herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro). As for additional spices, I can recommend curry, ground sweet paprika. Also, the tomato component is very appropriate here, for example, tomato puree or tomato paste. Such a dish will become a light dinner, both on its own and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 52 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Cauliflower - 300-400 g
  • Sweet pepper (regular or Bulgarian) - 2 pcs.
  • Italian herbs - a pinch
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - 2/3 tsp or to taste
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - a few twigs

Step-by-step cooking of fried cauliflower with bell peppers:

Cabbage and pepper cut into strips
Cabbage and pepper cut into strips

1. Cut the bell pepper into 4 parts, remove the stalk, remove the inner seeds and cut into strips. When buying peppers, pay attention to the tail. It should be green and firm. It is not recommended to buy peppers with dry or black stalks. There is nothing useful in it.

Wash the cauliflower, place on a paper towel to remove excess liquid. Then disassemble it into small inflorescences, about the size of a walnut. Recently, I don't strive for beauty and I just cut a head of cabbage with a knife, it turns out not as pretty as it could be, but still what I need. Buy good cabbage. It should be dense and elastic, not sluggish and without black dots, inflorescences are white or with a slightly pronounced yellowish tinge.

Cabbage sent to a preheated frying pan
Cabbage sent to a preheated frying pan

2. Heat a dry frying pan or stewpan with vegetable oil and send the pieces of cauliflower into it.

Pepper added to the pan
Pepper added to the pan

3. Then add the bell peppers immediately. Season with salt, pepper and season with Italian herbs or other favorite spices.

Vegetables are fried
Vegetables are fried

4. Lightly fry vegetables over moderate heat until golden brown, stirring occasionally, for about 10-15 minutes.

Vegetables are stewed under the lid
Vegetables are stewed under the lid

5. Add 1-2 tablespoons to the pan. water. Then close it with a lid, simmer and simmer for 5-7 minutes. The vegetables will stay a little crispy and still healthy, but the cabbage will still soften a little. If you prefer crispy cabbage, then simmer it until the desired degree of readiness without a lid.

Vegetables seasoned with chopped herbs
Vegetables seasoned with chopped herbs

6. Sprinkle the cooked fried cauliflower with bell peppers in a frying pan with chopped herbs. This will decorate the dish, add healthiness and refresh the taste. Serve sprinkled with walnuts or sesame seeds.

For this recipe, you can use frozen vegetables that you put in bags in the fall and sent to the freezer. You do not need to defrost them beforehand, put them immediately in a preheated pan.

See also the video recipe on how to cook fried cauliflower
