Hearty, healthy, airy drink … The simplest, fastest and most affordable recipe. Homemade milkshake with egg. How to cook it, read the step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

A milkshake with an egg is very nutritious, it will give you vigor and energy for the whole day. It can be consumed after training because it will give strength and you will not feel sluggish. However, the main thing is that the cocktail is ideal for a children's menu, because the composition contains products necessary for a growing body. The eggs in the composition give the drink a delicate astringent consistency. In order for the drink to have an unforgettable taste and aroma, you can add any flavoring additives: fruits, berries, nuts, chocolate, honey, condensed milk, vanillin, cinnamon … And if the drink is prepared for adults, then a little good cognac or brandy can be added to the cocktail.
The peculiarity of this cocktail is simple. Milk and eggs are the most affordable foods. In this case, special attention should be paid to eggs. Doctors advise against using them raw, because there may be bacteria from chicken farms on the surface. Even despite the fact that all eggs are processed before entering the stores, in theory this is not excluded. Therefore, it is better to order eggs from private farmers and process the shells with boiling water. But with milk, the situation is the opposite. Fresh farm milk, of course, is healthier than store milk, but it contains a lot of fat. Therefore, housewives need to make a choice in favor of a fresher and healthier, or fat-free store. At the same time, when buying store milk, carefully study the composition, except for milk there should not be any additional ingredients.
See also how to make a vanilla sugar milkshake.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 159 kcal.
- Servings - 1
- Cooking time - 5 minutes
- Milk - 150 ml
- Eggs - 1 pc.
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon (can be replaced with honey or condensed milk)
Step-by-step preparation of a milkshake with an egg, a recipe with a photo:

1. Wash eggs in shell with hot water and dry with a towel. Break the shell and pour the contents into a bowl.

2. Add sugar to the container with eggs and beat them with a mixer at high speed until a fluffy and airy homogeneous mass is formed, which should increase in volume by 2-3 times.

3. Pour cool milk into the egg mass.

4. Beat the food again with a mixer until smooth. If you add fruits, berries, chocolate, nuts, use a blender to grind them until smooth. A ready-made milkshake with an egg should be tasted immediately after preparation. They do not cook it for the future, tk. the eggs and froth will settle and the drink will have a different texture.
See also a video recipe on how to make a milk and egg cocktail.