Everything about wild garlic: where it grows, what is in the composition, what are its useful properties, how to cook correctly, are there any contraindications, interesting facts. In early spring, thickets of wild-growing wild garlic appear in the forest - it is also called wild garlic, bear onion, kalba. This plant is perennial, herbaceous, blooms with small white flowers, collected at the top of the plant in dense umbrellas. The leaves secrete a caustic essential oil, so you can see that the plant occupies vast meadows in shady and humid places, and other herbs cannot cope with such an onslaught and "stay" away from it. The people call the meadows with wild garlic "Bear's Meadow" - this is due to the fact that the awakened bears look for it and eat it, replenishing the deficiency of ascorbic acid during hibernation.
Where it grows: the middle strip of Russia, throughout Europe, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey.
The composition of wild garlic
Greens are rich in carotene, vitamin C, phytoncides, essential oil, lysozyme. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, healthy fiber, vitamins B1, B2, B9 and PP. Bulbs, stems and leaves have a strong garlic smell due to their essential oil and alliin glycoside content.
Calorie content of wild garlic per 100 g of product - 35 kcal:
- Proteins - 2.4 g
- Fat - 0.1 g
- Carbohydrates - 6.5 g
Useful properties of wild garlic

Since ancient times, it was called a miracle plant, and all thanks to these useful properties:
- improves blood composition;
- the property to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the activity of gastric juices;
- wild garlic increases appetite;
- it is used for intestinal infections, purulent diseases, rheumatism (an infusion of 20 g of grass and a glass of boiling water is prepared), colds;
- possesses restorative and anti-scurvy properties;
- prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and lowers blood pressure;
- leaves are characterized by a strong bactericidal property (if you chew them for 2-3 minutes, you can get rid of harmful microflora of the oral cavity thanks to phytoncide substances);
- useful properties strengthen the nervous system;
- stimulates cardiac activity;
- improves metabolism with a minimum calorie content;
- used externally for the treatment of skin diseases, especially warts and lichens (crushed leaves and juice).
Ramson is the first spring vitamins, so it is better to eat it fresh, some of it is fermented, salted or dried in a well-ventilated place. Very often, a tincture is made from it, pouring a fresh plant with vodka 1: 5. The tincture has a positive effect as a rubbing for radiculitis, neuralgic, rheumatic pains or bruises. It can be used internally as an anti-sclerotic, antimicrobial, tonic, three times a day, 30 drops. Ramson is added to meat dishes, soups (dipped 15 minutes until cooked), various seasonings and salads are prepared. Fish dishes with the addition of this plant acquire an especially unique taste. The filling for pies is very tasty. To do this, boil 2-3 eggs, add chopped wild garlic, salt and mix - and that's it, the filling for the pies is ready!
Decoctions are used to treat atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and diseases of the digestive tract. With increased pressure, tea is made from flowers, which must be pre-dried and brewed.
In medicine, it is used for the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis in the composition of the drug "Ursal". And folk remedies are presented in many recipes with wild garlic against scurvy, as an antihelminthic agent, as alcoholic tinctures - against rheumatism, fever.
Harm of wild garlic and contraindications

The plant has some contraindications, harm: it cannot be used during pregnancy, as well as for people suffering from gastritis, epilepsy, stomach and duodenal ulcers.
A large dose of medicinal preparations with wild garlic can harm cardiac activity. With the abuse of such drugs, insomnia, headaches, and diarrhea may appear.