How to fry buckwheat in a pan

How to fry buckwheat in a pan
How to fry buckwheat in a pan

How to fry buckwheat in a dry frying pan at home? Why fry cereals? Features of cooking. Step by step recipe with photo and video recipe.

Ready fried buckwheat in a skillet
Ready fried buckwheat in a skillet

When cooking buckwheat porridge, sometimes you come across the fact that the grains stick together, which worsens the taste and appearance of the dish. The situation can be corrected if raw buckwheat is fried in a dry frying pan before cooking in water. Then it will become crumbly and acquire a pleasant nutty flavor. It may seem to you that the additional hassle is unnecessary, but having tried such an unusual way of cooking a side dish, you will no longer want to cook it as before.

In addition, the processing of raw cereals helps to further disinfect it. Because high temperature is a good antiseptic. By pre-frying, you will save cereals that have been in a damp room where they cannot be stored. Frying buckwheat in a dry skillet will return it to its original crispness and crispness. Although in our time, it is rare that the standards for storing grain in warehouses in dampness are not met. Most often, buckwheat can lie at home. Then pre-frying will relieve it of the unpleasant aroma, fungi, mold and eggs of possible parasites. Additional preliminary heat treatment completely disinfects the cereal. Therefore, I propose to learn in detail how to fry buckwheat in a dry frying pan at home.

See also how to cook crumbly buckwheat porridge in the microwave.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 85 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Raw buckwheat - any quantity
  • Cast iron thick-bottomed frying pan

Step by step cooking of fried buckwheat in a pan, recipe with photo:

Buckwheat sorted out
Buckwheat sorted out

1. Pour buckwheat on the countertop and sort it out. small stones may come across in the croup, which should be found and discarded.

Buckwheat washed
Buckwheat washed

2. Then pour it into a sieve and rinse thoroughly to remove dust. Rinse the cereal until clear water is found. Leave the buckwheat in a sieve to drain off any remaining liquid.

Buckwheat is fried in a pan
Buckwheat is fried in a pan

3. Place a clean, dry cast iron skillet on the stove and heat over maximum heat. If there is no such vessel, any other with a thick bottom will do. Pour 1 tablespoon into the pan, if desired. vegetable oil. Then put the cereals in it. Calcine buckwheat before cooking, stir constantly. Watch when complete evaporation of moisture occurs, the grains will crumble and peel off from each other. They should make a sound similar to a soft, dry rustle. After that, mark the time, make the fire of medium intensity and heat the buckwheat with constant stirring for 3-4 minutes. When the nutty flavor appears, it means that the cereal is ready. Do not allow the cereal to darken.

Pour the prepared hot cereal into boiling water. Gently collect the foam that appears on the surface of the water and remove it along with the excess liquid with floating motes. The water should remain so that its level is 2 fingers higher than the cereal. Boil buckwheat in salted water until softened.

Note: green buckwheat must be calcined in a frying pan. If this is not done, then the finished cereal will look like a liquid porridge. Will speed up the frying process at a fairly high temperature with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil. If insects and bacteria are found in the cereal, you can kill them by removing the cereal in the freezer for 6 hours. And mold is removed only by exposure to high temperatures.

See also a video recipe on how to fry buckwheat.
