Better than a milkshake, nothing will refresh in hot weather. This icy, thick, invigorating drink will appeal not only to children, but also to their parents. Moreover, it is not so difficult to cook it. So, let's begin!

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Not everyone loves milk on its own. But its benefits for humans are enormous, especially for a growing child's body, pregnant and lactating women. But it is simply not possible to force yourself to drink a glass of such hated milk. In this case, there is a way out - make a delicious milkshake that will not refuse, not a single child, and an adult too. However, and why refuse, if it is tasty, and even healthy. But not many people know how to cook it at home in order to enjoy its amazing taste. But I will now reveal to you all the secrets.
- Always use a blender to whip up the shake. A mixer will not work.
- Cool milk well beforehand, approximately, no more than + 5 ° С.
- Instead of milk, you can use kefir or yogurt as a base.
- If you follow the figure, then make a drink with skim milk or low-fat kefir.
- Add your favorite juice or fruit instead of sugar.
- When adding berries or fruits, pass the finished mixture through a strainer. Then you get rid of the bones and crumb.
- For a rich taste, add syrups of different flavors to the milkshake: chocolate, caramel, coffee or berry.
- If you add ice, then lower it into the beating bowl first, and then the rest of the ingredients.
- The cocktail should be consumed immediately after preparation, because he is not preparing for the future.
Using these little tricks, your milkshake will have a unique taste, delicate texture and amazing aroma.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 80.6 kcal.
- Servings - 3
- Cooking time - 10 minutes

- Chilled milk - 500 ml
- Ice cream - 150 g
- Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Preparing a milkshake

1. To make a cocktail, you will definitely need a blender. It can be used whatever is available: stationary or submersible.

2. Put the cold (not melted) juvenile into the blender bowl. Ice cream can be any, both a classic natural ice cream, and with aromatic and flavoring additives: vanilla, chocolate, coffee, pistachio, etc.

3. Add sugar to the ice cream. It can be replaced with powdered sugar, fruit, or syrup.

4. Pour in the cooled milk. The fat content of milk can be whatever you like best. Also, it can be replaced with low fat yogurt or kefir.

5. Place the blender bowl on an electrical appliance, or immerse the hand blender and whisk the food on high speed for about 2 minutes, until a foam forms.

6. Pour the finished drink into glasses and immediately start tasting. If you wish, you can decorate the cocktail with chocolate chips, fruits, berries, etc.
See also a video recipe on how to make a milkshake.